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One trick for guys attempting celibacy

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The most challenging part of celibacy for me has been just before going to sleep. All throughout the day, I'm busy, so it's beyond easy to avoid masturbation. But just before bed, you're no longer busy at all. You're no longer in a public place, so no one is watching what you do. It's totally natural to masturbate then.

Furthermore, it helps one fall asleep faster, to masturbate. This is my most common excuse if I'm lying in bed for over half an hour without passing out. And unfortunately for someone attempting to limit lust, it works really well.

So the trick is to read books before bed. Preferably fiction, so you can get engrossed in a story (which is similar to dreaming, and is relaxing), and not be planning for the future like with nonfiction books. Thinking about real things and planning for your future, keeps you awake. Lying in bed trying to fall asleep keeps you awake. But reading drifts you off.

Setting aside an hour of reading time, with one light providing just enough illumination to read, helps a person get tired. Staring at a screen will keep you awake long after you it's important to read an actual book. This is because of the blue light in screens and extra ambient want to minimize the blue light as much as possible while having enough visibility to read the words.

That's it. Set aside time to read before bed, so you can pass out easily, and avoid the masturbation trap.


Not that there is something wrong with sexuality...this is only for people trying to transmute it.

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Nah .... tried it but it didnt work ...

























Edited by Nungali
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