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Jim McMillan has passed away

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Hello All


I wanted to introduce myself. I am Jim's most senior student and have worked with him closely for over 5 years.

I have some terrible news, after communicating with Jim's family, my teacher and friend Jim McMillian has passed away this week. With their permission I share from a letter:


" dad passed away due to kidney failure caused by prostate cancer related complications. I am grateful, as the doctors said that kidney failure is not a painful way to go. His official cause of death was armed service related, as ground troops in the vietnam war were exposed to "Agent Orange" a chemical herbicide and defoliant used to make the jungles less dense and more navigable. Unfortunately, those that were exposed show a much higher rate of different cancers, as well as other health complications. I feel extremely bad, if not cheated, evidence suggests that the military and their think-tanks knew about the harmful effects of chemical defoliants on humans, yet they told the troops that Agent Orange was perfectly safe tot he human body, and veterans have always had a hard time collecting benefits or injury claims because of this. If you want to know anything more about Agent Orange you can read its wikipedia page, that will have most of the information on it."


The family have been very appreciative of all the support from everyone. Jim shared with me many personal things about his life over the years. He had a very tough life...and yet even in his last bed ridden days he still was helping his students constantly.


It was Jim's dying wish for myself and the others to continue serving god. He did this by sharing neigong knowledge with people wanting to learn, as he and I believe it is mankind's god given right, not isolated away from humanity. I believe this art may not be for everyone, but should be accessible to everyone; I don't believe entirely in the institutional view of karma, as each normal person makes amends and ask for forgiveness throughout life to become better people. So I will continue searching, and searching for acceptance for knowledge beyond the foundations. And I will help others find this also.


Has anyone heard of disclosure project or sirius project? I've never said this before but like these respective cover ups I am led to believe even today there has been a systematic eradication and isolation of chi masters/knowledge (particularly china/tibet, isolation in west). I think in order for humanity to continue to exist and evolve, this "chi cover up" must be exposed and shone with a bright public light. Perhaps this protection could be established some day in future...


God bless you Jim and thank you for bringing magic to our lives



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I never really had a father figure, but I looked up to Jim as one.


It's strange to find someone who goes out of their way to help everyone who asks them for help.


Jim was one of those people.


There will never be another person like him, I am sad he left us.


I wish him the best on his next journey.

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I would like to express my condolences about Jim's death.


Although I never met him, from my readings, he is a man trying to help others with a pure heart. I am praying for his soul to reach heaven of God Almighty.

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My sincerest condolences, truly.


As recently as a couple months ago Jim had been in touch with me in regards to a planned trip to China this fall with some of his students to do some research at locations associated with Mopai's history (Mount Longhu, etc.).


At that time he was feeling very confident in the treatment of his illness.


It's a shame he was unable to fulfill his ambition, and I hope you his students will continue to pursue his work.

Edited by leandro
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I don't really know Jim that well, only through some communications a few years ago. My sincere condolences to his family.

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That are really news,


the last thing we saw here was that he was really bad

and now he is gone......

May he become Chinese and get access to Mo Pai

again to hopefully this time reach his goal.

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Some pictures Jim wanted me to share with taobums forum:


The first picture is Jim and John at John's daughter's wedding. Jim photoshopped the picture so it looked like they were standing together instead of at a distance like in the original.


The second is a representation of May Yung Chen


Third is John


God Bless




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Some pictures Jim wanted me to share with taobums forum:


The first picture is Jim and John at John's daughter's wedding. Jim photoshopped the picture so it looked like they were standing together instead of at a distance like in the original.


The second is a representation of May Yung Chen


Third is John


God Bless



When did Jim ask you to share these pics?

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May Yung Chen is?


If I am not mistaken he was the master of Pa Lok Nen. Pa Lok Nen was the master of Liao, who was Chang's teacher.

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Chunyi Lin says there is no need to be sad about death but Jim Nance says there is a good way to grieve....


So yeah Jim was very nice to me when I PMd him and he responded.


Obviously he was a trail blazer for qigong in the West and trail blazing requires breaking through dangerous terrain.


I think the qigong community including myself could have done more to reach out to help Jim.


I had suggested he get phone healings from Chunyi Lin. But I guess my suggestion was too little too late and obviously that was Jim's personal decision.


Anyway through qigong we can face death in peace as we transform into our spirit energy.

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Not to derail this thread, but why did you neglect to mention his GREATEST FOE (originally partially funded by Opium Wars against the Mo Pai ancestors) - the Anglo Gov/Monsanto/military industrial complex that sent him to Nam and then doused him in Agent Orange/dioxin - likely cutting decades off his precious life to ultimately do him in.. :(


Anyhows, I believe he had a good heart and intentions and inspirational perseverance. He managed to achieve what scarcely any on this planet have in the time he was here. So, I hope he finds inner peace and everything he sought from without, within... R.I.P. man!

Edited by vortex
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Not to derail this thread, but why did you neglect to mention his GREATEST FOE (originally partially funded by Opium Wars against the Mo Pai ancestors) - the Anglo Gov/Monsanto/military industrial complex that sent him to Nam and then doused him in Agent Orange/dioxin - likely cutting decades off his precious life to ultimately do him in.. :(


Anyhows, I believe he had a good heart and intentions and inspirational perseverance. He managed to achieve what scarcely any on this planet have in the time he was here. So, I hope he finds inner peace and everything he sought from without, within... R.I.P. man!


Very sad...

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Jim was a good man, and should be remembered as such. i know he spent a lot of time with his students. I also know that a lot of his students never paid him for his services and rather than make a big deal out of it he just looked the other direction and continued helping people. R.I.P Jim

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As far as back as I know,in 2010 the 2 highest students was the Indonesian head master and Jim. Jim was a trailblazer and just a really great person. We will miss him, but I'm sure he is about.

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To any mods reading this I would like to request a thread split from post #22 onward.



Mo Pai argument threads are destined for the pit. As should any of these uriniating up a wall type postings worrying about who studied with whom and who said what about whomever.


Please stay on topic, there are too many threads here that are devolving into trolling matches, we're going to start clamping down on stuff like this in the interests of keeping threads on topic for good discussion (the reason we all come here in the first place.) This is not Bullshido here and there should not be arguments about whose master is better than whom or "who has the REAL story" or anything of the like.

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