
Request for greater disciplinary action on More Pie Guy

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It does matter because his powers are proof that he is cultivating something real.

The "serious spiritual cultivaters" as you call them most likely cultivate only delusion.

Hmnn, maybe real. Serious..I don't know. The serious spiritual cultivators I've met, come from respected lineages. I've met some very impressive people in yoga, Taoism and Buddhism. There aim seems to be wisdom, discipline, open heartedness, truth. Siddhis are recognized but not dwelt on, signs along the way that can too easily be turned into a road blocks if pursued or obsessed about.

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The serious spiritual cultivators I've met, come from respected lineages.


Respected by who? Respected by scientists as the ones who tested JC, that's what matters.


I've met some very impressive people in yoga, Taoism and Buddhism.

There aim seems to be wisdom, discipline, open heartedness, truth.


Impressive in which sense? Emanating wisdom, lightfulness? Having a love in their eyes which embraces the whole universe? You could feel their aura of love?


That's all imagination in your mind, no more.


Siddhis are recognized but not dwelt on, signs along the way that can too easily be turned into a road blocks if pursued or obsessed about.


Chi-Powers (="Siddhis") are the only evidence to know that a person progressed on the way of chi cultivation because Chi-Powers are simply a demonstration of mastery over Chi.

A "master" who does not verify his claimed authority to his students with demonstrating "siddhis" most likely has no chi-powers and therefore has no mastery over chi and therefore has no chi cultivation and is therefore a fraud. It's as simple as that!

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He only provides a yin field in this video, there was another video of him as well demonstrating the ability to pull an object to him unfortunately I didn't save a copy of that.


None of these however use anything close to his maximum ability.


Doing such demonstrations wastes his energy which must be replenished via meditation.


Even then he is no where near the level his own master was, and each level past level 4 is a doubling of ability, so it is exponential not linear growth. Meaning a level 10 is double a level 9 etc.


Honestly though I am not sure what you mean by.. It doesn't look like 1% of his ability.


What exactly is 1% of his ability supposed to look like or not look like?


Imagine a weight lifter bench pressing a 1kg weight, and you saying it doesn't look like he is just using 1% to me!


What is 1% of a weight lifters ability supposed to look like?








He was asked to try to ground to the wall, the wall was an insulator, he needed another person to act as a ground for a current of chi to flow through and into.










Not if, he does.






He did what he was asked to do, they requested he be taken to a random location to verify his abilities of site in case he had a hidden device somewhere.








I believe he has said he is unable to light a standard incandescent bulb. Chi seems to be a different phenomenon normal electricity.











He is at a level where a blast from him from many meters away would liquify your bones and internal organs, a direct touch could easily stop your heart. Yang chi, even though seemingly electrical in nature doesn't seem to be well suited to powering 110v AC devices however.


If he forms a ball of yang chi it looks like a ball of lightning and sounds like thousands of chirping birds.










The mistake in your thinking is that my only reasons for believing in the legitimacy of this practice is what I read in a book or saw on a youtube video.


You discount my private experiences in training which I don't talk about in public.


I don't have any blinders on.










I can't make him into something he's not.








He isn't an ultimate, there is no comparison to a level 50 even, as this system follows an exponential and not linear growth curve per level. He may however be qualified as an immortal in a spiritual sense.








Still alive? Maybe I don't know.







Results determine legitimacy. There are not many legitimate arts, nor are there many legitimate teachers.




No invention, no fiction, no super powers, just reality.






And learn what? Why does any of that nonsense matter at all. It leads nowhere and it accomplishes nothing.







Its much more important to have a legitimate system that actually leads somewhere and a correct understanding of it's methods.








I don't see it as a dead end, I see it as a great place to start.














Here he is only providing a yin field for his student Jim to pass his test.










Yes. It doesn't just matter it is misssion critical. Why would anyone listen to a teacher who hasn't accomplished anything?


How does that even make sense?








You have it backwards here. Serious cultivators aren't going to **** around with systems if they haven't been proven as doing leading to any meaningful level of development.










I will reserve judgement on Zhou and Jiang as I've seen no medical/scientific observation of either, but as for JC:




Its like you think the more space you waste during a post the better your position will look.


