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Looking for guidance.

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To whom it may concern,


Hi, I'm new here and to Taoism. I would like to learn more about Taoism and how it can be beneficial. I have heard many storys about how healing works and have seen Jenny Lamb in a seminar. I would like to learn more about this and how I can work towards a healthier lifestyle.


I am 42 years old and a male and my health is becomming more of a concern to me as I grow older and want to make the necessary changes and I think this place can help me.




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Welcome to TTB. My understanding and experience is that within Taoism the most direct way of to work towards a healthier, more harmonious and enlightened way of living is internal alchemy. The name of this in Taoism is called Chi Kung or Qi Gong.


There are various styles of Qi Gong suggested in this thread:


Best of luck to you.


My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by OldChi

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