
Devious call for adding Christianity as a subforum

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Thank you thelerner.


You can't really say religion and enlightenment are polar opposites.


The exoteric schools of religion lead to the esoteric.


The esoteric seeks to point the way to enlightenment.


And I would have thought many Tarot readers believe they are doing "The Good Lord's" work, too.


I would, were I ever to get round to ordering a selection of decks from ebay.


To be honest, I should make my own.



Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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There is, on the other hand, the insidious work done by the Money Power, rooted in greed and ignorance, lying hidden behind all major instutions, not just the religious ones.


Now, if anyone wants to talk about the Church of England or The Vatican....


Then they probably shouldn't!


The dancing naked in the moonlight, on the other hand, sounds an absolute hoot!


Who's up for that?


And we need a pagan subforum!


Herne the Hunter!



Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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The world is worse than ever.


They are bombing countries back to the stonehenge.


We can't have religious fundamentalists (or indeed greed and ignorance in the human heart) wielding such power in a world of nuclear weapons.


It's long past midnight.


Why are we still here?





Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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It is not fundamentalism per se that is bad, but those people who co-opt such doctrines for selfish, though usually unconsciously so, ends. They are the people who wish to claim the throne of righteousness for themselves while ignoring the Heart of Love. This is a particularly Christian formulation. Probably every Religion would have a similar formulation that would express the same idea, but I think most people will get my point.

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It is unconscious, yes.


Poor sad hearts ruled by fear and greed.


They know not what they do.


Blame none.


Especially let there be no scapegoats.



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The world is worse than ever. They are bombing countries back to the stonehenge.


We can't have religious fundamentalists (or indeed greed and ignorance in the human heart) wielding such power in a world of nuclear weapons.


It's long past midnight. Why are we still here? Hmmm?...

<Derail> (These days I'm trying to write 'derail' when I'm writing on a subject that is not relevant to the OP, its not a criticism just admitting we've strayed and maybe a new topic should be made. Unfortunately that'd be a 'saving the world' kind of topic which ended up getting derailed.)


I don't know if the world is worse then ever. We don't need nuclear weapons to destroy a city, haven't for a couple thousand years. Its just flashy. The world might be more peaceful on several levels then we give it credit for. Europe was at near constant war for centuries, its been peaceful for decades. Cold war, which I consider as WWIII has been over. Actually, nuclear threat is extremely low and relatively out of our consciousness, especially compared to 50's and 60's. We have entire continents at peace.


Still, fear and greed tend to rule the day. Feeding off each other. Thats where something, some rebirth of fellowship needs to happen. I don't think it can legislated, though fairer economics can be.

Edited by thelerner
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A&E Network has had to beef up security at its New York headquarters after receiving death threats and suspicious packages from people enraged about the network’s decision to suspend Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson.


Saturnalia Billboard Focus of Attempted Arson

The billboard was erected by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which has complained about the 'Keep Christ in Christmas' banner in Pitman.


Satanic display rejected at Florida Capitol


Maybe they should have read this thread :ph34r:

Edited by SonOfTheGods

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Does anyone mind a little derail now and then?




Never mind.


Thats where something, some rebirth of fellowship needs to happen.





Nuff Said.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell
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A&E Network has had to beef up security at its New York headquarters after receiving death threats and suspicious packages from people enraged about the network’s decision to suspend Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson.


Saturnalia Billboard Focus of Attempted Arson

The billboard was erected by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which has complained about the 'Keep Christ in Christmas' banner in Pitman.


Satanic display rejected at Florida Capitol


Maybe they should have read this thread :ph34r:


Over 1 Million Support Boycotting A&E Following Anti-Gay ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star’s Suspension.

December 19, 2013

The page exploded when it was launched Wednesday, breaking over 200,000 likes in less than six hours and 700,000 after 20 hours. The page received more than 1 million likes in less than 24 hours.



1,000,000 christians in less than 24 hours. that's a lot of intolerance

Edited by SonOfTheGods
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1,000,000 christians in less than 24 hours. that's a lot of intolerance



My good friend, a non-denominational Christian, had a real hard time getting over that but he finally made it. I'm proud of him.

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I'm just surprised at the whole issue. I always thought those Duck guys uh, feathered the nest both ways.

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