The fact that you're even writing about how his power blast would liquefy bones and internal organs, means your looking at the art from an immature angle, thinking of it as a path to Dragonball Z, instead of a cultivation practice. I think Westerners are banned from it for particularly that reason. They want to be Gohan instead a humble practitioner.


Its not the art that's being criticized. Its your interpretation of it. I'm not even sure if you practice it. You're not into discussing the actual practice or philosophy of Mo Pai, just into fighting about it. And talking theories about what a level 50 could do, when you don't know any level 50's.. or 40's or 30's or 20's or 10's or 5's(?) or whatever.

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I never have understood this concept that people who cultivate wisdom, inner peace, compassion etc somehow are more spiritually developed. They are more emotionally developed and mature, that doesn't have anything to do with the development of their spirit. Imagine for a second that the spirit is an actual biological entity that must be fed energy and grown every exactly the same as a biological organism. A level 72 would be a grown man at the pinnacle of his strength and health, a level 0 would be a zygote.


Lot's of emotionally mature and devolved people spend their lives dedicated to being a better person but they die at the same energetic level of development as when they were born.


*What* you feed it might be important though, all of our hatred, anger, guilt, blame and etc. might make it into something sort of nasty. Hence why folks seek to diminish those.... This is my personal theory this month. Your thoughts on this?

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Respected by who? Respected by scientists as the ones who tested JC, that's what matters.



Impressive in which sense? Emanating wisdom, lightfulness? Having a love in their eyes which embraces the whole universe? You could feel their aura of love?


That's all imagination in your mind, no more.



Chi-Powers (="Siddhis") are the only evidence to know that a person progressed on the way of chi cultivation because Chi-Powers are simply a demonstration of mastery over Chi.

A "master" who does not verify his claimed authority to his students with demonstrating "siddhis" most likely has no chi-powers and therefore has no mastery over chi and therefore has no chi cultivation and is therefore a fraud. It's as simple as that!

You like Gary Clyman. I've seen him talk, he's a remarkable marketer and self promoter. He has some juice, but imo he's a very poor role model. My opinion from seeing him. Not my cup of soup. There's a whole world of learning out there. Teachers who aren't on the power trip, yet they'll explain how to live a life better. Wisdom is placed on a higher level then 'powers'. There's room for both but I've found there's more craziness on the 'power's side'.

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Its like you think the more space you waste during a post the better your position will look.


The fact that you're even writing about how his power blast would liquefy bones and internal organs, means your looking at the art from an immature angle, thinking of it as a path to Dragonball Z, instead of a cultivation practice. I think Westerners are banned from it for particularly that reason. They want to be Gohan instead a humble practitioner.


Its not the art that's being criticized. Its your interpretation of it. I'm not even sure if you practice it. You're not into discussing the actual practice or philosophy of Mo Pai, just into fighting about it. And talking theories about what a level 50 could do, when you don't know any level 50's.. or 40's or 30's or 20's or 10's or 5's(?) or whatever.


Yep, just confirms MPG should scrap MoPai and take up Bagua! :) Sounds like many martial artists to me...

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The fact that you're even writing about how his power blast would liquefy bones and internal organs, means your looking at the art from an immature angle, thinking of it as a path to Dragonball Z, instead of a cultivation practice. I think Westerners are banned from it for particularly that reason. They want to be Gohan instead a humble practitioner.


What we are calling "Mo Pai" (= "The path of Mo Tzu") is in fact called the school of "Pa Lei Chuan" (="eight ways thunder boxing") (see "Magus of Java", pg. 73)

As the name suggests, it's an internal martial art.

The development of internal power (= Neijin) for martial purposes is therefore in the foreground of this system as in every internal martial art (=Neijia) and people become members of this school to develop just that. The development of Neijin is achieved via Nei Kung (=Internal Work)

The training book of their school covers "the secrets of internal power [!!!] all the way up to Level Seventy-Two" (Magus of Java, pg. 73).

As the video of the student test shows, the progress in this school is measured through tests of power.


So in your opinion, all these people in this school must be immature people.


