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Tantra: Regular outlet after ~2month of cultivation. Setback, how big? How to handle private time with spouse? Help

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Dear Ones,


I've practiced the MCO over one month, tried my very best in living celibate and at the beginning of the 2nd month I started with Qi-Gong. I had the idea to include tantric practices into my day, such as the orgasm without ejaculation, but did not quite made friends with it yet and so switched to ancient egypt with their 'ankhing' which is performed by fully ejaculating and mentally leading the energy out at the opposite side of the spirit.heart chakra on the spine, let the energy loop around the head automatically and re-enter the body at the actual chakra.


Not successful on the first try. Regular outlet. Encompanied with my usual body being emotionally 'washed clean', slight arising of doubt or..consternation, feeling like a hole was blown into my Dantian (not so severe as the words imply but as if 'something' was missing) and after I got up after a short meditation I felt a stinging sensation inside or at the area of the 'sperm palace'. Which felt quite painful, but is now gone again whilst finishing this sentence. Lasted about one minute.


I do not feel dramatically drained. There is a clear difference compared to before in terms of 'fulness' in my stomach and lower abdominal region. It does not feel so compact and 'safe' anymore.

  1. How big is the setback?
  2. When can I continue my practice? I am aware that Qi-Gong is on pause for at least 24h...
  3. And most importantly: How should I best handle my private time with my spouse, who can be considered a nympho?

I have the idea to use her natural high sex-drive in a mutual agreement to further empower my methods of cultivation. BUT I DO NOT KNOW HOW.


I really need help here!

Edited by 4bsolute

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The relaxation-response that you develop when you practice chi kung is very useful in the bedroom.

Let surrender and relaxation be ever present in your lovemaking, cultivate the sensations in the beginning throughout the act and keep away from the "cooking"-phase at the end.

In the beginning it is easier to practice when she is on top, as it keep you from tension.


Afterwards you should feel refreshed and satisfied. If you are agitated you came to close to the fire.


Good luck!

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Full lotus helps to control it, if she's able or willing. Actually, you don't even need full lotus. Crossed legs is enough.

Edited by yabyum24

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