
What to do about Djinn...

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Getting one's internal issues cleared out, blockages removed from the channels (with a qualified teacher over time) as well as rooting and grounding exercises tend to just naturally get rid of all that crap. I've seen some good results with this.

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here's one perspective:


That last site link I posted is her site....she considers that Djinn are a specific species - not demons, and not kundalini...the djinn like to hang around an individual whose kundalini is awakened, due to the availability of extra energy.


That other site states that Jinn have great knowledge of kundalini...


so as far as being one and the same as kundalini - its not a common belief.


Honestly, I dont have anyone to verify any of my theories anyways - its like trying to prove that God exists... ;)

Edited by Songtsan

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That last site link I posted is her site....

Make contact. She could perhaps be helpful.

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I think the real problem with your computer Nungali is that it is infected by jinn... no wait, hobgoblin... eh crap, forgot what those are called.


Or perhaps this is more in line with your tech issues?,news-8897.html

Ahhhh ... I can now just click on quote and everything works like it did when I first came here ... installed chrome (although I did get the following message on start up; " Ningali you are a strong and handsome and your Gods speak truthr.' Then the device stopped going haywire and started printing out what looked like Aussienglish...I later had an expert in languages examine the text. It turned out to be a stream of self-praise by an independent entity that has nothing to do with my masked ego ” ;)

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I am following many pathways and finding the similarities between them all has proven fruitful. I have tried to be exorcised three times - once by a practitioner of Shamanism, once by a native american spiritual healer, and once by a Christian...

That wont work because exorcism isn't the issue . ... it wont stop until you give the process the right response .... . Actually, it wont stop even with the right response ... but the right response will change the relationship - IMO. to your great advantage.

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Kundalini has nothing to do with djinn, unless you consider djinn to be the latent energetic potential within your own body.



