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[HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 20

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The clairvoyant may see forms which are elsewhere, but he cannot see the formless. The telepathic may communicate directly with the mind of another, but he cannot communicate with one who has achieved no-mind. The telekinetic may move an object without touching it, but he cannot move the intangible. Such abilities have meaning only in the realm of duality. Therefore, they are meaningless. Within the Great Oneness, though there is no such thing as clairvoyance, telepathy, or telekinesis, all things are seen, all things understood, all things forever in their proper places.


Walker's HHC 20



"Kind prince, what do you think?" asked the master. "Does the Universal One have physical eyes?"

"Yes, Venerable Teacher, the Universal One has physical eyes."

"What do you think, kind prince? Does the Universal One have spiritual eyes?'

"Indeed, Venerable Teacher, the Universal One has spiritual eyes which can see through all things."

"Kind prince, what do you think? Has the Universal One special eyes of wisdom?

"Yes, Venerable teacher, the Universal One has eyes of wisdom."

"Kind prince, what do you think? Does the Universal One have unusual eyes which discern all kinds of spiritual paths?"

"Yes, Venerable teacher, the Universal One has outstanding eyes which can perceive all things and all spiritual paths."

"Kind prince, does the Universal One have integral eyes?"

"Yes, Venerable Teacher, the Universal One has integral eyes that are incomparable to all other eyes."

"Kind prince, people with clairvoyance may see things that are not within site, but the cannot see the formless. People with clairaudience may hear special sounds, but they cannot hear the soundless. People with telepathy may communicate directly with another being's mind, but they cannot communicate with people who have achieved no mind. People with telekinetic ability may move things without physically touching them, but they cannot move the intangible.

"Kind prince, all of these abilities exists only in the realm of duality. They loose their meaning before the Universal One, for to the Universal One there is nothing that can be called clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy or telekinesis. These are things that are merely labeled so."


Ni's HHC 20

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When we've attained the state of no-mind, it is necessary only to sit in the chair of the I Am to see clearly. All things fall into place. Things are perceived in perfect alignment and the inner heart of the subject is seen clearly. The I Am cannot be experienced with thoughts going through the mind. The duality, or the Two, comes after the One; the duality sexually reproduces into the Three, and ad infinitum.


It occurred to me the other day that the reason that human icons throughout the ages are reputed to be born from virgins is because this implies asexual reproduction, as the zygote and cell division. The division of the One into Two. Everything beyond the One is sexual, of matter. The illusion of time is born when the One manifested as matter. The template for All, the original idea of all objects, is un-manifest within the void.


When we can sit in the chair of the I Am in our consciousness, all paths of spirit can be seen clearly. All paths can be reached into and understood, the capability to speak to another within their own path is attained. It is as though the I Am is the hub of the wheel wherein all paths come to the center and their prime essence overlays one with the other.


Or not.

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