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(Image) Keep your eyes on Lord Buddha

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Do not let anything make you
keep your eyes off Lord Buddha,
for when you look him back once more,
his footprints may fade away.

Or perhaps...


Do not let anything make you

take your eyes off Lord Buddha,

for when you look back at him once more,

his footprints may have faded away.




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Or perhaps...


Do not let anything make you

take your eyes off Lord Buddha,

for when you look back at him once more,

his footprints may have faded away.






Thank you so much for your advice.

Now I've changed it.





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And I'm sure there are people who think Buddha is contained in a statue or a person long dead.


This saying makes more sense when you see the symbol of the Buddha to be your own enlightened natural mind.

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And I'm sure there are people who think Buddha is contained in a statue or a person long dead.


This saying makes more sense when you see the symbol of the Buddha to be your own enlightened natural mind.










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