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Winn's Deep Healing Chi kung

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I have all winn's videos except for this one and perhaps the sun and moon alchemy. I wonder if its worth it? Does he do squating? All the best Chi kung has to have some fucken squating and WINN never does.

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Peter Falk is right that there is squatting in the primordial and deep healing forms. But, hey, you can modify the forms and add a horse stance, squat deeper, add squats etc.


I sometimes do Primordial with a wide horse stance and move very slowly, with it taking close to an hour to do the whole form. I find that if I don't move so much more slowly with the wide stance that it just becomes exercise chi kung for me. Doing it slow and wide like that, though, makes it intense at the jing, chi and shen levels of experience.



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in the six helaing sounds animal forms you can also do that inthe monkey and deer movements. i like to go deep when doing those. i also forgot to mention crossing the great ocean as a warm up for the microcosmic orbit. that has squats too, as does his standing practice fo the macro where you circulate the qi with your hands moving up and down to guide it down around the feet and back up over the head and keep going up and down. he doesn't call anything squats, but theyre there.


now squats have different effects for different people. for some people theyre very useful and even necessary. for others, less so. depends on your individual needs. i know they're popular onthis msg board, but it shouldnt be taken to mean that everybody needs a lot of them to conduct their alchemy.


my favorite squat is when my girlfreind does one in order to give me a blowjob, which in chinese is "koujiao." or you can do a deep horse stance whith her riding your saddle pommel if your up to it. get it? up to it.

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