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what a tripped out and cool forum... im glad i found it. from the small amount of posts i have read (will read more) i seem to find many like minded individuals out there... whose interests involve cultivating love and positivity and hoping to bring down the occult world order. the cool thing is they both work together.


anyways to business... i have only dabbled a little bit in taoist esoteric practices, mainly those of chia/yudelove and after a couple of months break from it (girlfriend visiting from overseas, holiday time... now the need for repair) i am seeking to once again establish a routine.


i write just for a bit of general advice. there is such a multitude of different techniques that exist out there that i get easily overwhelmed and confused (my vatta/ether dosha) when i try to think which may be best and which ones i should try and practice. what books/dvd's would be best to get. being in sydney there doesn't seem to be much in the way of a place to go to learn unfortunately... well not the type of thing i want to learn anyway.


thought i would start with regular practice of inner smile, healing sounds and working to complete the microcosmic orbit. sound good? peter falk speaks of some crazy sounding healing sounds practice... how do you get the animals involved???


also can i ask, with all the practices available and time spent practicing... how do you do anything else in a day???

setting a routine for practice is quite difficult for me (my dosha again) so i need to start gradually i guess.


and lastly... is there anyone with experience of both chinese and indian systems who can explain the comparison of the five elements of ayurveda to the five elements of taoism. i get the idea that the air element of ayurveda would relate to metal of taoism and the ether would relate to wood?

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peter falk speaks of some crazy sounding healing sounds practice... how do you get the animals involved???


learn the frikkin animal forms, my good man! i recommend michael winn's video/dvd on the subject. though it isn't necessary. you can get to know the shen on your own and have them give you your own totems.

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