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I just had to go and be a shit stirrer again. I was speaking with a friend online, not knowing the other person he was talking with was his former supervisor at the previous restaurant he worked. She suggested he eat there and I commented on the quality of the food's ingredients. She got super defensive. insulted my palate and then hedged with "...or it was an off day. What did you get?" I simply said what I had. My friend is a chef in a rather decent place and has eaten my foodl he agreed with me but asked to stop the topic. I apologized for sticking my foot in my mouth but the poor woman was very insulted and continued to argue for her restaurant. Yeesh.

Edited by GreytoWhite

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If the food sucks, the food sucks. She could try to improve the food ;).


Here we have a LOT of restaurants and people eat out a lot. The competition is fierce! Makes for some of the best food in the world though!


I have done similar though, in person... with the person standing right there!! :(

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I try to observe the rubric, see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.


The "speaking evil" is the relevant bit here.


I don't always succeed I may say, but I seek to observe the principle and put it into practice.


Recall sagacious monkeys three!

Thou must no evil speak, hear nor see!


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell
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I had an oops squared at work ... I was telling some work mates how I was saying the boss was a dickhead and he was standing right behind me when I said it. They all were looking uncomfortable and seemed to be gazing behind me.


Me: 'He's standing behind me again right now isnt he?' ... Nods all around ... :o

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Me: 'He's standing behind me again right now isnt he?' ... Nods all around ... :o


Thought that only happened in Comedy TV shows !!! :D:D :D




though perhaps not for your current career prospects !! :blush:


(Doh !)

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I once had a co worker in sales, with a client who needed her video editing suite ready.


He had been putting her off for ages, and had an open email response to her on his desktop.


He was moaning about this client and sat there and typed in the email "Why don't you fuck off you bitch," actually in the body of the email.


I was by his shoulder at the time.


His mouse hovered over the send button, and he said "I wonder what would happen if I sent this..."




He found out.


He kept his job, but not the client.


It was like a little devil possessed him.


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Thought that only happened in Comedy TV shows !!! :D:D :D




though perhaps not for your current career prospects !! :blush:


(Doh !)



Sometimes I think my life could be a comedy TV show. But its the only one I know ... so it sorta seems natural. One of my friends often freaks about about it, recently he had a spit at me about how 'all this weird shit happens around you' .


"Come off it, it happens to you too, I have seen it happen.' I told him. Then he goes; "But you only know that because you are there ... it only happens to me when I am with you!' ... Ohhhh :huh:


Career ... ? :D

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