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Another relevant quote ?



"Life is offering you individuality, but it is also hammering your ego at every step of the way. It is not always easy to identify which is which. Awareness and experience should do the trick. With each little illusion that goes, you are one step closer to real."


"Ego is your personality, the truth is your individuality. You have to drop the personality. You have to stand utterly naked before existence. You have to melt down like ice into the ocean of this great divineness all around."


(from "Christianity: The Deadliest Poison and Zen: The Antidote to All Poisons", Chapter 1)

Your ego is you, you are your ego, any attempt to seperate yourself from yourself is obviously going to be a source of fustration. All you can do is sever it at the head, your head, then you can be one with your ego


The title of that book sounds like rubbish to me, it would automatically make discount anything within... Yes i know, judging a book by its cover.

Edited by z00se
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Your ego is you, you are your ego, any attempt to seperate yourself from yourself is obviously going to be a source of fustration. All you can do is sever it at the head, your head, then you can be one with your ego


The title of that book sounds like rubbish to me, it would automatically make discount anything within... Yes i know, judging a book by its cover.



Thanks z00se,


I would probably agree with you. The quote and book title are not particularly enlightening. I certainly wouldn't brand Christianity as 'poison' (although some would).


BTW, there is another belief around that says that the majority of egocentric thoughts which arise within an individual are the result of foreign installations.


The Gnostics call them Archons, Castaneda calls them flyers. I would probably call them elementals.




Blessings of 'Cleaning the Glass'

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Edited by chegg

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If one believes everything what one had read, then, one had deceived by oneself other than the contents in the book.

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By my own ego. Fuck that guy.


How can someone truly go beyond the ego and remain a functional human being???


Do not be attached to having anything be a certain way, including you being any certain way.

Hold the intent to stay highly conscious and aware of reality as it is without judgement.

Act from the wisest center of your 'self' as often as possible

Be aware of the root intent behind all your actions.

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