
What are the moderators doing?

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Flame wars have almost always wound up in the pit. And unless they get particularly gruesome, the Pit does not mean locked and unable to continue the discussion for those inclined.


Modding is indeed a thankless job, you cant do a damned thing without someone having a problem with it.


Wrt the "Right wingers are all fascists and fascism comes 100% from the right wing and if you disagree with me that is hate speech" thread...that description is fitting enough why it went to the pit. A modicum of disagreement gets met with accusations of you're trying to rewrite history, you are being a bigot, blah blah blah STUF it in the pit.


If people cant have a debate without the vitriol, why are you still here trying it?

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it may be a thankless job.

but is is something that we took on, and we didnt take it on for the thanks obviously,,

but we took it on becoz this community matters to us.

i could never repay in 1,000 years what i have gained and benefitted from on ttb.

so it is kinda my way to pay something back.

modding does not stress me, even if everytime i return from a short break ,someone else has been banned.

do we really want to silence voices that challenge us and push us to some new limits?

even if it makes us feel uncomfortable?


it would be exceedingly cool, if a few others stepped up and took on a vacant steward position.

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it may be a thankless job.

but is is something that we took on, and we didnt take it on for the thanks obviously,,

but we took it on becoz this community matters to us.

i could never repay in 1,000 years what i have gained and benefitted from on ttb.

so it is kinda my way to pay something back.

modding does not stress me, even if everytime i return from a short break ,someone else has been banned.

do we really want to silence voices that challenge us and push us to some new limits?

even if it makes us feel uncomfortable?


it would be exceedingly cool, if a few others stepped up and took on a vacant steward position.


Thank you for being a mod!!! There its not thankless now :)


Seriously having done it I know what it's like and I take my hat off to anyone who steps up to do it.

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it would be exceedingly cool, if a few others stepped up and took on a vacant steward position.


What exactly does a steward do?

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What exactly does a steward do?


Quote from how to Stewardship thread





As a Steward of a forum, sub-forum, or several sub-fora you are expected to observe the area that you have committed to with enough frequency to notice if potential problems are arising there, preferably before they develop into larger problems. This frequency will vary greatly from forum to forum. Areas like the Chinese Language sub forum receive new threads and replies very infrequently, while General Discussion often receives over a page of threads in the course of a day.


If a problem occurs, or you notice something that could be done better in the area you are a Steward of you are expected to communicate this information to the Concierge group through the Steward Haven. This is a slight departure from the method of issuing a report through the Report Center, but will allow for easier two way communication between the Concierge and Steward groups, while also providing greater visibility into trends and patterns on the board.


The method of communication will be to create a thread in the Steward Haven's forum structure in the location that corresponds to the location on the boards where the trouble has occurred or where a change could be beneficial.

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And what if the Steward is the problem? :ph34r:



Someone called me a complete Ba-Steward once ... but hey it wasn't a problem.


I'm Steward for the Hermetic sub ... basically I ask for threads to be moved out if they are wrongly posted (usually after asking the poster first) and I can hide anything stupid or unpleasant ... but I haven't done this yet ... as its a western tradition sub I can also cause their milk to go sour and give them boils if they misbehave.

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It doesn't sound like it would take too much and might be helpful for the board... I'm available as a steward for general or taoist discussion.

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It doesn't sound like it would take too much and might be helpful for the board... I'm available as a steward for general or taoist discussion.


I am willing as well if it would be helpful.

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I think conflicting stewards annihilate each other, like matter & antimatter.

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we have less than one steward per area,,,,,,,,,,,

the idea is to have one steward for each area.


"are they moderated the same as everybody else or do they get special treatment?"

we are all members that have agreed to follow the ToS, a mod could also face mod action if in violation of ToS.


"Would a steward automatically know he had been reported"

i need a tech or steward to answer this, idk if a steward has access to report center or not.

stewards do not go into the dungeon.


i will avoid the hypotheticals but i do smile about;

"It's a brilliant system. The space left behind by annihilated stewards will be all peaceful,like, and sort of ...radiant."

but thats all just theory, really

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Stewards cannot see the report area, nor where mods discuss reports.

I'm quite surprised that no one has volunteered to Steward over the pit!! :ph34r:


Joking, I think that is the one area that isn't covered by stewards lol.

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Stewards cannot see the report area, nor where mods discuss reports.


I'm quite surprised that no one has volunteered to Steward over the pit!! :ph34r:


Joking, I think that is the one area that isn't covered by stewards lol.



No I can't see the report area ... but I KNOW THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!


Not that I'm paranoid or anything.

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does taoist textual section have a steward?



I think it falls under Marblehead as part of Taoist Discussion.


There's lots of gaps and Protector and Flolfil are doubling up as Stewards and Mod/Techs for Buddhist and General.


If we think the Steward thing is useful then we need to repopulate ... but this does not have to be a breeding program. :)

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taoist textual was stewarded by rene, and she did a tremendous job of re-organizing that section.

but since she vacated it, it has been vacant, perhaps marblehead has been pulling double duty? idk

i am not a big fan of double duty idea. i would like to see more involved.

we are all in this together

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taoist textual was stewarded by rene, and she did a tremendous job of re-organizing that section.

but since she vacated it, it has been vacant, perhaps marblehead has been pulling double duty? idk

i am not a big fan of double duty idea. i would like to see more involved.

we are all in this together


yep we're right behind you ... with pointy sticks .... ha ha

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