
Dreams, ambitons, goals?

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Maybe read between the lines and not just on the surface ???


Didn't I say somewhere that people don't believe that I have actually found happiness and satisfaction with my life? Maybe not.


It doesn't matter, this a gift for me, not them , and I am going to accept it - bogglebear !


I'm not talking about a fleeting satisfaction or a situational one or one that disappears when sickness, pain and 'misfortune' abound ... it is a simple state of just being that because you are alive and in existence and even possibly looking very near death straight in the face with no problems or false assurances or beliefs in an after life or absolute non-existence for all I know... and the feeling / state / rewiring / stasis / is still there.


A lot of that was 'dreaming' ( also relates to 'dreamtime' ) (plus yeaaars of other and eclectic practice, but here we could also have a cultural misunderstanding as well ... plus I realise my 'sense of humour' isn't for everyone.


But then again I really don't expect anyone else get it so ... <shrug>


The dreamtime is where many of the dreams of this sort originate from I think. The good ones anyways.

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Welll ... I just might prove ALL of you wrong ... it might just be the last thing I do ( I never said which direction I wanted to 'fly' ... it might be straight down ) .


If we play some martial arts, I'm sure we could help each other with the whole flying thing lolol.


Speaking of which, the first time I experienced being thrown quite a distance... was definitely interesting! LOL Fortunately I bounced instead of broke ;).

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If I could have anything in the world, it would be some absolute guarantee I would never reincarnate again.


I would rather exist as an immortal spirit to continue meditation and training if possible.


When I look at how much I still have to learn, I think this might be a good way to get it all in! :) An infinity of spiritual practice, meditation, learning, growing, hell yeah.


Also winning the lottery, having my own harem, growing all my own healthy food, having time to do what I wanted, hiring professional debaters to debate with people on ttb instead for me, being 100% off grid in some super remote location,


Your harem could multitask and post on TTBs as well... Actually I think they would have to since from what I understand about the 72 hour thing and MP... lololol.



reaching total enlightenment and understanding all the mechanics and workings of the cosmos, those might be pretty cool too.


"Magnets, how do they work?" ;)


Off grid, actually I guess I have done that twice now, for about a year each time, also some bonus forest surrounding me was involved. Very memorable times. No light pollution at all, seeing millions of stars, and the moon being bright enough to read under, but pitch black forest around. Very enjoyable. Each time, it was just that the situation changed for various reasons and I moved to somewhere else.


Now to get all fancy with it and do the geothermal heat thing, solar panels properly setup, and so forth would be even more awesome.


On a side note thank you MPG for reminding me of certain dreams.


And thank you Nungali for making sure I didn't just forget about them the next day.

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Hmmm ... When I have moments of being absolutely in the present moment the last thing I want to do is muse about other people and start thinking about if they are in the present moment or not ... like I am not in the present moment now ... well, I was THEN but I am not now again ... damn! Hang on ... I am thinking about wether you are in the moment because you think other people may not be in the present moment and that has drawn me out of that moment ... which I was in just then ... but it passed into another moment which I plane to be in soon so ....
Well Nugali, that's true ...abstract considerations like that aren't really living in the moment..but since that would pretty much apply to every post anybody made , including yourself , but that is a very strict interpretation. Like I mentioned my own discipline isn't that thorough.and as I also mentioned , the direction away from it is indicated but you don't have to go that way.

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Maybe read between the lines and not just on the surface ??? Didn't I say somewhere that people don't believe that I have actually found happiness and satisfaction with my life? Maybe not. It doesn't matter, this a gift for me, not them , and I am going to accept it - bogglebear ! I'm not talking about a fleeting satisfaction or a situational one or one that disappears when sickness, pain and 'misfortune' abound ... it is a simple state of just being that because you are alive and in existence and even possibly looking very near death straight in the face with no problems or false assurances or beliefs in an after life or absolute non-existence for all I know... and the feeling / state / rewiring / stasis / is still there. A lot of that was 'dreaming' ( also relates to 'dreamtime' ) (plus yeaaars of other and eclectic practice, but here we could also have a cultural misunderstanding as well ... plus I realise my 'sense of humour' isn't for everyone. But then again I really don't expect anyone else get it so ...

