
Meditation Cover in Time Magazine

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Recently saw this cover on Time magazine regarding mindfulness training. Documented lots of studies regarding mindfulness and its benefits. It's good to see it get attention. And that it is being presented from a more technological and secular viewpoint is interesting.....but makes sense. Religion has failed society.....so it's better to share meditation from a technological viewpoint.






My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by OldChi

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Recently saw this cover on Time magazine regarding mindfulness training. Documented lots of studies regarding mindfulness and its benefits. It's good to see it get attention. And that it is being presented from a more technological and secular viewpoint is interesting.....but makes sense. Religion has failed society.....so it's better to share meditation from a technological viewpoint.


Interesting! I'm up to that too, but my idea of the technology is different- more like:


"Zazen is a dropping away of volitive activity, first in speech, then in the body with respect to inhalation and exhalation, and finally in the mind with respect to perception and sensation. In my experience, the sense of place, and the freedom of the sense of place, become a part of the movement of breath until the activity of mind becomes a part of the distinction of the senses." - yers truly, elsewhere


And for me, falling asleep is just as important as waking up. It's about where the action comes from. It's not a problem that I wonder in a trance; it's a problem when I ignore waking up and falling asleep in everyday life.

Edited by Mark Foote

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19 Puzzling Differences Between “Time” Magazine U.S. And International Covers

There may be a reason why Americans don’t know very much about international news. The U.S. editions of Time magazine are often a little…different from the ones that go out to the rest of the world.




Time Magazine Covers In The U.S. Vs. The Rest Of The World

Us vs. them



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19 Puzzling Differences Between “Time” Magazine U.S. And International Covers

There may be a reason why Americans don’t know very much about international news. The U.S. editions of Time magazine are often a little…different from the ones that go out to the rest of the world.




Time Magazine Covers In The U.S. Vs. The Rest Of The World

Us vs. them




writing as one living in 'the rest of the world' - THAT is a very revealing list, thank you SoG! It's soooo accurate, and explains soooo much.


My mother (from New York) comes for a visit (to Germany) once a year and usually has a couple magazines with her, including TIME. It's embarrassing to see what passes for journalism in the US today. The articles are dumbed-down (or simply written by dumb people who don't know any better) for an audience that's clearly disinterested in any but the most superficial of subjects and presumably incapable of devoting the attention required to appreciate a story on more than one level.


I actually had a kind of existential crisis while flipping through a Redbook or Family Circle magazine. It was sooooo stupid, so blatantly commercial and just idiotic, that at that moment, I knew my connections to the USA had been permanently severed. It threw me into a three or four day depression. Crazy eh?

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regarding the meditation cover - was it necessary to use THAT kind of image? Really? A fake, plastic-female to express mindfulness?

THAT is the Epitome of america

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regarding the meditation cover - was it necessary to use THAT kind of image? Really? A fake, plastic-female to express mindfulness?


With her eyes closed no less...the symbol of unconsciousness! lol


But a lot of women are interested in meditation type stuff, at least on a surface level. Look how many girls go to yoga classes for instance, versus guys. They love to get their namaste on.

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