The Prisoner

Falun Gong/ Falun dafa

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Hello ChiDragon,


Im curious about this. But isn't Falun Dafa's creator/founder is Li? And his written materials pertaininng to Falun Dafa is very cultish.


Yes, I know the 5 exercises of falun dafa are qigong pratice, and they are just qigong by themselves. However the so called philosophy/ideology of falun dafa is flawed.


If anyone can pratice "just and only" the exercises of it, and reaping benefits, without the cultish side ot it, then that's great! :wub:


And I was speculating though that the 5th exercise (the sitting meditation) automatically gives you the falun implant. and it is not dependent on Li who apparently gives it, but is achieved by doing the several buddha mudras of this 5th exercise. Just my speculation of course. So anyone can say something about this? :)


Hello ShivaShakti......


As I said before, Chi Kung is the Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB). As everyone knows, Chi Kung cures many chronic diseases. Anyway, anyone may assign a name to it and build a story with some kind of philosophy behind it; and call it his/her invention. In this case, someone had called the UMB as Falun Gong or Falun Dafa which attracted many practitioners. Somehow, the group get too gigantic and shook up the government.


What happened was a few practitioners were looking for a good place to practice Falun Gong in Beijing. They had found a big park, 北海公園(Northern Ocean Park). Immediately, they had made a few phone calls and 20,000 members showed up in two hours and occupied the park. The action in the assembling a big crown in such a short time was causing a big concern by the government. Indeed, the government does not want this to happen in any part of the country by declaring that the practice of the Falun Gong is an illegitimate practice. The group are believed in a philosophy which called 真,善,忍 (True, Kind and Endurance), the Ultimate Cosmic Principle and related to Buddhism. However, they were never considered as a cult. In general, they was referred as the practitioners of the Falun Gong with the practice of Falun Dafa.


During the dispersion of the crowd by the police, the organizers of the assembly were arrested. Then, the members up rise and protested to release those who were arrested. Unfortunately, there were more arrests were made; and more protesters up rise. That was how the group got in conflict with the government.

Edited by ChiDragon
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who cares, its a cult.


The body of 'teachings' around the practice most definitely meet the cult criteria...


Nevermind, cult or not ... I am just curious ... :P

Edited by Jox

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who cares, its a cult.


The body of 'teachings' around the practice most definitely meet the cult criteria...


A cult is simply a religion without political influence.

Whenever a cult gains political power it becomes an established ( and establishment) religion.

Not all cults make it into the major leagues but all major league religions started out as cults.

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Thank you ChiDragon :)

So that answered my question, that anyone can practice falun dafa 5 exercises without falling for Li's flawed philosopy.

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