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Who have we become!? Who else is disgusted by the interconnected dependence of human-energy we have created?

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What is this here?


It has been a while and I want to come back with this critical and (for me) very important topic: What is this here, I call my surrounding?


"I want to see." was my humble wish in terms of understanding my reality around me more fully. And what I was "permitted" to see (of course I allowed this myself, but I still want to speak from a 3rd perspective) was so deeply shocking, that I literally crawled back to my old life. I forgot all discpline I have developed in the recent past and jumped right again into an unhealthy lifestyle. Just to ... bolster myself from this negativity. This is what I now call it.


And shocking it was in terms of an energetic nature. SO MUCH IGNORANCE, Everywhere! Incredible.


Has anyone else put effort into understanding how we as creators affect every tiny bit of reality around us and then looked out into the world? To our strangers, to our neighbors, even to our own family?


What a toxic swamp it is, so sticky that you as a soul have really trouble to get out.


I can tell you guys here that I was more easily able to comprehend all of this by simply having my 2nd waterfast. That is all it. Combined with occasional meditation, energy practices (m.chia) and qi gong.


Water-fasting did the trick for me, since all the toxins stored in us really make it IMPOSSIBLE for us to understand the energetic reality around us. They all work like blockages, interferences with our energy centers. Simply put, easy to understand.


I barely have any words for what I see around me, now when I am literally back putting effort into ascending... like one Guru once said that he constantly was climbing up, fell down back to "earth", climbed even higher, fell even further and at one point propelled himself out of the earthly orbit - that's how I currently feel LOL! With a laugh of sheer frustration.


And what is it that I see?


Society! One big pool of "give me!" - INSANE! Especially when you live in a city. Constant energetic drainage everywhere and is NOT overexagerated, even if surely someone of the readers might think so. Please, see it for yourself, from an unpersonal point of view just with the willingness to understand. No bias.


One wakes up, one turns on the radio, one gets good vibes from the radio, then in the next moment gets flung into a moody-mood by sad music, then again needs uplifting music to stabilize, then has breakfast and eats possibly dense food which gives security and has an earthly energy associated with the root-chakra (wheat) and ofc sugar to feel good and coffee to forget the stressful day yesterday and how less sleep the person got, then again gets uplifted by the coffee, thinks he/she has energy which only lasts for a few hours at max, then gets into a stressy situations on the road, brings these arrising negativity into the city, into the office, all of this has to mix up with the possible good and or down-bringing energies of others. Has a heavy meal @noon, coffee, cola sugary snacks at the afternoon to again uplift the surely boring job at the office. Leaves the office, again cant get fast enough home to get again food to feel good, has stress on the road, brings this stress home to the kids, which are probably excited to see mom/dad but are too loud, anger arises, all of these energies are then again somehow stabilized by the still natural energies of the kids, goes to sleep and wakes up again. Does this 5-6days a week and lusts for weekend, party and holiday.


If I would still have connection to my friends from school back there, 80% would be still like that. I found this out by re-activating my facebook account a few months ago, just with the blind hope to see change in them, like I brought change into my life. And what did I see? They have exactly the same attitude and struggle in their life as before.


Dont let me start on how we treat each other to get things we want. In what manipulative and destructive way. Or the sexual aspect, how drain other people by either dressing us "sexy" and attracting glances (energy again) or are in the opposite position of having the tongue out and energy literally flows out of our mouth. Not to speak of the ENTIRE MEDIA is created to draw energy For Fucking Sake!


And now our society wants to ban substances that are declared as DRUGS which make you able to see your reality more fully????


But at the same time all the drugs people eat as food and drink to get drunk are allowed???? WORLDWIDE????




It is not enough that the majority of human beings do not even see, sense or feel what they create on an energetic level, no, not even trying to understand, rather putting effort into substituting every breath with medication.


Every second with themselves is boring and unbearable.


From the teachings of what I have heard of certain people including Drunvalo Melchizedek, regardless of what people think of him and his teachings (including myself, since I like to follow my own experiences than following others) - I now KNOW why there are races around us, in "space" that wanted us dead long ago. We are blind humans, for the majority of us that unsconsiously destroy our surrounding for so many ages and even more increasingly since the industrial age.


What terrible things we do this earth! Every fucking day!!!


I am a loving person, I was raised by a mother with so-much-love, I never wanted any harm for anyone around me. I can not even kill an insect, imagine that. I couldnt hurt people, who hurt me physically back in school and my youth and even in my childhood. My own mother didnt understand why I couldnt punch a guy back who punched me, since I did not understand the nature of hurting someone. I was not familiar with it. Funny, yes! But can you imagine that I am looking forward to an endgame-scenario on this planet, to reset the entire economy and send 90% of humanity back into the orbit and only if they are willing to learn back into this dimension, to gather a clean understanding of the earth, energies and the universe as a whole?


