
Why Do We Exist?

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For me the "why" question of existence, and in general, is a peculiarity of the human being and is a consequence of the verbal nature of our thought process. Having an intellectual and verbal explanation for things creates an illusion of security. It is also useful in a practical sense, but not so useful in metaphysical and spiritual matters.

The universe has no need of explanation, nor is it likely that we could conceive of a satisfactory explanation conceptually, even if one did exist.

The best reason for our existence, IMO, is that we are 'of ourselves so' - Ziran.

Excellent point of view, in my opinion.


I'm glad we like Ziran and Tzujan.

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Why do we exist is -- a not an aprporiate question in long term , it could lead to good pointers that may lead to further discovery-- but cannot be answered with the full stop at the end .

If it has to however be answered ,it would most satisfactory be so by silence or maybe even another question or prehapes by laying down on grass outside and looking at the clear summers night sky .

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Your ass, your chair, and the floor, do not exist any more than you do.

Hehehe. And you don't exist. Nothing exists. Everything that does not exist is self-propagating and we keep getting more of nothing. Strange stuff.

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If it has to however be answered ,it would most satisfactory be so by silence.

You done great!!! But I like to talk with Y'all so on and on I go. But I wonder if anything is being said. Perhaps that too doesn't matter.

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Nothing exists.

Nothing certainly does exist.

Every time I ask my kids what they're doing, they say "Nothing"

And it's obvious that they're pretty busy....

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I always like shamanic practices.


Their is much emphasis on letting go of logic and allowing the wild, crazy and ecstatic part to heal oneself.


After some ecstatic dance, one easily enters deep states of stillness without trying whereas some people meditating might not even accomplish so much stillness in an hour or something.


Gibberish meditation, saying nonsensical things, laughter, play, imitating animals.


In such a headspace.


Such questions such as "Why do I exist?" would appear extremely weird and nonsensical.

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I also find it takes some adjusting between "switching from formless to functional ego"


Then quit switching back and forth and do Both at the same time. ^_^

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Why do we exist is -- a not an aprporiate question in long term , it could lead to good pointers that may lead to further discovery-- but cannot be answered with the full stop at the end .

If it has to however be answered ,it would most satisfactory be so by silence or maybe even another question or prehapes by laying down on grass outside and looking at the clear summers night sky .


Why cant be asked until if is answered anyways.

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Then quit switching back and forth and do Both at the same time. ^_^


How is that possible though?


You have ego, and you have zazen..?

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How is that possible though?


You have ego, and you have zazen..?

The ego arises within something and is permeated with it. We just focus on or are hypnotized by the ego content and ignore what it arises in.

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The ego arises within something and is permeated with it. We just focus on or are hypnotized by the ego content and ignore what it arises in.
I like that, for some reason, but , what is it that you think the ego arises in?

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I like that, for some reason, but , what is it that you think the ego arises in?

I don't know. Whatever it is the mind can't pin it down, the names I like are ground of being, stillness, ultimate potential. Emptiness has too many negative connotations for me. Often the mind will project its fears and annihilatory concerns onto that stillness which is why most people avoid it and spend their lives trying to ignore it.

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I'm currently trying to make waves in the Hermetic section of this forum. Not so successful. But I started studying the Kybalion recently. Some things in there that might help to to make sense of your many questions @becomethepath

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How is that possible though?


You have ego, and you have zazen..?


Let go of "either/or" mindset.

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Hey MH,


Actually if you want I can offer you proof of your own nonexistence if you like.

Hehehe. No thanks. I like me too much to have me just disappear into emptiness.

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Hehehe. No thanks. I like me too much to have me just disappear into emptiness.



Right now right here you are already emptiness, so nothing is going change at all except your perspective on the matter.

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That's what I thought. Hehehe.

I was going to comment on how much you agreed with my earlier post and how something must be changing for one of us...


Then I decided to let it rest.

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Right now right here you are already emptiness, so nothing is going change at all except your perspective on the matter.

Have I mentioned that I like my perspective too?

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Wait how are you a Taoist then?


What MorePieguy is pointing at is where is the ego from?


Depending on what you mean by emptiness, it is not truly empty. The Taoist term of Emptiness is not empty like one says.

Yeah, I've had this discussion before. I prefer the term "fullness". That's Taoist too.


My ego? NO, there really is no such thing as an ego. There is only our perception of ourself, our thoughts concerning our net worth.


If we do not over-value ourself then we have a neutral ego; if we over-value ourself we have excessive ego and if we under-value ourself we have a weak ego. If we do not value ourself at all then we have no ego. This contradicts what most Buddhists suggest.

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I was going to comment on how much you agreed with my earlier post and how something must be changing for one of us...


Then I decided to let it rest.

Yes, you should let it rest. Hehehe.

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