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right brain and left brain

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There is a lot of discussion about the connection of the right and left brain in the psychological world, and how they function together. Many meditation programs are designed to bring the two into harmony.


In my opinion, the right and left parts of our brain are actually already ONE. They therefore function in perfect harmony, whether this is APPARENT or not.


Every part of you is ONE with every other part of you. Your mind, body, and soul are one. You are ONE LOVE, ONE ENERGY, ONE LIFE FORCE. Therefore how could "disharmony" be REAL?


The problem I see with all the talk about "integrating" right brain and left brain, or otherwise different parts of the self, is that it just creates an ILLUSION that we're not ALREADY unified. It's like talking about how to "become" one with God. We ALREADY ARE one with God.

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Nice post except the talk about God made my skin crawl. Hehehe.


Sometimes I think I have only one side of a brain because my creativity is totally lacking. Can't imagine anything. You gotta' show me.


In fact, yesterday I went to Home Depot to buy some stuff for a project I was working on and the 'associate' was helping me get the stuff I needed. She told me that this and this would work and I said, "Let's put them together to see." She replied, "They will work." I responded, "I'm from Missouri. Show me."

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One thing to consider is that creativity isn't the only manifestation of right brain thinking.


You're obviously very spiritual, and probably intuitive also. These are right brain functions.


I remember in English class I could never come up with stories our teacher wanted us to write. But I always did well when interpreting stories. BOTH of these would be considered right brain functions.


My point is just that your right brain functioning might take different FORMS than what is typically considered creativity.


Just trying to point out another way of looking at it :)

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Just trying to point out another way of looking at it :)

Well, you done good.


One thing to consider is that creativity isn't the only manifestation of right brain thinking.



You're obviously very spiritual, and probably intuitive also. These are right brain functions.

My intuition is good. Back when I didn't trust it I would always mess up afterwards.


I don't claim to be spiritual. I have to maintain my Materialistic image. Hehehe.


I remember in English class I could never come up with stories our teacher wanted us to write. But I always did well when interpreting stories. BOTH of these would be considered right brain functions.

Yeah, I had a similar experience. I didn't believe the instructor though when she told me that my understanding was wrong. Hey!, my understanding was right, it was just different than hers.


My point is just that your right brain functioning might take different FORMS than what is typically considered creativity.

It sure do take a non-normal functioning in my brain. I would call myself half-brain but that sounds too much like half-wit.




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There is a lot of discussion about the connection of the right and left brain in the psychological world, and how they function together. Many meditation programs are designed to bring the two into harmony.


In my opinion, the right and left parts of our brain are actually already ONE. They therefore function in perfect harmony, whether this is APPARENT or not.


Every part of you is ONE with every other part of you. Your mind, body, and soul are one. You are ONE LOVE, ONE ENERGY, ONE LIFE FORCE. Therefore how could "disharmony" be REAL?


The problem I see with all the talk about "integrating" right brain and left brain, or otherwise different parts of the self, is that it just creates an ILLUSION that we're not ALREADY unified. It's like talking about how to "become" one with God. We ALREADY ARE one with God.




The PROBLEM is that we are not focusing on integtating HUMANITY with nature! we are all already one. and yet we work so hard at being apart from nature!



Left versus right brain is a distraction compared to humane versus civil.

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Hi Cat.


Well, fragmentation is an illusion. Everyone is ALREADY whole.


But one must somehow "remember" their wholeness, or it will just be an intellectual concept. Deep spiritual experience is necessary, which can come in a number of ways, including meditation, and possibly more importantly, through love and forgiveness.


A Course in Miracles says that forgiveness is how we "remember." It also says that "forgiveness offers everything I want."


So basically, my opinion is that we are already whole, but this wholeness must be remembered and experienced through loving forgiveness.


The Course also says, "without forgiveness I will still be blind," so it is questionable in my mind whether it's even POSSIBLE to know one's wholeness without forgiveness.


Another quote from the Course: "It is as certain that who holds a grievance will forget who he is, as it is certain that who forgives will remember."


Peace to you and thanks for your post.

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I think the key is WILLINGNESS, Cat. You gotta WANT it. Sometimes people have to suffer profoundly before they become willing. Many have to "hit bottom" before they open their hearts.


There are two ways to learn love and forgiveness, the easy way and the hard way. The easy way is by loving and forgiving. The hard way is by not loving and forgiving.



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I would definitely say yes.


As I see it, we must first WANT to forgive, THEN we will be willing to.


So DESIRE comes first, and willingness follows.


This must be why many people have to hit rock bottom before they become willing- before they hit bottom, they don't truly WANT to change.


It's like quit smoking, first you WANT to, then you become WILLING.

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... and yet we work so hard at being apart from nature!



Not all of us, Atom Ant. I wish you could see my butterflies on a sunny afternoon.

