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Gaming was such a great idea to bring to this earth, I will tell you why

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Dear Ones,


first of all I want to let you know that I play video-games pretty much since my childhood where it all started with the oldest Gameboy there exists. It all then evolved from the earlierst PCs to consoles to PCs again.


The whole hobby unfortunatelly was clouded by a non-acceptance from our society, which also affected my parents and basicly every child which was at the same age as me, which were living and still are around in my small town.* We, as gamers, felt like outcasts and had a really hard time, psychologically. Most gamers nowadays dont have.


It's like with everything new introduced to society, from what I can see. Parents of the friends of my youth had equal trouble with simple rock-music and not to speak of the psychedelics in 1970.


Besides the negative and frustrating aspects of games, that create anger, lead to a mind-dulling aspect in terms of violence (which is rarely the case but happens) what are the possitive aspects of gaming?


And the evolution of it really blows my mind occasionally, because I see so many similarities of how this reality around us works :) So to speak games were given to us in order for those who choose to play them, understand how everything works. From a spiritual point of view.


You are a gamer, you are the person that goes into the cinema to watch a movie, and immerse yourself in the experience. Such as in life. You are in this body, you live this life and immerse yourself in it.


Games nowadays evolved to such a level, that developers have decided to give gamers the chance to co-create a game with these developers. The most popular example of an upcoming sandbox-"MMO" ("massively multiplayer online"-game") is called EverQuest:Next.


In it's presentation, one of the developers have stated that they want to try something completely new and give gamers the option to build parts of the infrastructure and even parts of the landscape themselves.


I then stumbled across a critique from a user of an MMO-forum which argued about the fact that we as promised creators are not really creating in this upcoming gaming-experience. Because he figured out that certain parts of the landscape, of the story are being implemented in this game, regardless of the effort gamers put into creating the environment.


And this immediatelly flung me to my contemplations about what we are as a whole, in the universe. Why we are here, what we should/have/want to do from a meaningful soul's perspective.


We do exactly what I have just written :) we co-create. And the actual developers are or is our spirit. That knows the outcome of every step we do. But we as consciousness as a human being are experiencing this life as a string of circumstances, one after the other. And most of us still think that everything happens by accident. So to speak they are so immersed in the movie or game called "human life" that they do not see that it is a game or a movie and put no effort in understaning how it is engineered, created.


That is basicly the evolution of gamer to become a developer. From consciousness being in a human body, learning the basics of co-creating, to become a higher being of consciousness that is furthermore able to create from a perspective that is closer to a developer. Which will bring more responsibility with itself and lets the gamer, the viewer, the human to grow up.


Isn't it beautiful? :) the effort of our spirit to bring mindfulness into this realm in such a clever way



* I have yet to figure out why so many ex-friends from school that are the same age as me, also did not move out and stood with their parents. I see this everywhere, contrairy the popular concept of the society I live in to move out asap and otherwise be rather "worthless" and immature if you decide otherwise.

Edited by 4bsolute
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do you play Everquest 2? :D lvl 40 healer here.....if i didn't want to i wouldn't have to be violent at all....just heal the violent people lol

Edited by Flolfolil
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Nintendo has been iconic in modeling my perceptions of the world. Much to the contrary of the stigma that videogames create delusional and dysfunctional people.

Truth is, Videogames are perfectly mirroring spirituality. You, the player, are transposed spirit! You, the player, become you, the spirit, and your character becomes an extension of your will; your "new body". You go from being a spiritual spirit to a physical soul to a physical body to a spiritual body to a digital soul and finally a digital body!!!

The transpositioning of reality is LITERALLY reflected via video games. Omniversality exposed!

To top it all off, the translation of "Nintendo" is roughly "Leave luck to the heavens" or "to the gods" or something like that!

Basically, it means "sometimes you just gotta roll the dice and take what you get" WHAT BETTER NAME FOR A GAME COMPANY THAN THAT?!

Especially in context of THIS discussion, exposing the connection between spirituality and video gaming!

The laws of physics... something we can never control, but can manipulate... Dice. we cannot control the outcome, we just manipulate them and hope for the best.


It's your roll.

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Everything really is an accident


You're throwing word 'spirit' around with no rhyme or reason


Well everything is spirit :)



Nintendo has been iconic in modeling my perceptions of the world. Much to the contrary of the stigma that videogames create delusional and dysfunctional people.


Truth is, Videogames are perfectly mirroring spirituality. You, the player, are transposed spirit! You, the player, become you, the spirit, and your character becomes an extension of your will; your "new body". You go from being a spiritual spirit to a physical soul to a physical body to a spiritual body to a digital soul and finally a digital body!!!



The transpositioning of reality is LITERALLY reflected via video games. Omniversality exposed!



To top it all off, the translation of "Nintendo" is roughly "Leave luck to the heavens" or "to the gods" or something like that!


Basically, it means "sometimes you just gotta roll the dice and take what you get" WHAT BETTER NAME FOR A GAME COMPANY THAN THAT?!



Especially in context of THIS discussion, exposing the connection between spirituality and video gaming!



The laws of physics... something we can never control, but can manipulate... Dice. we cannot control the outcome, we just manipulate them and hope for the best.




It's your roll.




The interesting thing in most video games was always for me that the executers, the developers have no real clue about the background, where all is coming from, from spirit. And I dont mean this in a negative way, just missing knowledge. Why do you think so many games start with a story where the protagonist has memory loss?


Yes, the popular example with the dice. But I believe even the dice can be controlled :) or "is" controlled.


Now imagine consciously creating videos games, a few years from now, away with all war-scenarios - what a powerful transformation machine this can be!


I have occasional day-dreams where I contemplate about creating a game myself. No "jesus-christ, you have to love god"-game, rather a game where it is all about meditation. How important meditation is and how you, the alter ego experiences a transformation. Learns about all of his different bodies, learns about inner dimensions, travels to them. Making all of this interesting with an RPG-like structure of growth and reward for exploration.


And then... how fast do you think I get distracted again, away from this concept?


It really seems like we have learned much by observing how we immerse ourselves into movies. Again you can see a walk to the cinema and watching a movie like a human life in short! The next thing of a more creative roll, in media, truely were and are video games.


You can say tools for the unenlightened that never want to be enlightened in the classical sense but will go is technology and clearly somewhere at the very front with games. Regardless of what pace compared to actual spiritual work. In this section the next big thing the Virtual Reality mechanic?


The aspect of a simple 3D-creation toolkit with which you can create an entire world, when you then are also able to code. I mean how close can we get to our spirit? It's intense!


I see SO MANY similarities how one gets involved with the entire spiritual aspect, the diving away in meditation - and then see the Oculus Rift (just made a thread about it) and ALL the similarities how this will beam oneself away.


Regardless of the actual usefulness when playing games on it, but I can clearly see that technology is about to merge into something else. Something greater...


A Wild Theory that instantly gets me a tingly sensation (Spirit: This is right! - Me: What is ever wrong? :P - Spirit: Duh!) that cybernetics will help the majority of humanity (consciousness) find a transition to integrate spirit more completely into our body (consciousness). Just like we do in spirituality.


Beautiful, isn't it? :)

Edited by 4bsolute
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