Too much is too much, maybe it's the right thing.


I am long over tears over the struggle of my family and how helping them turned into anger coming at me. At a certain point everyone said to himself and said to me that it's okay to let go. Off "family" - of what our society tought us family should be, but rarely is.


This toxicity eveywhere is insane.


And the OUTRAGEOUS PART is, that when you, like I did for the last two months got back into my old habbit of eating junk, playing games, listening to music or whatever else crosses your mind, you DO NOT SEE THIS!


Is this intended? By whom???? Who pulls the strings behind this?





I want to end this post with a quote of a famous german writer, explaining very good where I currently am in my evolution, maybe it fits for some of you aswell:


I am a seeker of a path, a way that is more than just metabolism, bloodstream, ingestion, cell-decay.

I am a seeker of a path, a way that is broader than myself. Not too narrow. No one-man-road. But also not a dusty track that has been overrun a thousand times.

I am a seeker of a path, a way for more than just myself.

Günter Kunert, Author and writer.



And I ask myself: How can I make people see? If they refuse to see. But the entire universe wants us to see.

Edited by 4bsolute
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Okay. You are back in "reality". That's good.


Okay. Your capabilities and capacities have been tested. That's good.


Okay. You don't like too much what you see. That's good.


Okay. You are wondering what you can do to make things better. That's good.


Suggestion: Don't put your expectations on others. You will be disappointed every time.


Are you able to live with your Self? When you get to that point you will know what else there is for you to do.


Best Wishes!

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Could it be the 'waterfast' is not as helpful as you claim?


Just wondering.

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Could it be the 'waterfast' is not as helpful as you claim?


Just wondering.

Hehehe. I wasn't going to say anything about that.

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Hehehe. I wasn't going to say anything about that.

The perfect gentleman that you are... :)

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You have arrived at a realization most energetic practitioners go through. It is enough to weigh a person down as it is shocking to be walking around believing all we are taught by our peers and the lies of society/government, and then all of sudden make this realization.

I call it "the misery of humanity".


But there are further realizations. As MH said, we must look to our self first. Shine brightly with the realization of who we really are. Then walk among others. Change their state of being with a smile here, an encouraging word there, a bit of help when one needs it, emitting positive clean energetics. Shine as the powerful Being of Light we really are. Through real information instead of misinformation, through real knowing of our inner being, through real manipulation of the fabric of the universe, through real recognition of the real part of others as the real part of ourselves. Only then can we change what has become of humanity. Laugh, run, jump and play, and have fun. Be yourself instead of getting bogged down by the misery of humanity.

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Are you going to coat the world in leather, or put on shoes? :D


Seriously though, this is a good mindset. Great hunger for something *real*.


See the defects of samsara, see how others are in a worse position because they don't even know that they're trapped, and determine to become free - not merely for your sake, but so that you can help others free themselves (bodhichitta).

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You have arrived at a realization most energetic practitioners go through. It is enough to weigh a person down as it is shocking to be walking around believing all we are taught by our peers and the lies of society/government, and then all of sudden make this realization.

I call it "the misery of humanity".


But there are further realizations. As MH said, we must look to our self first. Shine brightly with the realization of who we really are. Then walk among others. Change their state of being with a smile here, an encouraging word there, a bit of help when one needs it, emitting positive clean energetics. Shine as the powerful Being of Light we really are. Through real information instead of misinformation, through real knowing of our inner being, through real manipulation of the fabric of the universe, through real recognition of the real part of others as the real part of ourselves. Only then can we change what has become of humanity. Laugh, run, jump and play, and have fun. Be yourself instead of getting bogged down by the misery of humanity.

Demand much of yourself and expect little of others. Thus you will be spared much vexation.

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I had this realization too through solitude. Good read! We live in a selfish society however there are good people out there, it's just seems like everyone is selfish and bad because of how media portrays society and brainwashes everyone.

Edited by becomethepath

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I used to walk around saying "what a dump, all these zombies, sleepwalkers, ignoramouses, etc" ......but then realized it was the ego super-imposing over reality, which just Is, the Isness of it all....


Buddha Nature is already inherent in all


Reminds me of the Koan:


If you hear your inner voice, drop it

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The universe wants nothing of you. You can do what you want and that is why God is God and we are not.


