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Please help me understand why Absolute Stillness is faster than Light Speed and how this is carried over to the concept of Translocation.

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I was always fascinated by the concept of teleportation. This is basicly my only egoic thrive to have one or more siddhi's*, that I am really interested in.


*Siddhi's are 'super natural abilities' (from the perspective of a normal human being w/o the advanced understanding) that are gained naturally along the spiritual practise.


And so my mind gathered the idea.. or the fact.. that being in absolute stillness is faster than light speed. Traveling faster than light speed.


Does this all derive from that physical distance is a law of the 3rd dimension and only applies to the 3rd dimension - and that everything above is reached through thought?


That would mean that being in this place of absolute stillness, we can then travel with our minds.


How is this applied to the third dimension? I am not doubting that there are individuals who can translocate or teleport their entire physical body to whatever location they want. But how is this possible with a physical body, whose shape and apperance and entire system must be in a correct place to exist? From my current understanding this translocation then would require us to take the body apart and put it together somewhere else.


Do we have to consciously be at a place where we can access our entire physical bodies blueprint in another dimension?


I am aware of mental teleportation, not from self experience, but from teachings that follow the notion of: That this is only achieved by being in the heart. When we are in our hearts then at one point we do not feel a seperation to the life around us anymore. We are this life then. And since life is everywhere, we are (slash can be) everywhere. The knowledge with the responsibility of physical teleportation would then be given to us.


May I get a hand here?


Edit: Of course this makes sense to me now that we first have to understand 'mental teleportation' since the physical dimension was created later. It is not impossible to get this understanding from the physical first, but will take aeons longer to fully grasp. See regular science.

Edited by 4bsolute

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There is a Chuang Tzu story that talks about the speed of things. He never actually finishes the story but the conclusion can be drawn that the mind is faster than anything known to man.


So yes, I would agree with you regarding mental teleportation but I would have to suggest that physical teleportation is not a realistic concept.

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if really "still" then that is already there, no travel needed... such is not of mental power it is Spirit power.

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Understanding the speed of light and how it is a barrier is fundamental to understanding how it is not a barrier to concepts not restricted to the conventional concept of the space-time continuum, but this understanding really is not helpful in one's energetic/spiritual practice. Practicing one's practice is helpful in one's energetic/spiritual practice. ;)


For those interested in the intellectual pursuit, I'd recommend this short book (<100 pages) as a good starting point:

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Understanding the speed of light and how it is a barrier is fundamental to understanding how it is not a barrier to concepts not restricted to the conventional concept of the space-time continuum, but this understanding really is not helpful in one's energetic/spiritual practice. Practicing one's practice is helpful in one's energetic/spiritual practice. ;)


For those interested in the intellectual pursuit, I'd recommend this short book (<100 pages) as a good starting point:


Excellent recommendation. However, very few can even begin to comprehend Einstein's work.


What I would recommend is the practice of sky gazing which is a superior way to understand the nature of light and the non separateness of existence/being. From my experience, one can experience stillness. I hesitate to characterize the experience of stillness as absolute given that particular dialectic dates back to antiquity. The absolute/relative discussion continues and will continue to this day and beyond.


Is the OP inquiring in regards to being or becoming? Is absolute stillness the archê of all phenomena? That is a tricky discussion.

Edited by ralis
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I'd say seemingly tricky although the most singular, simple and quintessential fact.

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And so my mind gathered the idea.. or the fact.. that being in absolute stillness is faster than light speed. Traveling faster than light speed.


Does this all derive from that physical distance is a law of the 3rd dimension and only applies to the 3rd dimension - and that everything above is reached through thought?

The dimension of consciousness is not that of the 3+1 spacetime. For the sake of physicality - no, if you're seemingly inextricably tethered to this 4d brane, "you are not going faster than the speed of light." Beautifully explained by Feynman in "Six not so easy pieces" (which is a great follow up to "six easy pieces") - he does a great job of presenting the asymptote in an understandable manner there.


So in a sense - being tethered to this 4d-brane, there is a coefficient of friction underneath which "you" stay tethered. Cultivation raises the vibrational aspects of the mindbody.


If you're read any string theory or particle physics, you've undoubtedly read about resonances of particles becoming indistinguishable from one another once their energies get high enough. Think spontaneous symmetry breaking.


By raising the cultivated energy high enough, the coefficient of friction is surpassed or sidestepped by the symmetry breaking, freeing one from the tether.


Net result, any "faster than light" travel doesnt really wind up equating to "travel."


Most of us have just as much of a chance climbing the peak of Everest, naked. :)



There's coefficients of friction in every situation. Identify what the nature of the friction is, discern its coefficient experientially; express it, and gain as a result.

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Teleportation is simple, but not easy. You may feel the presence of two diffrent kind of environments. For example, practice going outside and feel how that feels, then inside and feel how that feels. You usually experience either this or that. Do this as often as you want. Then try to contemplate how they differ in feeling. How they relate. Contemplate how they both exist at the same time, the two experiences.


Perhaps, recall the feeling of being outside, even as you stand inside. Now you have acces to two environments. Make the outside environment your main focus, by first simply validating BOTH environments as equals. Don't fight your current environment, that will just reveal your current environment. Allow your current environment to be the environment of choice. Here's the tricky one. You basicly give up the stability of a lifetime of hard earned trust, by allowing the environment to reflect your choice.


If they are equal in value in your experience, then it requires barely any touch to tip the scales into one direction. Reaching the zero-point is all about balancing the scales of your experience so as to dropping yourself into limbo. A free fall into the bottomless. Through which you may find and gain acces to any location in existance.


Easier said then done. Usually, we humans just go into psychosis. For example, the scales become turbulent and you may experience a horrific waking nightmare which sets aflame your entire experience of your senses. Or something like that.

Edited by Everything
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The dimension of consciousness is not that of the 3+1 spacetime. For the sake of physicality - no, if you're seemingly inextricably tethered to this 4d brane, "you are not going faster than the speed of light." Beautifully explained by Feynman in "Six not so easy pieces" (which is a great follow up to "six easy pieces") - he does a great job of presenting the asymptote in an understandable manner there.


So in a sense - being tethered to this 4d-brane, there is a coefficient of friction underneath which "you" stay tethered. Cultivation raises the vibrational aspects of the mindbody.


If you're read any string theory or particle physics, you've undoubtedly read about resonances of particles becoming indistinguishable from one another once their energies get high enough. Think spontaneous symmetry breaking.


By raising the cultivated energy high enough, the coefficient of friction is surpassed or sidestepped by the symmetry breaking, freeing one from the tether.


Net result, any "faster than light" travel doesnt really wind up equating to "travel."


Most of us have just as much of a chance climbing the peak of Everest, naked. :)



There's coefficients of friction in every situation. Identify what the nature of the friction is, discern its coefficient experientially; express it, and gain as a result.


Very good, thank you.


Btw I will come back to your mail asap (oh finally I am in that position rather than someone else in my conversationst towards me)



Create enough gravity to bend space.


That is the principle of Chi culvitation in general. You have your base, you have your highest point and your lowest point beneath that base. You create and energy 'girdle' and expand it. The further out it goes, the higher you can reach. Increasing your balance.


What physical 'theory' is this exactly I was refering to? Are there similarities to something that already has been published?


The spiritual sense behind it is simply cultivate to expand that energy in the Dan Tien and use it as 'fuel' to 'extend' the spine, the flow of spirit in it to more higher levels.


God, words.. again, not my day but I hope you get my point.


I am refering to Dr. Yang .. but this was 2007 I guess, so possibly 'outdated' already. You see I need to catch up

Edited by 4bsolute

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