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A future look on our society: How body fat brings you in defense mode & how GMO-foods will restrict the sensed variety of our emotions.

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So I was talking to my girlfriend just a second ago and explained her that it is perfectly fine how she currently lives, turtling up with sensual foods. Because her surroundings can not give her what she does not give herself in the first place. Sweet and spicy food.


Sweet because its the association for self-love and comfort. Spicy because no action or 'fun' is created and life is perceived as dull or stagnant.


Here is my self-experience:


I recall my time this spring when I experimented with water-fasting, was on a vegan diet anyway it was warm outside and I drank alot of liquid. My body was in a very good condition. I was detoxing in so many ways.


And then what happened? In my entire body I perceived emotions more fully. All kind of vibrations. You can not imagine this if you have not perceived it yourself. How Hard and Threatening lower emotions feel, when you make yourself more receptable to it and how more caressing your heart center and general Nature feels like :)


I did this experiment in the first place to open up more to divine love, but have totally forgot - and ofc nobody told me (GJ oneway western society with your "love is everywhere" nonsensical bullcrap) that this also opens up the other side of the spectrum.


And this, to put it simple: Freaked me out. It was unbearable and my organs cramped left and right. It was actually painful. And I had no idea why they were hurting so much. It was all the influence from my ignorant and harsh environment surrounding me that I let in. Free will makes it possible.


Remember that emotions are directly connected to the glands on our organs.


You then understand why our society is so obese. Because they cant handle it. We would have millions of suicides everyday if you would from one second to the other let all junk-food on the world disappear. The entire economy would collapse.


That also means that humans in general are less susceptible to emotions. This is what I have written previously about sugar in this forum but got mostly childish answers (It is acceptable). To both the emotions they receive and what they create. Self-reflection is reduced to a bare minimum, almost non-existant. Because there is nothing to recall or in the worst case, to perceive in the first place, at all.


Sad, isn't it?


And what will now happen with the increase of GMO-foods all over the world?


Our glands need specific and high quality minerals, vitamins and trace-elements from our foods in order to function properly. Our emotions emit our feelings we sense on a day to day basis. And you might have already understood that our feelings actually color our perception of this world! If we now reduce those aspects of our foods, design them only in a specific way, this then means that the society is also Emotionally Controlled. Add this to the already existing brainwashing.


Can it be more absurd?



To not let you fully hang in a dark and hopeless void: I have not mentioned the conscious decision in many independant ways on how to nourish first and foremost the body, for example in more subtle ways. But this requires a complete lifestyle change. You can not live off of subtle mechanisms when in the constant bombardment our society delivers.

Edited by 4bsolute
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The JAJ folks say that a lot of our emotions and past trauma stuff is stored in our fat cells, so when we lose weight a lot of stuff comes up. Interesting :).


Wondering how the OP might relate to anorexia or bulimia... (much more obvious and easier to figure out with the second one).

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Wondering how the OP might relate to anorexia or bulimia... (much more obvious and easier to figure out with the second one).


No need to speak in third person :) individuals with anoraxia have mostly at the same time heavy adrenal fatigue, would actually be heavily feeling the impact of those lower vibes when living in a city for example. But can not due to their (mostly) dried out glands. Maybe this is again a self-defense mechanism. Ofc a lethal one, because our entire physical life here is dependant on functioning glands.


Bulimia speaks then for itself, yes. A big shell to protect. Because fat is a horrible conductor and you barely get any external emotional stimuli in. Which must then also be perceived as the typical victim-hood "I have to give all the time and get nothing in return." unconsciously not noticing that barely anything can enter

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I have never been able to put on weight, no matter what I eat.


I do consume white sugar in my tea.


But at the end of the day, I don't trouble myself too much with small material considerations such as that.


I am a vegetarian, and I take vitamin and mineral tablets.


Somehow, I consider these material elements to be symbolical.


The World itself being a vast array of living symbols (co?)created by the action of consciousness.


But I don't want to get philosophical.


I do get highly emotional as a matter of fact.


Krishna consciousness makes me cry I think.


I'll stabilise out in a few more years.


Until I had my "event" I ate meat, but afterwards eating meat would give me dreadful pains.