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Here's a good article on The Master and His Emmissary:




Although each hemisphere is involved in virtually everything the brain does, each has its own take on the world, or attitude toward it, we might say, that is radically opposed to that of the other half. For McGilchrist, the right hemisphere, far from minor, is fundamental — it is, as he calls it, “the Master” — and its task is to present reality as a unified whole. It gives us the big picture of a living, breathing “Other” — whatever it is that exists outside our minds — with which it is in a reciprocal relationship, bringing that Other into being (at least for our experience) while it is itself altered by the encounter. The left hemisphere, although not dominant as previously supposed, is geared toward manipulating that Other, on developing means of controlling it and fashioning it in its own likeness. We can say that the right side presents a world for us to live in, while the left gives us the means of surviving in it. Although both hemispheres are necessary to be fully alive and fully human (not merely fully “functioning”: a left brain notion), their different perspectives on the outside world often clash.
It’s like looking through a microscope and at a panorama simultaneously.
The right needs the left because its picture, while of the whole, is fuzzy and lacks precision. So it’s the job of the left brain, as “the Emissary,” to unpack the gestalt the right presents and then return it, increasing the quality and depth of that whole picture. The left needs the right because while it can focus on minute particulars, in doing so it loses touch with everything else and can easily find itself adrift. One gives context, the other details. One sees the forest, the other the trees.




McGilchrist argues is that the hemispheres are actually in a kind of struggle or rivalry, a dynamic tension that, in its best moments (sadly rare), produces works of genius and a matchless zest for life, but in its worst (more common) leads to a dead, denatured, mechanistic world of bits and pieces, a collection of unconnected fragments with no hope of forming a whole. (The right, he tells us, is geared toward living things, while the left prefers the mechanical.) This rivalry is an expression of the fundamental asymmetry between the hemispheres.

Edited by Urpflanze
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That's a very interesting quote. Thanks for sharing it.


The right brain sees the context, the left brain the details. Right brain sees the forest, left brain, the trees.


That's amazing.

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That's a very interesting quote. Thanks for sharing it.


The right brain sees the context, the left brain the details. Right brain sees the forest, left brain, the trees.


That's amazing.

But it has been said that some folks can't see the forest for the trees.

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That's a very interesting idea, and one that God spoke about to Neale Donald Walsch.


What God said was, "I teach you that the trees are not the forest."


The way I interpret this is that SPECIFIC things do not necessarily reflect the truth about EVERYTHING.


An example is if a young girl is abused by her father, she might grow up hating MEN. She mistook ONE "TREE" for the ENTIRE "FOREST."


Suppose I've had a handful of girlfriends who ended up being serious bitches. I might then believe that I could NEVER have a successful relationship, because ANY woman I had would be that way. But that's obviously not true. What I would need to do is see that not ALL women are cruel just because the SPECIFIC women I've known were.

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There is a lot of discussion about the connection of the right and left brain in the psychological world, and how they function together. Many meditation programs are designed to bring the two into harmony.


In my opinion, the right and left parts of our brain are actually already ONE. They therefore function in perfect harmony, whether this is APPARENT or not.


Every part of you is ONE with every other part of you. Your mind, body, and soul are one. You are ONE LOVE, ONE ENERGY, ONE LIFE FORCE. Therefore how could "disharmony" be REAL?


The problem I see with all the talk about "integrating" right brain and left brain, or otherwise different parts of the self, is that it just creates an ILLUSION that we're not ALREADY unified. It's like talking about how to "become" one with God. We ALREADY ARE one with God.

In those test you can take that tell you whether you are right lobe, or left lobe dominant, (right or left brained) I always come out balanced brained meaning I use both lobes equally, or both lobes use me equally which ever it is. I think its more both lobes are equally active, and there is no me, or using of me by either "side".


Im pretty much right handed, Im goofy foot on a sketeboard or surf board which isn't necessarily a left handed thing but its kinda the left handed stance in board sports. I use my left freely to do things that people usually use their preferred hand for, but I don't write with my left. I dont really try to though, but I have thought about it. What I thought was in order to write with my left the best way to practice would be to immitate the developmental steps of a child which is to scribble. Then after scribbling became natural feeling with the left hand, the next step would be to work on the basic shapes, (triangular, circular and rectangular)then after thae basic shapes became natural, Id practice writing. I dont think the whole process would take as long as it would for a child though.


About 11 years ago I started using my left hand alot more simply because I felt so out of balance. I felt like I had spent my whole life walking one direction in a circle...not exactly dizzy but off balance from neglecting my left hand so I started consciously using it more until it became natural and reflexive.


Most right brained people think Im left brained until they get to know me, and then they are usually suprised at how much I can relate to their right brained perspective. The inverse is true also.


My dad, who was also intrigued by the Tao and felt its resonance, is more then likely balanced brain also (IMO), based on certain suchnesses about him. He is basicly right handed, plays guitar like a right handed person but throws a baseball with his left hand and catches with his right.

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One thing to consider is that creativity isn't the only manifestation of right brain thinking.


You're obviously very spiritual, and probably intuitive also. These are right brain functions.


I remember in English class I could never come up with stories our teacher wanted us to write. But I always did well when interpreting stories. BOTH of these would be considered right brain functions.


My point is just that your right brain functioning might take different FORMS than what is typically considered creativity.


Just trying to point out another way of looking at it :)

I believe that intuition, and much of what are considered psychic abilities are not products of right or left brain thinking at all but are more aspects of the enteric nervous system. Consciousness, and particular left lobe thinking is a distraction and/or a source of confusion to intuition and psy abilities.

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