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Wisdom vs Intelligence vs Not knowing

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At first through reading about the topic i came to believe wisdom was better than intelligence, and that was what could be found through meditation. However through experience i now feel that it is not that wonderful, it ruins the surprise, you know with high probability if it will be a good or bad day, event, weather, or what not.


Wisdom, like intelligence limits the possibilities within your own mind just from different angles. You need intelligence and wisdom to live day to day in civilization but it stifles the thrill of living.


When i have strong qi, i can control things, but often i choose not to just to see what will happen, it seems more fun even if the outcome is not generally 'desirable'. Often something more desirable can come from something previously less desirable. Sometimes the best thing is something different, a new feeling or experience, being saturated in the unknown. That perhaps is the most thrilling of all.

Agree or disagree?

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I apologize but your first paragraph throws me off.


Essentially your saying that you're wisdom can indicate weather, good or bad, etc.? So in the broadest sense wisdom=knowing fate?


Just wanted to clarify before I respond. :)

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yeah exactly...


But not 'my' wisdom, just wisdom in general. The weather on tv uses maths and intelligence along with wisdom. If i see a foggy morning where i live, most likely the afternoon will be very hot.


And like if you're friends have been out two nights in a row and you go out the third night with them you know it will be pretty mellow because they're already worn out. This kind of thing...



I'm not talking about mystical knowings or knowing when the world will end, winning the lottery or anything of this kind of thing.


Of course everything can change but even with experience and wisdom you can know the stock market and make more money on average over a longer period of time.... but sometimes you miss that big fluke of a win. It's the surprise that is thrilling, the feeling that anything can happen.

Edited by z00se

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Well, I have always praised wisdom and will likely continue to do so, however, you made a great point in your opening post. To not know, to not expect, but to let everything hit us right out of the blue would be an exciting way of life. That would be total spontaneous living.

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