
Angry Scientist Reads An Uneducated Internet Comment, He Delivers An Epic Response...

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Sounding like you know what you're talking about is a lot easier than knowing what you're talking about...basically, I call BS on his answer. Not that I know what I'm talking about.

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Sounding like you know what you're talking about is a lot easier than knowing what you're talking about...basically, I call BS on his answer. Not that I know what I'm talking about.

I'll take the other side of this discussion.


I think he does know what he is talking about. Sure, science doesn't know everything. Never will. But there are many out there who honestly believe in what they are doing and what they are doing is trying to help people stay healthy.


I think it is those who refuse to take their sick child to a medical center for assistance in healing their child who are wrong. Many parents have killed their children because of this.


There are some things in life where we need to ask for the advice of a professional. Religious advisers are not professionals in such matters. And neither are those who protest sicience.

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