Is there a chance you got lost in contemplations in this post? It doesn't appear to have any connection to the quote ..and I don't see the subject as even having a level below the'd have to spell that out specifically. (What is above and below)

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Wow dude! That is one big piece of psychological projection (look it up, wiki has a good page on it) and assumption about someone else's .... everything ... how on earth did you get 'insight' like that. I mean how do you know what she might do want dream become or find out there I mean .... sheesh! :wacko: ....
Don't get all mumbling there, just read up on what psychological projection is.

Yes I am tossing out rather concrete examples , the idea being that they are so particular they should stand out as object lessons of a sort , and suggest that the ramifications are not vague subsequent occurrances at all once you get to that stage. A person might fantasize about a hermit lifestyle roughing it , but when they endure the leeches , constant battering by the elements etc they may find they love living that way.

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You put into words so well what happens with each of us :). Something I had not found words for....



The difference between the subconsious or and conscuous wants is mindboggling.

I actually got traumatized by a dream I had the other day. Really shook me up. The funny thing was that it was not a nightmare, but it was terrifying in its sublimity.



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I like to fly to an Island at night and watch the animals up close. I like to stalk them. You have any idea how interesting they are? I have written tons of books about it, but they're all in my dreams.

I would call that your fantasy world. Not all that uncommon. Children have them all the time. (Not suggesting you are still a child at heart or anything like that. Hehehe.)


I have spoken about my illusions and delusions before and the fact that I leave them at home whenever I need leave my property. Pretty much the same thing you spoke of above.

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Welll ... I just might prove ALL of you wrong ... it might just be the last thing I do ( I never said which direction I wanted to 'fly' ... it might be straight down ) .

But I would call that a horse of a different color. Falling does not equal flying. I know how to fall and I'm pretty good at it. If I could fly I would never fall again.

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If I could have anything in the world, it would be some absolute guarantee I would never reincarnate again.

Although I have no authority to make such a guarantee I will guarantee it anyhow.

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I am usually content, and when I'm not it's just me being whiny for a bit lololol.

Feeling whiny ? Then get thee to a winery - that'll fix you up. :rolleyes:


I'd say to ask King Solomon about that one...

His ring is extremely useful ;)

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If we play some martial arts, I'm sure we could help each other with the whole flying thing lolol.


Speaking of which, the first time I experienced being thrown quite a distance... was definitely interesting! LOL Fortunately I bounced instead of broke ;).

Fun aint it? I got sorta bounced on the ground (still standing up) and POW .... off I went like an explosion went off under me "Whaaa happened?"


" I bounced your Ki'"


"You did what now ??? :unsure:


- Ha! 'Play martial arts' ... I stepped up for a demo dummy once ... it got 'vigorous and enjoyable' ... after, the demonstrator says to me, "Ah! You have played aikido before!"


Me; "Why do you say 'play' aikido?"


"Because until we start carrying around live swords and using them against each other again, and learning again how to do that, it is all playing."

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Don't get all mumbling there, just read up on what psychological projection is. Yes I am tossing out rather concrete examples , the idea being that they are so particular they should stand out as object lessons of a sort , and suggest that the ramifications are not vague subsequent occurrances at all once you get to that stage. A person might fantasize about a hermit lifestyle roughing it , but when they endure the leeches , constant battering by the elements etc they may find they love living that way.

Difference is I have done it, realised both sides of it and the middle ... and I joke about it. Its not about fantasize for me, its about doing it and learning the real life lessons ... not postulating never doing it through fear of change or it all might go wrong ... I know what you mean; I have had to make the minimal infrastructure and help others do the same and pick up the mess that others left when they couldn't stand their 'roughing it fantasy'.

