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The power of questions and asking the right ones

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WHen one poses a question to oneself, ones subconscious mind will work on the task to enable the question to be answered.


Either that or you could call it "akashic records" asking where does this issue come from?


ANyways questions phrased in a way such as


How can I create this?


WHat is the best way to make this happen?


What do I want in life, if I had no limitations?


What are my obstacles?


Why cant I achieve that?


Is this true?


What is silly about this idea?


How can I make sure this happens and that doesnt happen?


When will this happen?


How is it true, that this could very likely happen/there is no way this wont happen?


How can I make this simpler?


How can I make this easy?


How can I make this more productive?


If one poses the question and lets it go, then goes for a walk, or later on in the day, or after waking up, one can receive the answers to many things. edit : Some inspiration from Byron Katies "The work"

Edited by skydog
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The right question delivered to a sufficiently large audience is enough to trigger revolution! The power of a question is that once it is heard, the mind will do nothing but work on it. There is no choice in the matter. Answers can be rejected or accepted but the nature of a question is that it is always innocent. You say the wrong answer, you are guilty. You ask the wrong question, there is no such thing as a wrong question. Only questions.


This points to the inherent nature of the universe itself: a question-answer-question machine! Well, not quite a machine but you get the gist. It's a giant sieve for knowledge. One long self-inquiry meditation, you could say.

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