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Hidden Dangers - Toxicology

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A few years ago I went to a presentation by a well known toxicologist, and what she told us was mind blowing, even for me. I had been receiving mild psychic messages that said: "you are being poisoned" for quite some time, which I had ignored; but then one day I awoke and said. Holy shit, those assholes are poisoning me ON PURPOSE. When I went to the presentation I already knew this but some of the details presented were fascinating.


Well now, knowing that you are being poisoned on purpose could piss some people off, couldn't it? Evidently not too much, evidentaly most people don't care much about it, and don't want to believe it. In fact there's a well trained segment of the population that lives to get 'fucked up', and so it goes.


What I hope is that people will share here some of the more insidious and unknown aspects of this poisoning of the planet and those that are trying to live here.


I'll start with one the toxicologist related. There is a way of measuring toxicity called lethal dose or LD. LD50 means that a certain amount of poison per unit of body weight will kill 50% of the 'test' subjects.


HELLO test subjects.


This is about the toxic metals, lead, aluminum, and mercury.


There is a certain level of lead poisoning that resuts in a LD of 1, or LD1, which means 1% of the victims will die, and there is, of course a certain level of aluminum that also results in LD1, BUT if you combine the two at those dosage levels it yields an LD of 100. In other words the 'low' dose of lead which would seem not so bad (99% live) when combined with an equally low dose of aluminum will kill everyone.


You see, there is a synergistic effect going on and it's very important, but we never hear about the dangers of combining toxins from the media, do we? Evidently our rulers accidentally overlooked that. In order to keep the slaves happy?


What if you add another metal into the mix? You know everyone has all three metals in their system. If you combine all three at a level of LD 0.1 ( 0.1% die quickly) then you get an even stronger synergistic effect which will again yield an LD of 100. Of course I'm talking about relatively quick death here, you know, with the attention span of the testers, but our rulers don't want people to drop dead suddenly, yet. They want people to get sick so they can force people to pay big bucks to the drug companies before they die.


In addition, there aren't just those three metals circulating through most people but many more metals, combined with lots of untested chemicals, all having a synergistic effect.


So when the mainstream media tells you that a certain level of lead is safe, just give them a knowing wink and continue on watching TV.


There's so much more ...


edited to correct math mistake.

Edited by Starjumper
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I changed the title to Hidden Dangers. Once my teacher told me ... we were talking about self defense but it applies to everything.


"Look for what is Hidden"!!! Exclamation points are mine.

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Splenda, the chemical which tastes a little like sugar, has been declared safe by the FDA, who has our best interests at heart, BUT when you heat it up, when it's used in cooking, it releases Dioxin, which even the FDA says is unsafe. Evidently they accidentally forgot to test for that.

Edited by Starjumper
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Plastic containers. Some of the chemicals in plastic containers leaches into the contents of the container, but those chemicals aren't listed on the label. Even metal cans are lined with a thin layer of plastic, and when you realize that we are being poisoned on purpose then you will realize that they purposely allow/require some of these more toxic chemicals to be used in the plastic that is put into containers.


Even more of the toxic chemicals leach into the contents of the container when they are heated or if they contain something that is acidic, like citrus or tomatos. Like a bottle of juice left in a hot car.

Edited by Starjumper
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All the plastic containers use chemicals called plasticizers (I think it's BPA or BPH, not sure) in order to keep the bottle soft. The FDA admits they are very dangerous, however they accidentally forgot to mention that they leach into the contents of the containers as stated above.


Now for the interesting part. Plastic containers contain only a small amount of plasticizers, like way less than 1% and it's still dangerous; but when you go to the hospital you should know that all the plastic tubing, used for IVs or whatever, contains up to 80% plasticizers, and these very high levels leach quickly into the tube and then into you. One of the ways hospitals help to 'heal' you.

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Poisoned on purpose? Do you really believe that?


I believe that industry pollutes, and comes up with all sorts of nifty things which serve the intended purpose (delivery, containment, preserving, adhering etc), but use chemicals and metals which harm us. And unfortunately our government is set up to serve corporations, not the public, so these things are allowed in our products and environment because a scientist on the payroll of the corp can show that the products aren't that harmful.


And I completely agree that they aren't testing what happens when these different approved toxins get into people or the environment and combine, creating much more toxic effects.


It would be nice to get the facts of what's out there without the conspiracy theory, though. The dangers are there. We ARE being poisoned. But I don't believe that they (and who is they in this case?) are putting things into our environment with the intent of poisoning people.


Who here uses toxic cleaning products? Glues and adhesives? Oil and antifreeze in their car? Flame retardants? Some of them are nasty! We use them because they work. They work because of the nasty stuff in them. They are made the way they are because they work really well, and people demand products that work really well. Not because they're trying to poison us. If people would be happy with natural products which don't necessarily work as well, because they're more interested in a healthy environment than the product which works the best, these chemicals wouldn't be out there.


The industry gets positive feedback from us, the consumer. "Use the nasty stuff. We don't care. We want what works the best." Most people don't buy the product that doesn't work as well. Unless they are educated, and give a shit. The majority of people buy simply based on what works the best, and price.


Anyway...continue. This thread wasn't meant to be a debate on this stuff, I'm sure...

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I do have to ask, though...why are they poisoning us, in your opinion? Do they want their consumers dead, unable to buy more of their products? Or is it all in service of the healthcare industry? Make them sick so they'll spend money at the hospital, then poison them even more at the hospital so they don't get better and keep spending money?


