Editing Limits  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Change back to old editing way?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Some other solution

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i take issue with the word "force" and great offense with the phrase "real cultivator"


everyone in the world is cultivating in their own way, it is called the search for happiness

Well, maybe you could force yourself to not be offended with the issue?

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so when in the heck is this editing limit going to be removed? (I haven't read all the posts related to the issue)

Edited by 3bob
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Two questions. Will the final vote poll be the decider on edit limits?


A second question, if it doesn't go back, I'd propose that those who have Personal Discussion sites here keep the ability to edit old posts. Its theirs. It was presented as a place to write and control a little bit of cyber space here (& some of the best discussions happen within).


Some have written during dark times in there lives and don't want the baggage out there. Seems wrong to say, you no longer control what you wrote- good, bad, private or ugly- its now permanent, consider it a spiritual lesson imposed from above.


Thus I'm hoping the owner of the Personal Discussion spots continues to have editing control of what's on there.



my 2 bits.

Edited by thelerner

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Is there really a rule being considerd that we cant do what we want in our pp forums, seriously?


Don't think so.

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lets try not to get overly excited about that rv, i don't have mod privilege anywhere but general discussion and i can still edit my ppf


it is most likely that it is a bug

Probably just the permission setting was off when the ppf was set up.

Should be an easy fix.


I'll admit that this am was the first time I looked at this thread and learned about the issue.

Given all of the community support for removing the editing limits, I think that's the way it should be.

Cat's right about this being a community first, not a forum designed to force people to post in any particular way.


As a former moderator, I don't think that the role was intended to have the authority to make that level of change on the board.

Furthermore, I don't think this sort of restriction is in keeping with the original intent of the community.

I'm guessing sean was involved in this decision (sorry, I haven't yet taken the time to read all the background), but if popular opinion is that strong against edit restrictions, I would agree with removing them and will vote accordingly.

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"Cat's right about this being a community first"

it has always felt like a community to me, a very unique and special community.

i am just a humble member here who has transformed organically in part due to this community, and no small part either.


"Furthermore, I don't think this sort of restriction is in keeping with the original intent of the community"

agreed from my pov


"Given all of the community support for removing the editing limits, I think that's the way it should be".


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Good job tao bums. Victory.





P.s. when you guys change the edit options again remember that the winning vote of "yes" is completely seperate from "some other option"


None of this half way stuff

Edited by MooNiNite

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if you don't allow the edit button, a lot of information won't be posted on taobums, posters will think twice, or even three times, before posting anything thus the growth will stagnate,


but if you allow the edit button, posters will have some freedom in what they say, and what information they present, and whoever sees the posts, it's their karma for seeing the posts before the OP decides deletes it


taobums is suppose to encourage active discussion and sharing of information, however if one feels they don't want their posts on taobums anymore, they should have the freedom to delete it, if not, it'll create negativity, negative energy and emotions because they can't delete the posts anymore, causing paranoia and anxiety, and worry and so on


harmony is important

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Bad bad machine mind, bad !


buzzz click whrrrrrrr!!! pling pling pling .....

Edited by Apech
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