Of course, the "event" itself brought about a series of often painful or uncomfortable physical symptoms.


But it brought incredible energy and sensitivity.


It was similar to what happened to many gurus.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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It would be so grand if we could rejuvenate our soil to higher brix values.

Vegetation high in brix value does not get targeted by insects, as they are high in mineral content and are unappealing.

These vegetables are brimming with phytochemicals that are vital for good immune function.


One of the predatory quality checks held by nature, the low mineral content soil grows vegetation that appeals to insects. The insects clear out the vegetation and things get a chance to recalibrate to a higher mineral content.


We'd require far fewer pesticides if we'd grow more in accord with nature and on a smaller scale.

That is unfortunately just a pipe dream given the nature of conditions here and now.


I've spent some time on water fasts and a couple of various detoxes and can relate to you on the emotional experiences related to various food types. Not to mention the state of intention/mind of the one who prepares what I eat, that can be really profound!


I hadn't ever considered the emotional dampening affect of fat deposits. Huge impact on the ability to take in, move and express subtle energy. That really rang the bell for me.



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Interesting posts! Yeah...I've seen and known people who are into all kinds of 'emotional eating' if piling on fat can somehow insulate/shield them from the world. And then, because of our superficial looks-oriented society, they just end up hating themselves and feeling even worse, but the cycle perpetuates.


It's funny, I had a few childhood traumas and ended up being a bit overweight until I was in my teens. Now I have all kinds of stomach sensitivities and digestive problems. I can't get away with eating heavy food, meat, or much dairy, wheat, caffeine, etc. And I've struggled to keep my weight up. I'm definitely a lot more emotionally and energetically sensitive than I ever was before. I wonder if that can change your digestive system?

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There's been some interesting research into a probable cause of heart disease, linking certain types of microbes in the gut that excrete trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), a substance believed to promote atherogenesis.


Among the treatments would be altering diet to inhibit the growth of the specific microbes.

Won't it be great when scientific pursuit brings us back to using food as medicine?

Instead of a cure, look to stop the cause.

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There's been some interesting research into a probable cause of heart disease, linking certain types of microbes in the gut that excrete trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), a substance believed to promote atherogenesis.


Among the treatments would be altering diet to inhibit the growth of the specific microbes.

Won't it be great when scientific pursuit brings us back to using food as medicine?

Instead of a cure, look to stop the cause.


Yes, we really need much more research put into this. Our bodies are, after all, basically food. You wouldn't believe how backward orthodox medicine is here in that regard. I was referred to a dietician because I was a bit underweight and was struggling to put on weight. I was amazed at the advice I got. I was told basically to eat junk: have extra sugar with meals, everything had to be full fat and the diet sheet suggested eating cakes, scones, pancakes and chocolate bars between every meal. This was professional advice and it was like a recipe for diabetes and heart disease. So much for food as medicine. We still have a long way to go!

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Yes, we really need much more research put into this. Our bodies are, after all, basically food. You wouldn't believe how backward orthodox medicine is here in that regard. I was referred to a dietician because I was a bit underweight and was struggling to put on weight. I was amazed at the advice I got. I was told basically to eat junk: have extra sugar with meals, everything had to be full fat and the diet sheet suggested eating cakes, scones, pancakes and chocolate bars between every meal. This was professional advice and it was like a recipe for diabetes and heart disease. So much for food as medicine. We still have a long way to go!


That is sad. Saddest for those who don't know enough to know better.

No matter how often I'm exposed to it, the way our current establishment conducts itself still shocks me.

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Well, the materialist approach is all well and good.


But I resist the western medical paradigm.


I am, as any fule know, a Xtian Scientist.


And a mormon.


Having said that, here is my typical diet;


Tea, white with one sugar, fruit (often dried) and nuts, pulses and beans, breads and pastas, eggs and dairy products.. ooh most anything really. As long as its fresh. And freshly cooked. And not processed.


I like cheese toasties and breakfast cereals and soups, and fried eggs and mushrooms and noodles and oh loads of things, noodles and beanspouts hmm.


But living alone now I weaken occasionally.


Alas! For instance a Tesco ready made cauliflower cheese ready to go in the oven.


I know.


Cordon Bleu.


