
The Wit and Wisdom of Plato

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The Royal Secret refers to the Royal Arch of Yorkrite Masonry. Some say that the arch is the corpus callosum, the arch-shaped nerve which connects the right and left brain hemispheres. Masonic tradition says that the ceiling of the Lodge room represents the sky, notably the starry sky of nighttime. This ceiling/sky is the bottom side of the corpus callosum as seen from the center of the brain or septum pellucidum, also called the Cave of Brahma by the Hindus and the Empty Space in the Secret of the Golden Flower. In the Royal Arch ritual work, when the arch is activated the work is finished and the workers lay down their tools and aprons, and celebrate.




That makes perfect sense when we see the sun as the metaphoric Source of the macrocosm. When we look at the microcosm of ourselves, the Corpus Callosum would be metaphorically the same as the sun in the macrocosm. Mind. The Source. The connector of the right and left brain, also maybe analogous to the yin yang interweve between light and darkness. Perhaps the left brain is a form of darkness, of illusion, until the right brain, the innate intuition, is accessed.



Traveler said: Experience is the best teacher. Stand in the center of your head and look up. What do you see? There is no right or wrong answer to that question. What is seen there shifts as you reach deeper and deeper levels of consciousness in meditation.



I had an odd thing happen yesterday morning when I woke up. I woke up to a doorbell, ding-dong Avon type (which we don't have) into a lucid dream. I was looking up overhead into the source of a light that were beautiful chakra colors; light pink, lavender, white - all furling and moving around each other. Funny you should mention looking up into your head! Isn't synchronicity something?

Edited by manitou

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Traveler quoted:


"The ultimate purpose of learning the 441 cube matrix system is to learn how to operate the Holomind Perceiver, a new sense organ located in the corpus callosum. The Holomind Perceiver facilitates the integration of time, space and mind as the principle of radialized synchronization informing the totality of our being. Then we can begin to learn the language of telepathy or the language of Number." (http://www.lawoftime...chronotron.html



This is quite interesting, I didn't know anything about this before. It would appear to be the function which produces the Akashic Records, the place where all thoughts are recorded in a non-linear dimension and accessible by those with a 3rd eye. I don't think all third eyes are the same - some are able to delve into the Seeing in one fashion, of seeing all things at once. Some are able to delve into the Seeing by identifying what is to come in the 'future' because they are capable of eliminating past and present and ending up with future vision. Some can See and put it to work by seeing the inner emotional dynamics of another and get to the bottom of their ailment, reversing the ailment with the truth of their soul dynamics. These are the healing dynamics that Science of Mind healing, or the healing of a Christian Science practitioner can tap into.


That crop circle is of another intelligence. No way some old farmer came out with a board in the middle of the night and cooked that one up!





Getting onto the external link Traveler posted (lawoftime, noted above) there is discussion of the 'dog star', Sirius A and B as being the binary. How Dao! From the One comes the Two; however this is done asexually, perhaps analogous with cell division. The interesting thing is that Sirius, the dog star, was so very important to the ancients - the Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Assyrians, etc - because the 'dog star' was so named because it heralded the onset of longer days, when crops could be planted. As a dog barking when a visitor arrived. They revered Sirius and it was important in the beginning understandings of the cycles of the stars and planets, the zodiacal signs. Mankind at that point was very fearful when the days would get shorter. Of course they weren't aware that it was this planet that was doing the revolution; instead, they surmised that the Sun and the Moon were acting of their own accord, as if they were living beings doing it by choice. They were always relieved to see the days lengthen once again after a bleak winter. They were afraid of winter, of darkness, of the night.


This phenomenon explains many of the celebrations 3 days after the winter solstice - Christmas, for example; both Christ's birthday and the birthday of the Buddha being on the 25th of December, theoretically. They all stem from the Ancient's relief at the sun's return.

Edited by manitou

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The only difference I can see between anarchy and the loss of the Dao, is that loss of the Dao would be the loss of the original manifestation of man, where man would inherently know to love his brother as himself. There would be no reason for rules, people would take the interests of others as seriously as they take their own.


Anarchy seems to have an undertone of anger and rebellion, as though stemming from a previous system that had broken down. Ultimately there would have to be another system put in place, or society in general would be destroyed. It's almost like looking at the glass of water as either half empty or half full.