1. Chitta has two causes, Vasanas and (Prana) Vayu. If one of them is controlled, then both are controlled.

2. Of these two, a person should control (Prana) Vayu always through moderate food, postures and thirdly Sakti-Chala.
3-4. I shall explain the nature of these. Listen to it, O Gautama. One should take a sweet and nutritious food, leaving a fourth (of his stomach) unfilled, in order to please Shiva (the patron of Yogins). This is called moderate food. Posture herein required is of two kinds, Padma and Vajra.
5. Placing the two heels over the two opposite thighs (respectively) is the Padma (posture) which is the destroyer of all sins.
6. Placing one heel below the Mulakanda and the other over it and sitting with the neck, body and head erect is the Vajra posture.
7. The Sakti (mentioned above) is only Kundalini. A wise man should take it up from its place (Viz., the navel, upwards) to the middle of the eyebrows. This is called Sakti-Chala.
8. In practising it, two things are necessary, Sarasvati-Chalana and the restraint of Prana (breath). Then through practice, Kundalini (which is spiral) becomes straightened.
9-10(a). Of these two, I shall explain to you first Sarasvati-Chalana. It is said by the wise of old that Sarasvati is no other than Arundhati. It is only by rousing her up that Kundalini is roused.
62. The practice of Pranayama should be performed daily with the mind firmly fixed on Truth. Then Chitta is absorbed in Susumna
and Prana (therefore) never moves.
63. When the impurities (of Chitta) are thus removed and Prana is absorbed in Susumna, he becomes a (true) Yogin.
64. Apana, which has a downward tendency should be raised up with effort by the contraction (of the anus) and this is spoken of as Mulabandha.
65. Apana thus raised up mixes with Agni and then they go up quickly to the seat of Prana. Then Prana and Apana uniting with one another go to Kundalini, which is coiled up and asleep.
66-67. Kundalini being heated by Agni and stirred up by Vayu, extends her body in the mouth of Susumna, pierces the Brahmagranthi formed of rajas and flashes at once like lightning at the mouth of Susumna.
68-69(a). Then it goes up at once through Vishnugranthi to the heart. Then it goes up through Rudragranthi and above it to the middle of the eyebrows; having pierced this place, it goes up to the Mandala (sphere) of the moon.
69-70(a). It dries up the moisture produced by the moon in the Anahata-Chakra having sixteen petals.
70-71. When the blood is agitated through the speed of Prana, it becomes bile from its contact with the sun, after which it goes to the sphere of the moon where it becomes of the nature of the flow of pure phlegm. How does it (blood) which is very cold become hot when it flows there ?
72. (Since) at the same time the intense white form of moon is speedily heated. Then being agitated, it goes up.
73. Through taking in this, Chitta which was moving amidst sensual objects externally, is restrained there. The novice enjoying this high state attains peace and becomes devoted to Atman.
74. Kundalini assumes the eight forms of Prakriti (matter) and attains Shiva by encircling him and dissolves itself in Shiva.
75. Thus Rajas-Sukla (seminal fluid) which rises up goes to Shiva along with Marut (Vayu); Prana and Apana which are always produced become equal.
76. Pranas flow in all things, great and small, describable, or indescribable, as fire in gold.
77. Then this body which is Adhibhautika (composed of elements) becomes Adhidaivata (relating to a tutelar deity) and is thus purified. Then it attains the stage of Ativahika.
78. Then the body being freed from the inert state becomes stainless and of the nature of Chit. In it, the Ativahika becomes the chief of all, being of the nature of That.
79. Like the conception of the snake in a rope, so the idea of the release from life and Samsara is the delusion of time.
80. Whatever appears is unreal. Whatever is absorbed is unreal. Like the illusory conception of silver in the mother-of-pearl, so is the idea of man and woman.
81. The microcosm and the macrocosm are one and the same; so also the Linga and Sutratman, Svabhava (substance) and form and the self-resplendent light and Chidatma.
82. The Sakti named Kundalini, which is like a thread in the lotus and is resplendent, is biting with the upper end of its hood (namely, mouth) at the root of the lotus the Mulakanda.
83-84. Taking hold of its tail with its mouth, it is in contact with the hole of Brahmarandhra (of Susumna). If a person seated in the Padma posture and having accustomed himself to the contraction of his anus makes his Vayu go upward with the mind intent on
Kumbhaka, then Agni comes to Svadhisthana flaming, owing to the blowing of Vayu.
85. From the blowing of Vayu and Agni, the chief (Kundalini) pierces open the Brahmagranthi and then Vishnugranthi.
86. Then it pierces Rudragranthi, after that, (all) the six lotuses (or plexuses). Then Sakti is happy with Shiva in Sahasrara Kamala (1000 lotuses seat or pineal gland). This should be known as the highest Avastha (state) and it alone is the giver of final beatitude.
- Kundalini Upanishad



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I checked most of that video out, and I have to say, I am very sceptical of what that woman has to say.


She has a certain perspective.



But perspective is how the mind shapes things, no?


'Djinn' is also a perspective. A concept. An invitation to explore... a temptation to the hero(ine) to conquer deep, dark fears.


Every perception which is translated into thought and named, labelled and 'photoshopped' is a perspective.


If perspectives can be cut and dropped at will, believe me, even the most fearsome djinns will vanish instantly.

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I actually found that video to be extremely accurate in many ways. My only major complaint is that she lumps way too many types of beings into the same category of "Djinn".

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I actually found that video to be extremely accurate in many ways. My only major complaint is that she lumps way too many types of beings into the same category of "Djinn".


Yes, perhaps I am influenced by people such as her in my own beliefs, but I actually believed such things before I ever even heard of djinn. I posted a story online in 1999 on El Collie's site in which I discuss how I believe that there is a single source behind many manifestations...

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... in which I discuss how I believe that there is a single source behind many manifestations...

And you already know what I would suggest that single source is, don't you?

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I'm no expert on the subject but it is important to remember that demons (or whatever name one uses) are cutting themselves off from the life force, thus they end up only having what they can steal and twist-up - for in negativity a downward spiral of more and more energy needs to be stolen and twisted-up, but at some point and by a higher law when there is nothing left that is prone to being stolen or devoured then a final self-destructive implosion undoes them.

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not really a fan of this guy, but even a broken clock is right twice a day...




Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
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there is a time when such battles must be fought and overcome and such gazes made without blinking... then one can no longer fall to, be bound by, or dwell in their lower self.

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