
Fuck karma

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I look at it this way. I'm not a saint but i'm not a devil either. As a human being I am full of good intentions and bad intentions. I don't pretend to be perfect. So if I saw a frail old woman trying to cross a busy road to reflect my own nature honestly I'd help her half way across.




But she would follow you after that whichever way you went. If you are safe she is safe. But maybe not satisfied.

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But she would follow you after that whichever way you went. If you are safe she is safe. But maybe not satisfied.


If she follows me she takes her chances.

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Come on Brian, put centuries of inter-faith strife to and end and finally tell us whether it's the gourd or the sandal we're all meant to follow!


The answer, my child, is 42.

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Even in basic shravakayana buddhism, there is no karma in the 12 links of Dependent Origination.


I can make a similar point with Samkhya, the main system of hinduism

Edited by RongzomFan

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Even in basic shravakayana buddhism, there is no karma in the 12 links of Dependent Origination.


I can make a similar point with Samkhya, the main system of hinduism



? >>>


Saṃskāra (Sanskrit) or Saṅkhāra (Pāli); Tibetan du.byed (duche), Eng. "(mental) formations" The impulse accumulations of saṃskāra are characterized by the energetic direction of the first motif, manifesting through body, speech, and mind as structuring forces of our being. This relationship forms the basis of our character and our personal karmic patterning.

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So how about instead we just treat people decently so they have a better day? Or maybe help others to see them suffer a little less? Or not be an ass, because being a decent person is a better option all around. Why must we get some reward from it, or avoid some punishment for it?




Your reference to Dark City was dope... Love that movie :)


Back to people's warped view of Karma :P


I agree in principle with your point that people's view and maybe better to the point, their tarot card reading of their yarrow stick toss in regards to their karma compass is determining their decision making... but your last part, which I quoted, seems to also suggest too much of looking at a tarot card, yarrow stick, and compass direction and then deciding :huh:


To me, karma is similar to the cycles of heaven and earth and the other interesting planetary bodies moving in their paths... Their path exists; their paths affect us (consciously or not); their energies influence us (consciously or not); and yet we can live as if it is all an illusion if we want and we are none the better or worse.


We are the better or worse once we realize there is something else in the air we breath; there is something else in the energy we feel than the sunshine; there is something else in the pull on our body than just gravity. That leads to a journey to life or the dark side.


Maybe ignorance is bliss on some level. And yet to err is human and to forgive is supposedly divine... Karma seems to get clothed in physical and spiritual jargon. Once one can see that karma is the emperor's new clothes... then we can appreciate the thread title...

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Even in basic shravakayana buddhism, there is no karma in the 12 links of Dependent Origination.


I can make a similar point with Samkhya, the main system of hinduism

Since you have no regard for Buddha Shakyamuni's teachings, why even bother to mention this.


Which, by the way, is only half accurate.


There is Right View with remainders, in which karma plays a part, and then there is supramundane Right View, without effluents.


Havent you heard of the Great Forty?


Read Maha-cattarisaka Sutta.


Here's a taster:


"And what is right view? Right view, i tell you, is twofold: there is right view that is affected by taints, partaking of merit, ripening on the side of attachment; and there is right view that is noble, taintless, supramundane, a factor of the path." (from the Middle Length discourse given by the Buddha).


And dont say its not valid because you dont consider with any seriousness the teachings of the lower yanas.

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Could you guys translate the whole Buddha Shakyamuni debate into simple english terms please? :D Lost me on the first Indian word several posts back ;).

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Could you guys translate the whole Buddha Shakyamuni debate into simple english terms please? :D Lost me on the first Indian word several posts back ;).

i apologise, BKA, for being impulsive.


i was merely responding to Alwayson's inaccurate assertion.


Sorry for derailing your thread with jargon.

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Where is karma in the 12 links of dependent origination?


Its not there.

The 12 links IS karma.

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