Maybe you are rather the immature person with your bold belief what "cultivation" is and with your belief what kind of personality is beneficial to achieve great success in cultivation!

Edited by Dorian Black

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What we are calling "Mo Pai" (= "The path of Mo Tzu") is in fact called the school of "Pa Lei Chuan" (="eight ways thunder boxing").

As the name suggests, it's an internal martial art.

The development of internal power (= Neijin) for martial purposes i


See, Bagua! :D the true path is really Bagua, it's OK MPG will find the true path soon...

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The fact that you're even writing about how his power blast would liquefy bones and internal organs, means your looking at the art from an immature angle, thinking of it as a path to Dragonball Z, instead of a cultivation practice.

Cultivation of what? Inner peace? Wisdom? Nondual awareness? Compassion?


It isn't any of those things, nor do those things have anything to do with energetic cultivation.


I'm not even sure if you practice it. You're not into discussing the actual practice or philosophy of Mo Pai, just into fighting about it.

Defending it. Don't be so sure on your other assumptions.




And talking theories about what a level 50 could do, when you don't know any level 50's.. or 40's or 30's or 20's or 10's or 5's(?) or whatever.

The growth curve in ability is exponential doubling every level past 4, not linear.







Hmnn, maybe real. Serious..I don't know. The serious spiritual cultivators I've met, come from respected lineages. I've met some very impressive people in yoga, Taoism and Buddhism. There aim seems to be wisdom, discipline, open heartedness, truth. Siddhis are recognized but not dwelt on, signs along the way that can too easily be turned into a road blocks if pursued or obsessed about.

I never have understood this concept that people who cultivate wisdom, inner peace, compassion etc somehow are more spiritually developed. They are more emotionally developed and mature, that doesn't have anything to do with the development of their spirit. Imagine for a second that the spirit is an actual biological entity that must be fed energy and grown every exactly the same as a biological organism. A level 72 would be a grown man at the pinnacle of his strength and health, a level 0 would be a zygote.


Lot's of emotionally mature and devolved people spend their lives dedicated to being a better person but they die at the same energetic level of development as when they were born.

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You like Gary Clyman. I've seen him talk, he's a remarkable marketer and self promoter. He has some juice, but imo he's a very poor role model. My opinion from seeing him. Not my cup of soup. There's a whole world of learning out there. Teachers who aren't on the power trip, yet they'll explain how to live a life better. Wisdom is placed on a higher level then 'powers'. There's room for both but I've found there's more craziness on the 'power's side'.


In my opinion, he is a great role model because he worked very hard and tireless to get the internal power he has:

He trained for 6 - 10 hours a day for the first 10 years of his training! Well, that are the kind of personality traits which are useful to make great progress in chi cultivation!

Also, he backs up every claim he makes! Everybody can visit him and test his Fajin & Golden Bell powers!

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I know I have to apparantely quote some exact things hes said. But recently on a thread I made about nervousness, he seems to flood the thread, with his constant excessively hateful, arragant and insulting comments continously calling everyone on this forum 99.9% "new age fuck tards"




In my opinion to continue to allow this kind of disrespect is unjust.


It is not just me but many posters are bombarded with this kind of disrespect.



I think that MPG is a person who has low tolerance for stupidity. A person who gets irritated when other people post nonsense. And why should he be punished, when nothing can be done with the initial nonsense of other people, which is the true problem?


I don't think that that 99.9% people on this board are new age lunatics/nonsense writers, but I often get the impression that such people constitute a sizeable percentage of the users here. And this does irritate me, I can understand MPG in this regard.

Edited by Narew
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MPG once he finally realizes his true and real path is BAGUA!



Ha Ha the Bagua diagnosis


I was waiting for it :D




I thought it would go like this!


Other Person: I have a question on cultivation?

BGKA: Hmmm seems like you need to do more Bagua.....

Other Person: Um I dont even do Bagua!

BGKA: Hmm the problem is worse than what I originally thought! You need to start Bagua right away!!!



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Ha Ha the Bagua diagnosis


I was waiting for it :D




I thought it would go like this!


Other Person: I have a question on cultivation?