But to be honest quite simple food I find very rich in flavour.


You have to savour it.


I can't bear spicy or highly flavoured or highly salted food.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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To associate persons with weight problems, as being unfeeling, not in touch with emotions, is conjecture at best. Such unfounded statements are not based in fact but seem to stem from a lack of asking critical questions as to the underlying cause of weight and obesity problems. Furthermore, there are myriad reasons as to why some have this problem. Cultural, minimal or no education in proper nutrition, genetics, psychological, poverty and the food industry.


If the OP has a need to speak for his or her self, then fine. However, to make blatant generalizations is being unreasonable.

Edited by ralis
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Such unfounded statements are not based in fact but seem to stem from a lack of asking critical questions as to the underlying cause of weight and obesity problems.


But isn't that exactly what he's talking about? Comfort eating and the use of unhealthy food as a response to unpleasant emotions?


the food industry.


I don't think anyone is overweight because of the food industry. I agree that the state of the Food Industry is atrocious and that much needs to be done in that regard, but nobody has to choose between eating bad food and getting shot. Every mouthful of unhealthy food is a choice, even if it isn't a conscious one, and you don't do people any favors by shifting the responsibility for their own health away from them.

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But isn't that exactly what he's talking about? Comfort eating and the use of unhealthy food as a response to unpleasant emotions?




I don't think anyone is overweight because of the food industry. I agree that the state of the Food Industry is atrocious and that much needs to be done in that regard, but nobody has to choose between eating bad food and getting shot. Every mouthful of unhealthy food is a choice, even if it isn't a conscious one, and you don't do people any favors by shifting the responsibility for their own health away from them.

A very insensitive remark!


I guess poor people have a choice when they barely have enough money to feed their children? There are at least 40 million here in the U.S. that are on food stamps. Many of those children go to bed every night hungry. Many of those children only eat what is provided for them in school. I suppose in terms of your world view, everyone makes clear conscious choices whether to eat organic chard or canned beans. I would surmise from your narrtive that poverty and being obese are conscious choices.


High fructose corn syrup is added to sodas and many processed foods. There is much evidence as to the harm of such additives.


The OP generalized from comfort food to that is the reason society has an obesity problem. Very poor logic.

Edited by ralis

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A very insensitive remark!


I guess poor people have a choice when they barely have enough money to feed their children? There are at least 40 million here in the U.S. that are on food stamps. Many of those children go to bed every night hungry. Many of those children only eat what is provided for them in school. I suppose in terms of your world view, everyone makes clear conscious choices whether to eat organic chard or canned beans. I would surmise from your narrtive that poverty and being obese are conscious choices.


Firstly, obviously the extremities of poverty are a different situation, but they aren't a majority, and quite frequently the 'oh but good food is so expensive' excuse is trotted out by people who have the latest iphone, expensive brand clothing, high end computers, etc etc. It's about prioritizing, though if someone genuinely can't afford to eat then I have nothing but sympathy for them.


My point is that weight gain doesn't happen by magic, nor overnight. There are plenty of opportunities to stop and look at what is happening to your body, to evaluate what is causing the problem and fix it, or, if it is too late, to reverse it, but that never happens if you're too busy blaming the food industry, or genetics, or other factors out of your control. You can't alter your genes (although the effect they have over weight is vastly exaggerated - and precisely because it gives the individual an excuse to avoid working to solve their problem), you can't stop corporations from being greedy and evil, but, barring extreme circumstances which only apply to a minority, you can control how much you eat and how much you exercise. If encouraging people to take control of their lives and address their problems head on instead of wallowing in victimhood is insensitive, then give me insensitivity any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


That said, the people I do have sympathy for are those who are raised on horrible food and in a bad lifestyle and end up obese by the time they're a teenager, with absolutely no control over the situation. Even if they grow up and finally manage to lose weight, there's already massive and permanent damage. It's nothing less than child abuse, and should be treated as such.

Edited by Aeran
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I have a feeling those diverse emotions you felt during your period of detoxing was you tuning in to how mother earth is feeling during these times. As the old adage goes ignorance is bliss- though I'd change it to ignorance is numbness. I find it quite exciting to feel the diverse spectrum of emotions- I am pretty much immune to paranoia or fear these days, for any emotion will soon pass anyways. Enjoy the ride!