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The difference between the subconsious or and conscuous wants is mindboggling.

I actually got traumatized by a dream I had the other day. Really shook me up. The funny thing was that it was not a nightmare, but it was terrifying in its sublimity.



what is the subconscious?

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Difference is I have done it, realised both sides of it and the middle ... and I joke about it. Its not about fantasize for me, its about doing it and learning the real life lessons ... not postulating never doing it through fear of change or it all might go wrong ... I know what you mean; I have had to make the minimal infrastructure and help others do the same and pick up the mess that others left when they couldn't stand their 'roughing it fantasy'.

Then we're on mostly the same pages. Good.

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But I would call that a horse of a different color. Falling does not equal flying. I know how to fall and I'm pretty good at it. If I could fly I would never fall again.

Birds fly down all the time ... I plan to start that way ... the tricky bit is zooming upwards at the end ... I think the trick is to just get up enough momentum...

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Birds fly down all the time ... I plan to start that way ... the tricky bit is zooming upwards at the end ... I think the trick is to just get up enough momentum...

Hehehe. Well, if you are that determined, go ahead on. But I would recommend starting out at about one foot above the ground and when you become proficient at that level advance about two inches each graduation. You never know. Some evolution processes have taken place over just a few months. When you see the feathers growing on your arms you will know you are on the right path.

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Dude! That doesn't make sense, there will be no momentum for uplift until I get the speed up , so there cant be any evolution (like an inter-celluar 'super-efficient machine' it cant evolve ... its a built in 'design by intelligence' )


Of course I will need feathers growing out my arse as well for steerage (might make a change from my words coming out of there?)

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Belly laughs. Really.


Hey!, I not required to make sense in this thread. It's about dreams, remember?


There were a lot of vultures flying around here today for some reason. Strange because the winds weren't good for their gliding and riding the thermals, which were actually non-existant as my area is currently under the influence of a Nor'easter.


Yeah, you are right though, one needs to be up before one can go down. How about if you build yourself a stairway to heaven, that way you could progress one step at a time?

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There's a hawk who teaches me walking qigong on occasion, and he told me that wings should, in the case of a human, be sprouted out of the outer thighs, not the arse as Nungali suggested.


The hawk is not from a dream -- he circles around when I do my Longmen practice by the local lake, he probably lives nearby.

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Belly laughs. Really.


Hey!, I not required to make sense in this thread. It's about dreams, remember?


There were a lot of vultures flying around here today for some reason. Strange because the winds weren't good for their gliding and riding the thermals, which were actually non-existant as my area is currently under the influence of a Nor'easter.


Yeah, you are right though, one needs to be up before one can go down. How about if you build yourself a stairway to heaven, that way you could progress one step at a time?

I ascended 'Jacobs Ladder' in the Red Lodge does that count?

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There's a hawk who teaches me walking qigong on occasion, and he told me that wings should, in the case of a human, be sprouted out of the outer thighs, not the arse as Nungali suggested.


The hawk is not from a dream -- he circles around when I do my Longmen practice by the local lake, he probably lives nearby.


I believe . At times when I used to train at the park by the river ... we would do "Rohi' a form supposedly based on the heron. Heron would turn up and show us how its done, hunting amidst the riverside rushes.


PS. I did say tail feathers ;)

Edited by Nungali
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I ascended 'Jacobs Ladder' in the Red Lodge does that count?

Of course it counts. All achievements count.


Yes, you did say tail feathers. Growing from and at the tail.


Herons are neat birds as long as they are not trying to eat fish from your fish pond.

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My dream is to have no fear or desire when I'll die, that would mean that I have done what I had to do, given what I had to and received what I had to. But's that a tough one for me.

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My dream is to have no fear or desire when I'll die, that would mean that I have done what I had to do, given what I had to and received what I had to. But's that a tough one for me.


Hmmm, I think that might be everyone's dream really. Many don't know it though ;).

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