BGKA: Hmmm seems like you need to do more Bagua.....

Other Person: Um I dont even do Bagua!

BGKA: Hmm the problem is worse than what I originally thought! You need to start Bagua right away!!!




Pretty much, yep :).

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Sooooo thamosh, do you practice Bagua? :D

Actually no but ive had friends advise me to do so.


Ive done a lot of taichi and dabbled in Xingyi

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Actually no but ive had friends advise me to do so.


Ive done a lot of taichi and dabbled in Xingyi


That's a good, start, you can begin the practice at any time! <grin>

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All right you miracle workers;


A Monk goes to his teacher; "Master, I was talking to one of the monks from a far Monastery in the village yesterday and he said his Master can walk across water. Please teach me that."




"Why not? Cant you do that? You are a Master, if you cant teach me that then I will go and find this other Master as he must be superior."


"Goodbye then."


20 years pass. One day the master is sitting out the front of his house by the river and he hears someone yelling, he looks across the river and sees his old student, they wave to each other. Then, slowly and deliberately the student walks towards the river edge, the Master watches with great curiosity. The student steps on to the water and continues across and then walks up to the master and says; "Well! What do you think of that then?"


The master replies, " I think you just spent 20 years learning to do something that most people pay the ferryman a penny for."

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All right you miracle workers;


A Monk goes to his teacher; "Master, I was talking to one of the monks from a far Monastery in the village yesterday and he said his Master can walk across water. Please teach me that."




"Why not? Cant you do that? You are a Master, if you cant teach me that then I will go and find this other Master as he must be superior."


"Goodbye then."


20 years pass. One day the master is sitting out the front of his house by the river and he hears someone yelling, he looks across the river and sees his old student, they wave to each other. Then, slowly and deliberately the student walks towards the river edge, the Master watches with great curiosity. The student steps on to the water and continues across and then walks up to the master and says; "Well! What do you think of that then?"


The master replies, " I think you just spent 20 years learning to do something that most people pay the ferryman a penny for."


But think about how many pennies could be saved if you never had to pay for a stove lighter again?

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I use the old run out of gas lighters ... only need the spark and not the gas ... and before you say to light my cigarettes the 'other way I doubt such a chi blaster smokes cigarettes ? '. In any case I don't waste money on lighters ... I steal other peoples lighters. :P

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'other way I doubt such a chi blaster smokes cigarettes ?


Not according to the Magus of Java. From what I remember of the book, Chang and most of the people around him all smoked like chimneys.

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For someone who grew up in the East, John Chang is not really that impressive. He is a smart guy alright, found what some Western Bruce Lee wannabes thirst for and gave them just enough to reap some rewards for himself. (sigh) if only Mr Lee was still around....


There are many John Changs all over the Far East. Most are inaccessible though. They shun attention, have no students, or only one or two, at most, for the duration of their lives. Some live in makeshift huts deep in the jungles, others in mountain caves at the ends of similar jungles. Not only is it next to impossible to find them, its next to impossible to even find a guide who knows how to traverse these equatorial forests (it rains leeches when the time is right), and if you find one who can, chances are he will not know who is being sought, and therefore will be of no useful help. Its that difficult.


We hear stories now and then. Of powers and strangely things these hidden hermits can do. Fist-sized rocks being thrown and being stopped at mid flight. Cultivating immunity to snake bites (cobras, mambas, that sort), travelling at night thru thick mangroves with no torch, navigating with inner light, and other tales which we cannot verify, as much as we would love to. Some locals have been healed by these masters solely based on affinity, and it is thru the village chatter that we get faint suspicions that such powerful people do indeed exist.


I used to call them Keepers of the Light back years ago, having a similar sort of determination like MPG, and telling myself that i have the strongest resolve to find one of these Keepers and dedicate my life to learning the Art.


Personally, i have seen some really incredible feats performed by silat grandmasters. They do such demos to publicise lineage and recruit students for their particular schools. You could say they must be at least level something or other because what these guys can do quite boggles the mind. Dont ask for details. For those who are curious, catch a flight to Malaysia and look them up... they are easy enough to locate, no mysterious agendas involved.

Edited by C T
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