Also, no need to fear the rise of GMO's. Fearing it is just swinging that pendulum on the other side of the polarity. Your attention is feeding it energy. Just don't buy the crap. You vote with your dollar. There is a comprehensive list of all the brands that use GMO's- boycott them all. To hell with them, support your local co-op. Buy in bulk, eat simply, live well.

Edited by BrianTheLion
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Fearing it is just swinging that pendulum on the other side of the polarity. Your attention is feeding it energy. Just don't buy the crap. You vote with your dollar. There is a comprehensive list of all the brands that use GMO's- boycott them all. To hell with them, support your local co-op. Buy in bulk, eat simply, live well.


I like the way this Lion roars!


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I hadn't ever considered the emotional dampening affect of fat deposits. Huge impact on the ability to take in, move and express subtle energy. That really rang the bell for me.




You are welcome. It hit me aswell so I posted this topic immediatelly after to share this insight. Some more pieces to make the puzzle complete.


And yes, insects always target weakened organisms first. That is why it is so important to re-discover old plants. They are naturally resistant to local insects than all the others from other countries. Should make sense. And ontop of that we have many plants, that are not used anymore, that naturally revitalize the soil. That is what my mother does in our garden. And we see how the conventional tomatoes and cucumbers are victims to disease so fast each year.


I personally dont eat them anymore, trying to get as much ancient foods as possible.


Fat itself is not wrong! Because it is actually a very pure component that can be used as fuel to increase Qi levels. I have always wondered why I see popular Qi Gong masters getting fat and thin again through different seasons of the year. I first said to myself, how can such a fat person teach something so vital for your health? But you can combine both methods. You can work with external Qi only, but to do so you have to be at a somewhat clean place - or you can eat lots of foods, herbs and the convert them - or you can do both.


I myself am still emotionally eating sometimes, when the pressure of my surroundings is getting too heavy. But those times are getting lesser and lesser and mostly occur only (like now) during the winter time.



I have a feeling those diverse emotions you felt during your period of detoxing was you tuning in to how mother earth is feeling during these times. As the old adage goes ignorance is bliss- though I'd change it to ignorance is numbness. I find it quite exciting to feel the diverse spectrum of emotions- I am pretty much immune to paranoia or fear these days, for any emotion will soon pass anyways. Enjoy the ride!


Also, no need to fear the rise of GMO's. Fearing it is just swinging that pendulum on the other side of the polarity. Your attention is feeding it energy. Just don't buy the crap. You vote with your dollar. There is a comprehensive list of all the brands that use GMO's- boycott them all. To hell with them, support your local co-op. Buy in bulk, eat simply, live well.


Yes, very good Brian. This is true. I have written this somewhere else here on this forum before: When you get more sensitive and practice meditation daily, you get to a point where your subconscious mind comes to the surface - and the subconscious mind is actually collective 'human mind' as one, which is: The mind of the earth.


Indeed, fear is no solution. I dont fear this, actually I am excited. Excited because I came across wisdom that provides an alternative method, to not have to follow this trend and to stay in contact with nature and go beyond at some point. Taoist teachings provide you truly everything.. but also Hindu, Tibetan and deeper Buddhist practice. Accessible to everyone.


To associate persons with weight problems, as being unfeeling, not in touch with emotions, is conjecture at best. Such unfounded statements are not based in fact but seem to stem from a lack of asking critical questions as to the underlying cause of weight and obesity problems. Furthermore, there are myriad reasons as to why some have this problem. Cultural, minimal or no education in proper nutrition, genetics, psychological, poverty and the food industry.


If the OP has a need to speak for his or her self, then fine. However, to make blatant generalizations is being unreasonable.


There is no need to ask further questions when one can see beyond the limitations of what you speak. Please ask them yourself, if you see this a method of gathering more from it that you individually need. I am sorry and I apologize if I hurt your feelings. In order to learn something, you have to step off your ego and see your mistakes. I offer truth, not therapy.


You have to start at one point and this point always is a general approach than can be then broken down to an individual.

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I have noticed that there are people who honestly don't know the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods, I have met plenty of them while traveling.


