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Who do you think you're fooling?

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I see everything. And so do you. Sleep is an illusion. This thing never goes away. I screamed at the wall to go away and get out of my face. It stayed there and told me to shut up.

Now, if I know everything you did last night and you know everything I did last night, why the hell do we pretend we don't?

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Alright then. You go first. What did I do last night?


I rotated on my axis, and the little critters walking around on me did some stuff.



To put it another way;


If I am living my whole life story until I meet I,



And you are living your whole life story until I meet I,


Wherefrom arises the pretence of knowing-not?

If one observer sees all, why know-not?

What is there that is not known?



I wake up every day like I just died. Look around. Nope, still here.


Apparently this has been going on for 15 billion years. Who is it that forgot?




Edited by fluidity
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