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Sons of Fire, Sons of Water

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The true secret of the regeneration of the fire in the human soul is revealed by the ritual of the Third Degree of the Blue Lodge under the allegory of the murder of Hiram Abiff. The name 'Hiram' is, as has already been noted, closely related to the element of fire. His direct descent from Tubal-Cain, the first great worker of metals by means of fire, still further connects this cunning worker of metals with the immortal life flame in man.


In his 'Secret Societies of All Ages', Charles W. Heckethorne gives an old Qabbalistic legend in connection with the relation of early Masonry to the worship of fire. According to this legend, Hiram Abiff was not a descendant of Adam or Jehovah, as were the Sons of Seth, but was born of a nobler race, for in his blood ran the fire of Samael, one of the Elohim.


Further, there are two kinds of people in the world; those with aspiration and those without. Those without aspiration are the Sons of Seth, true children of the earth, who cling to their parent with tenacity, and the keyword of their nature is 'Earthiness'.


There is another race who are Sons of Fire, for they are descendants of Samael, the regent of fire. These flame-born sons are ever fired with ambition and aspiration. They are the builders of cities, the raisers of monuments, the conquerors of worlds, the pioneers, the workers in metal, true sons of the eternal flame.


Fiery and tempestuous are their souls and earth to them is a burden. Jehovah does not answer their prayers, for they are sons of another star. 'Aspiration' is the keynote of their nature, and again and again they raise, phoenix-like, from the ashes of failure. Never will they rest, like the element of which they are a part; they are wanderers upon the face of the earth, with their eyes upon the flaming star from which they came.


This fundamental difference is plainly visible in daily life. Some are always contented; others never reach the goal. Some are the Sons of Water - the keepers of flocks; others are Sons of Fire - the builders of cities. One group is conservative, the other progressive. One is the king, the other the priest. But within the nature of every living thing the Sons of Fire and the Sons of Water exist together.


In the Scriptures the flame-born ones are called the Sons of God and the water-born are referred to as the Daughters of Men, for the flame-born Son is the divinity in man and the water-born is the humanity in man. These two brothers are deadly enemies, but in the Mysteries they are taught to cooperate one with the other and are symbolized in Freemasonry as the double-headed eagle of the 33rd degree.


- Manly P. Hall - Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire, 1996, page 34-35.

Edited by idiot_stimpy

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Thats very 'speculative'. ;) ( A Masonic 'inside' joke. )

Edited by Nungali
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That riddlin' stuff is my schtick!


I love the Manly Hall, he taught me so much.


Metal guru fiery phoenix!


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell
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