I tell you I have had very deep spiritual experiences, including approaching unity, while living a very unhealthy life. No exercise, video games 12 hours a day, weed, cigarettes, alcohol, shrooms, ecstacy, etc. It didn't take years of practice or meditation, in fact I got there rather on accident through exploring out of body, a skill developed (over the course of 3 days) through taking advantage of the hypnagogic state. Sleep is natural meditation, rejuvenating and healing you, deeper than most people can achieve if they set out to achieve anything in their meditation. I cannot recommend this path though, but I guess it depends if you want to go the hard way or the long way. Meditation is good training, no doubt, when you do advance beyond this plane it will be easier to stay focused and calm. So is learning to control your desires instead of being controlled. It isn't necessary really, but it depends on what your goal is and what you want.


Everything is already one, everything is vibration - rising and falling waves of yin and yang which are not actually separate - the only thing that limits you is the information / beliefs you hold and the desires you have. Nothing is impossible unless you believe it is impossible.


Because everything is one, you are therefore capable of achieving anything that can be conceived although you must advance yourself to higher levels of vibration in order to achieve "miracles".


From physical matter, to sound, to light, to beyond. As you raise your vibration, your reality becomes easier to shape using your consciousness...since everything becomes more intangible and volatile. And I'm convinced it's just a matter of creating an object in this higher vibrational state and finding a way to bring it back down into the physical plane.


Unconditional love is a very high vibration and will get you there, but there are other ways to raise one's vibration. Picture a wave, a line, long gradual curve going up and down. Heavy, slow. As the distance between the curves, bumps, becomes shorter, it becomes faster and lighter. Now imagine the vibration is going so fast that there is no distance at all between the bumps. Yin and yang united, god, infinitely fast, passes through all things and is all things, always. That is just my theory, a feeble attempt at a "scientific" explanation of enlightenment.


The only reason I'm still here on this planet, is because like you I want to help, I like it here and I know how much more beautiful it could be. The only reason you're here and everyone is, is because they want something. Nothing wrong with that. There is no right or wrong, what you project is what is reflected back on to you. Love and be loved, karma, blah blah. It's up to you to decide what is desirable and what is undesirable.


The only way to bring change is to show people why they should want to do the things you do. Not by telling them, but by showing them how wonderful it is to be you, they will naturally wish to be like you. So, create some food from thin air, heal people of all their diseases, heal the planet, regrow people's lost limbs, live forever, create 7 billion different bodies for you to inhabit - one for each person in the world so they might all have your personal instruction if they so desire. Tell them they can do the same and show them how.


I don't see how you could ever show someone why they should want to be fully unified with "god"...since there's no way to show anyone that state...and if someone really wants that unity, there are plenty of different teachers who can help them with that.


If it makes you feel any better, the great awakening is coming. Approximately 60 years or less. We've managed to avoid complete destruction by those beings mentioned in the OP. There are a huge number of other beings who have decided to come to earth for the purpose of helping it in the past 100 years or so. Not that we can shirk our own personal responsibility.

Edited by DeadDragon
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I love God so much that I want to glorify Him in everything that I do. This makes me a sort of torch. I try my hardest to keep this fire burning bright and hot. My mission in life is to help light the torch of others so that they may light others as well, but all in the name and Glory of God. God is love. Real Love. If you have just a small dose of this love then you'll find that drive, that need inside to help others.

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Okay. You are back in "reality". That's good.


Okay. Your capabilities and capacities have been tested. That's good.


Okay. You don't like too much what you see. That's good.


Okay. You are wondering what you can do to make things better. That's good.


Suggestion: Don't put your expectations on others. You will be disappointed every time.


Are you able to live with your Self? When you get to that point you will know what else there is for you to do.


Best Wishes!



Stop posting, because you're forcing me to like you even more! :D

Edited by Celestial
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I love God so much that I want to glorify Him in everything that I do. This makes me a sort of torch. I try my hardest to keep this fire burning bright and hot. My mission in life is to help light the torch of others so that they may light others as well, but all in the name and Glory of God. God is love. Real Love. If you have just a small dose of this love then you'll find that drive, that need inside to help others.


You talk as if you are not God himself.

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You talk as if you are not God himself.

That is a powerful concept. Of course, I'm not into gods and stuff like that, but, for one who does believe, this can be a powerful guide in ones life.


For me though, I prefer the concept where somewhere Jesus said to not look outward for God but to look within.


The statement "I am God" is just a tad too egotistical sounding for me. But I have no problem with saying that "God is within my essence."


This can be very empowering for a 'lost soul'.

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That is a powerful concept. Of course, I'm not into gods and stuff like that, but, for one who does believe, this can be a powerful guide in ones life.


