
Why Do We Exist?

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I know we are made up of energy and atoms and 99.999% of atoms are empty. But the incredible thing is that, this physical world feels real. Why do we exist? Why is it that we can communicate with each other. I know that this world is an "illusion" and just temporary, but it's just mind boggling that people can reincarnate and their past lives mirror their current life, the people they were friends or family with are with them in this current life. The karma is transferred to this life. It's just amazing...And also space, what is this so called space/ universe. If we take a matter the size of a piece of pebble from space, that weighs more than the size of earth which is just mind blowing. And the universe goes on and on and on forever? And it just so happens we have gods, Bodhisattva, deities, who created existence? And nirvana, being free from suffering, don't have to reincarnate anymore, but then where does the soul go? How is it that hell and heaven exist? And if there is space, where is the space of consciousness?

Edited by becomethepath
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Sometimes I feel like everyone else is just illusions and I'm the only person that is actually real..I don't know how to explain it.


No you don't exist either, no one does.

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I know we are made up of energy and atoms and 99.999% of atoms are empty. But the incredible thing is that, this physical world feels real. Why do we exist? Why is it that we can communicate with each other. I know that this world is an "illusion" and just temporary, but it's just mind boggling that people can reincarnate and their past lives mirror their current life, the people they were friends or family with are with them in this current life. The karma is transferred to this life. It's just amazing...And also space, what is this so called space/ universe. If we take a matter the size of a piece of pebble from space, that weighs more than the size of earth which is just mind blowing. And the universe goes on and on and on forever? And it just so happens we have gods, Bodhisattva, deities, who created existence? And nirvana, being free from suffering, don't have to reincarnate anymore, but then where does the soul go? How is it that hell and heaven exist?


People will tell you all kinds of things in response to this, personally I think you should make up your own mind, doesnt matter how shocking or cool what someone else says.


Personally I think life is a beautiful mystery, to enjoy, dance, play.

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"Your body is empty; emptiness is your body. Emptiness

is nothing but your body, and your body is nothing but emptiness."


"Every existing thing is emptiness."



"There are no eyes; no ears; no nose; no tongue; no body; no mind; nothing to see; nothing to hear; nothing to smell; nothing to taste; nothing to touch; and nothing to think of."



"There is no part of you that sees. There is no part of you that is aware of what you see; and this is true all the way up to the part of you that thinks, and the part of you that is aware that you are thinking."


-Buddha (quoted from The Heart Sutra)



"All existing things are such that no living being exists, and nothing that lives exists, and no person exists."



"A mind which is past is non-existent. And a mind in the future is non-existent. And a mind that is going on at the present is non-existent as well."



"At that moment there came into my mind no conception of a self, nor of a sentient being, nor of a living being, nor of a person —I had no conception at all. But neither did I have no conception."



"Bodhisattvas give all that they have, for the sake of every

living being. And this same conception of anyone as a living

being is a conception that does not exist; when the Buddha(One Gone)

Thus speaks of "every living being," they too are living beings

that do not even exist."


-Buddha quoted from the diamond sutra








Suffering alone exists, none who suffer;

The deed there is, but no doer thereof;

Nirvana is, but no one seeking it;

The Path there is, but none who travel it."


-Buddha quoted from the (Visuddhimagga) The Path of Purification sutra

Edited by More_Pie_Guy
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Im not a follower of buddha or someone obssessed with emptiness.


Emptiness is more about union, balance of opposites and harmony with everything to me.

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Becomethepath, that's a very interesting observation, and one that I've thought a lot about.


I feel that the conflict comes in when we look to FORM, when we try to come up with a concept.


In my mind, it's just LOVE, Tao, Self.....there's not some complex reason or difficult answer.


Just love.

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Sometimes I feel like everyone else is just illusions and I'm the only person that is actually real..I don't know how to explain it.

And sometimes you think too much. Or are those times actually the same?

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No you don't exist either, no one does.

Are you sure about that?


I suppose that next you will state that my chair doesn't exist.

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"...Consciousness, dividing itself from itself, expressing itself unconsciously. And this has always been the question: What happened? How did it happen? Why did it happen? Meher Baba says it was the arising of a whim. I always found that [to be] a spectacular thing to say. Cause what is a whim? It's something that arose out of nowhere. Whims don't have a reason, they don't have a purpose. If it had an intent, then it wouldn't be a whim, it would be an intention.


i think that's as close to an explanation that we're ever going to get."


--Mark Griffin (from the "Bliss of the Guru" video) :)


a brief synopsis of Meher Baba's notion of the Whim:

Edited by Hundun

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-Buddha (quoted from The Heart Sutra)


-Buddha quoted from the diamond sutra


-Buddha quoted from the diamond sutra


Strange to me that folks who don't exist love to quote someone who didn't exist.

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Emptiness is more about union, balance of opposites and harmony with everything to me.

Emptiness is totally misunderstood especially by most people who think they are Buddhists.

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Animals and insects able to reincarnate as humans the next life. Incredible.

And based on that humans would have to reincarnate as cockroaches and pigs.

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just because some people (myself included) see life as meaningless doesn't mean that is the ultimate truth

That is because you made the fatal mistake of asking why at some point in your life. There is no answer. You gonna' go crazy looking for one.

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