I have seen folks underweight, average and overweight who actually think McDonalds is dinner most nights *shudder*



Hmmmm, women have a little more body fat naturally than men, yet women are naturally more in touch with their emotions naturally... (just ponderings).




Yes, we really need much more research put into this. Our bodies are, after all, basically food. You wouldn't believe how backward orthodox medicine is here in that regard. I was referred to a dietician because I was a bit underweight and was struggling to put on weight. I was amazed at the advice I got. I was told basically to eat junk: have extra sugar with meals, everything had to be full fat and the diet sheet suggested eating cakes, scones, pancakes and chocolate bars between every meal. This was professional advice and it was like a recipe for diabetes and heart disease. So much for food as medicine. We still have a long way to go!




From all I've seen this type of eating in people who are underweight actually leads to them becoming malnourished of course, but also losing further weight.


I don't see bodybuilders who are trying to gain eat that way!


Now that's some horrid advice. I've had nutritionists give me advice for weight gain (they were worried I'd run into this problem due to health issues I used to have), and fortunately they didn't recommend any of that crap or I would have called them on it :).




Edited by BaguaKicksAss

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I still look down entire aisles of food in our conventional grocery store and see no real food.

Rows of boxed, processed flour, wheat and sugar, artificially colored and preserved.

In a pinch it will keep you going, but as a way of life, it's a slow form of poison.


Farmers Market around here is massive and loaded with local organic at prices much better than the stores.

Man I love those farmers!

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There is no need to ask further questions when one can see beyond the limitations of what you speak. Please ask them yourself, if you see this a method of gathering more from it that you individually need. I am sorry and I apologize if I hurt your feelings. In order to learn something, you have to step off your ego and see your mistakes. I offer truth, not therapy.


What you are offering is not truth but your own personal point of view. Your point about my ego being a problem is not well taken and borders on ad hominem. Furthermore, the above statement by you is condescending and is not a reasonable response to my critique of the OP. Why not back up your arguments with facts as opposed to your own agenda.



You then understand why our society is so obese. Because they cant handle it. We would have millions of suicides everyday if you would from one second to the other let all junk-food on the world disappear. The entire economy would collapse.


I take issue with sweeping generalizations as you so state here. To leap from a personal experience and make judgments as to why you think society is obese is a non sequitur. Such statements are not based on statistical evidence but personal conjecture.


My question is who are 'they'? What can't 'they' handle? Your statement about millions of suicides is preposterous. You have no evidence to back up such a statement.

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You're taking him a bit too literally, I think he's just pointing out his understanding of what an aspect of the problem is - and it is a big aspect of it. Any source on obesity will tell you that the emotional side of it is a huge component, it's not a coincidence that there's a strong correlation between obesity and mood disorders.

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What is the issue with GM crops? It will be impossible to feed everyone in the world without them. I would rather have people be "emotionally oppressed" than starving to death. We can deal with emotions once everyone is fed. People in developed countries forget that the rest of the world exists sometimes.


It is not mind control. It is good science that is going to help a lot of people.


If you can find a way to feed 7 billion people without making more resilient crops, please, make it known. When small variations in weather lead to people dying from lack of food it is mind blowing that this technology is being resisted.

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What is the issue with GM crops? It will be impossible to feed everyone in the world without them. I would rather have people be "emotionally oppressed" than starving to death. We can deal with emotions once everyone is fed. People in developed countries forget that the rest of the world exists sometimes.


It is not mind control. It is good science that is going to help a lot of people.


If you can find a way to feed 7 billion people without making more resilient crops, please, make it known. When small variations in weather lead to people dying from lack of food it is mind blowing that this technology is being resisted.


I don't think many people have an issue with GM crops of this kind, what they do have an issue with is food being genetically tampered with without any kind of oversight, then sold in shops with no labeling, so you have no idea what you're eating or what effect it could have on you. People have the right to make an informed decision about what they eat.

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The most disturbing element to me aside from the unknown affects in the long term of GMO food; is the impact of seed patents and the inevitable spreading of patented seeds to private farmers crops, which are then confiscated due to patent infringement.


And if GMO is so beneficial, which I whole heartedly agree beats starving to death, I can't help but wonder why so many countries have outright banned them.

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