For me though, I prefer the concept where somewhere Jesus said to not look outward for God but to look within.


The statement "I am God" is just a tad too egotistical sounding for me. But I have no problem with saying that "God is within my essence."


This can be very empowering for a 'lost soul'.


If "god" is everything, then we must be "god". All of existence must be as well.


Otherwise, "god" is not every thing.



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"God" as a name is a lie, the greatest trick and whatnot.
For "god" is a title, for the deities whom have necessary hands in the maintenance of the functionality of reality; personified via mysticism as such the god of commerce, goddesses of fertility, and so forth.

The all encompasing infinitesimal omniversal unity of "God" is not personable, cannot be named, and may or may not be the yin or yang of Tao; it cannot be known.

Worship, praise, honor. These things are reserved only for the unspeakable unknowable immutable ever-present truth.
Not for persons, places, or things we can discuss or refer to.

Edited by Northern Avid Judo Ant
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"God" as a name is a lie, the greatest trick and whatnot.

For "god" is a title, for the deities whom have necessary hands in the maintenance of the functionality of reality; personified via mysticism as such the god of commerce, goddesses of fertility, and so forth.


The all encompasing infinitesimal omniversal unity of "God" is not personable, cannot be named, and may or may not be the yin or yang of Tao; it cannot be known.


Worship, praise, honor. These things are reserved only for the unspeakable unknowable immutable ever-present truth.

Not for persons, places, or things we can discuss or refer to.


I agree. "god" is a name with many, many meanings attatched to the core concept that add complexity and



If this "god" was anything, it would be everything.


All encompassing.


Its interesting that the most common idea of "god" is a reflection of our parents.


The wrathful, judgemental "god"! The loving, compassionate "godess"


Much easier to understand if you make "god" a person for many. Which seems to create many misconceptions.


Dieties could be manifestations of the "one" yet not the whole "one".



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If "god" is everything, then we must be "god". All of existence must be as well.


Otherwise, "god" is not every thing.

In America if you say you're god you're considered crazy. In India if you say it, you're congratulated on getting it. The story goes one afternoon a twenty year old 'got it'. His family and friend congratulated him on his epiphany. He stood in the middle road smiling, basking in the sun, and saw an elephant coming down the road towards him. 'I am god' he thought 'an elephant cannot hurt me'. As it came closer he stood his ground.


Bam, the elephants kicks him painfully to the side and almost kills him. A friend rushes to his side. The twenty year old says to him 'What the heck, I'm god'.


The friend points to the elephant and says 'Yeah, but that's a bigger god'.


The rules might (maybe..maybe not) change when we're out of body/dead. But as long as we're corporeal, the big gods tend to be elephants, gravity, time, mortality, guy w/ a gun and your mother.


A drop of water may be the stuff of the ocean, but its not the whole ocean, its just a drop. It can know the ocean, feel oneness with it and that is .. quite a bit.

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In America if you say you're god you're considered crazy. In India if you say it, you're congratulated on getting it. The story goes one afternoon a twenty year old 'got it'. His family and friend congratulated him on his epiphany. He stood in the middle road smiling, basking in the sun, and saw an elephant coming down the road towards him. 'I am god' he thought 'an elephant cannot hurt me'. As it came closer he stood his ground.


Bam, the elephants kicks him painfully to the side and almost kills him. A friend rushes to his side. The twenty year old says to him 'What the heck, I'm god'.


The friend points to the elephant and says 'Yeah, but that's a bigger god'.


The rules might (maybe..maybe not) change when we're out of body/dead. But as long as we're corporeal, the big gods tend to be elephants, gravity, time, mortality, guy w/ a gun and your mother.


A drop of water may be the stuff of the ocean, but its not the whole ocean, its just a drop. It can know the ocean, feel oneness with it and that is .. quite a bit.


Each expression of the whole has the potential of the whole within.


Maybe such things are absolute rules. Maybe they are not.


If we have not experienced what we are, in our innermost, then we do not truly know. or do we?


Why do limitations, in whatever form exist? To create experience? To create individuality?


Things to ponder.


Hehe. fun times, fun times.


On the story...I dunno man...Maybe the kid should have pumped some elephant iron...get those trunk muscles up.


Of course, there are other options as to what could have happened.


The elephant stops. The elephant does not stop and stomps the kid whos body then dies.


The elephant turns to the left or right.


The story is nice for expressing the perceived limitations and rules upon living beings....



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I'm thinking the OP sounds a lot like Tulku.




Maybe true. But it doen's mean we don't show the same compassion for him or his pseudo persoanlity.

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