So it's the government, in a conspiracy to poison all of its citizens, so they'll spend money at the hospital? And what about the "they"? Are they somehow immune to all the poisons in the environment?


My point is that they want to make money. And don't believe the products are really that dangerous, or don't care. But if they're purposely poisoning us, then they're purposely poisoning themselves and their families too...which I just don't buy.

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My friend, I Am, yes I know that the poisoning is being done on purpose and I don't expect you to take my word for it. You raise good questions that could take a long time to hash over but could derail the intent of the thread, so for now please consider this: "Follow the money trail".


If there is a conspiracy thread around here somewhere then this "on purpose" question would go better there. I'll try not to say on purpose any more, and lets just look at the toxic state of the Nation. There's that thread somewhere around here that has a title something like: "the fall of the US as a superpower" The on purpose question could be debated there.

Edited by Starjumper
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If this is true, then folks are getting poisoned during every hospital stint.


In Europe plasticizers are called the penis shrinking chemical.



Phthalates are one of the groups of "gender-bending" chemicals causing males of all species to become more female. These chemicals have disrupted the endocrine systems of wildlife, causing testicular cancer, genital deformations, low sperm counts and infertility in a number of species, including polar bears, deer, whales and otters, just to name a few.



DEHP Exposure VERY High in Hospitals

One of DEHP's primary uses is in the
—manufacturers add it to polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to make plastic equipment more flexible.

As warned in
, DEHP can be found in:

IV tubing and IV bags


gastric tubes

Umbilical artery catheters

Tubing used in cardiopulmonary bypass procedures (CPB)

Blood bags and infusion tubing

Ventilator tubing

Enteral nutrition feeding bags

Tubing used during hemodialysis


In fact, these medical devices can contain 20 to 40 percent DEHP by weight—
and IV tubing can contain
up to 80 percent


But can this chemical actually leach from the IV tubing into your baby?

Yes, it can and it does. Everyone is exposed to small levels of DEHP in everyday life, but your baby can be exposed to HIGH levels via certain medical procedures. You see, DEHP is not bound to the vinyl. It readily leaches out of these medical devices (the tubing or bag) into the solutions that come into content with the plastic, where it then goes directly into you or your child.

Edited by Starjumper
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I wonder if the hospital will tell you, upon request, what type of plastics they use.


I'm sure some would, but would they use something else if you told them? Latex tubing was essentially non toxic but the excuse of allergic reactions was used to discredit it.


Edit: There are some good resources on the webpage above, including a PDF of "Why Health Care is Moving Away from PVC."


The more people who know and care about these things the more it will help. you have to ask the question, what are they replacing it with. Frequently something is replaced by another thing that is even more toxic.

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It scares me to think of what goes into the air when the printer and copy machine are running in my office. The smell is terrible. Day after and whatever glue is in the paper getting laid down and heated up as it goes through the printer.


The water jugs our "spring water" come in are pretty hard plastic, but plastic all the same, run through a plastic water cooler.


All the flame retardant pillows I sleep on, materials in my house and office, off gassing.


These are just a few of the indoor pollutants I deal with. What's in the air and water is a whole other deal. Toxic chemicals, other peoples prescription drugs, etc.




With or without "on purpose", it's a pretty toxic environment.

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On the brighter side. Its not all bad. Somethings, actually many have gotten better. Take air. From 1920's to 1981 leaded gasoline was the norm. After numerous court battles in the late 70's it was finally stopped. I quote "By 1991, the benefits of the new rules were undeniable. Blood lead levels in the U.S. had dropped 77 percent. And the United States saved more than $10 for every $1 invested in the phase-out" ( I'd expect they're even lower now.


After stopping use in the U.S in 1993, NRDC took its campaign to phase out leaded gasoline to the global stage. Years later Diesel fuel has been made mandated to burn much cleaner. Lead paint used for over 100 years has also been made illegal in 1978, before then it was widespread. I don't think we have the massive air pollution now that we had in the 1970's


Knocking lead out of the air has been an incredible boon. We don't notice or celebrate the clean ups that have been done. They're taken for granted even though they've made us incredibly healthier and safer. The huge drop in smoking has saved millions of lives and that includes people who'd suffered from second hand smoke.


from the net. (

The Air We Breathe
Improving Air Quality

The average American breathes more than 11,000 liters of air enough to fill a tanker truck every day! Thats why air pollution puts us at risk for serious health problems like heart disease, asthma, cancer and other illnesses. In the 40 years since the Clean Air Act went into effect, we've reduced 60% of the dangerous air pollutants that cause smog, acid rain, lead poisoning and more. clean air innovations like smokestack scrubbers and catalytic converters in automobiles have helped. Today, new cars are 98 percent cleaner than in 1970 in terms of smog-forming pollutants. This change has made Americans healthier.


During the first 20 years of the Clean Air Act, health benefits increased steadily from 1970 to 1990. In the year 1990, clean air programs prevented

  • 205,000 premature deaths
  • 672,000 cases of chronic bronchitis
  • 21,000 cases of heart disease
  • 843,000 asthma attacks
  • 189,000 cardiovascular hospitalizations
  • 10.4 million lost I.Q. points in children from lead reductions
  • 18 million child respiratory illnesses

The progress on cleaner air continued after 1990. Preliminary EPA analysis shows that in 2010, Clean Air Act fine particle (soot) and ozone (smog) programs implemented since the 1990 Amendments will have prevented more than 160,000 premature deaths."



We're not living in a lala land, there are many environmental battles to be fought, but lets not forget how far we've come.

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