Wow. As to the last two posts by Traveler and ZYD, I need to chew on those for a while...

Hehehe. Yeah, my post was easier to deal with, wasn't it?


I would disagree with your suggestion of Anarchy having undertones of anger and rebellion. though. Sure, this is true in many cases, but not inall cases. There are peaceful Anarchists. A Taoist would pick up the glass of water and have a drink. For him/her there is nothing to argue about. An Anarchist would do the same but would first ask permission from the person who claims ownership.

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I think the challenge for anarchism is that it tends to attract destructionists and myopic antiestablishmentarians whereas the self-respecting anarchist understands that self-respect requires the respect of others, too. Anarchism is the pinnacle of the internal-governance political path (reminds me that I need to finish that thought, MH!) and is inherently instable because of the reliance on respect & self-control, which in turn rely on self-awareness and reflection. That's not to say "unworkable" in principle but very fragile in practice because of a tendency to collapse into a disrespecting chaos from which a dictatorship is likely to arise.

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Well Brian, we managed to take this thread off topic. Sorry Manitou.


I will start a thread in "Off Topic" so we can speak to the concept of Anarchy.

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(From ZYD's post #49 above)



"But the Mason who hath the ROYAL SECRET can also with him argue, from beholding its love of wisdom, its tendency toward association with what is divine and immortal, its larger aspirations, its struggles, though they may have ended in defeat, with the impediments and enthrallments of the senses and the passions, that when it shall have been rescued from the material environments that now prove too strong for it, and be freed from the deforming and disfiguring accretions that here adhere to it, it will again be seen in its true nature, and by degrees ascend the mystic ladder of the Spheres, to its first home and place of origin."



To me, what this is saying (of Pike paraphrasing what Plato was getting at) is that this earthly journey is one that we must make, struggling with senses and passions (illusions, in the end). We are enthralled with the impediments (of passions and senses); but at some point, to become Self Realized as the One that we are, our journey must be 'rescued' from the material environment.


It is a journey of elimination. Elimination of the clumped aggregate impediments that were started as a small snowball in our youth - and yet getting larger as the snowball rolls down the hill, often resulting in the huge snowball smashing into a tree at the bottom. This is the case with those that follow an addiction down the path, until they hit their bottom and have nowhere to go. (I actually feel fortunate now to have been an alcoholic!) I think every life is given an opportunity, probably many opportunities, to 'hit their bottom' as to reliance on the senses or passions. Have any of the passions or senses proven to provide happiness or bliss for any length of time? That would infer that Donald Trump is by nature a much happier person than you are (assuming you aren't in his wealth bracket)....but my guess is that that probably isn't the truth. My guess is that his passion is in the making and accumulating of stuck energy. I can do that with dirt out in my back yard, but it does nothing other than gratify my ego that I've got an awful lot of dirt in a pile in my back yard. Same with money, I'm thinking. "Where a man's treasure lies is where you'll find his heart", as someone great once said.


My guess is that the Royal Secret is the knowledge of Who We Really Are. The Royal Secret is the finding of the pony at the bottom of the manure pile, once the inner work has been done.


How do we do the inner work? Lots of different ways. We can look for our ego in everything, for starters. Find out how we're actually cutting an edge for ourselves in everything we say and do. How we fail to love our brothers as ourselves and, again, cut an edge for ourselves. How we judge, and how it makes us feel more elevated than the one we're judging at the time we're doing the judging. It's the words of The Nazarene, when he said "Know Thyself" - it's my guess that this is what he was talking about. I'll bet the lost years between when he was about 12 and when he reappeared in his 30's were about him getting to Know Himself by the very process, or something similar, we're talking about here.

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Okay ... I will give it an uninformed shot.


Truth is relative (IMO) so to be decived is to be decived about how 'relative natures' relate to each other (the 'Form behind the Forms'?)


Knowing what the truth is , is to understand the relative (how things relate to each other) nature of things.


I think this is important in Platonics ... to see things in their relationship to each other .... not as seperate entities containing their own form (that seems Aristotlian to me).


Absolute statements?

"Truth is relative

"Knowing what the truth is , is to understand the relative"


If everything is relative, can anything be said or can we only ask questions?

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I think that truth isn't relative when we finally get to the Oneness of everything. It is relative while we are in the illusion of separateness.

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