
What's good for seasonal allergies?

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Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely try it! What kind of allergies did those remedies work for and how intense were they?




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Very cool. I've never even heard of black seed oil before. I wonder if they carry it in vitamin shops around here? I'll check around. My Mom has something I don't understand... it's seasonal/pollen and she has some of the normal symptoms but mainly she gets sleepy all the time. She can't take vitamin C, but I'll see if I can get her to try the black seed and the MSM.




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I have such a stubborn wart virus living on my right palm. If I get rid of one manifestation of it, it pops up somewhere else on my hand.


Any ideas how to get it to go live elsewhere?

Cat, I just wrote an part of an article on it with some remedies. I would recommend a combination of Lemon juice internaly plus 9v battery and apple cider vinegar topical.


Natural treatment & removal of warts

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