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Compassion for Rats

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Interesting that just recently while watching a documentary on TV there was included information on a town (I forget which country but a predominantly Buddhist culture) where the rats were considered sacred and they run at free will throughout the entire town and the people have set up a feeding station where individuals will bring food and present it to them.

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I've worked near that temple . The incidence of Weil's disease is a huge problem locally.


is it acceptable to like that comment?


What did you do there, btw? Sell rat onna stick?

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Ketchup was extra.


Five years in South India October/ November to the monsoon plus lots of travelling to outstations in various states.

Fabulous time.

We were looking at the effects of industrialisation on water tables.

Beyond a certain industrial or touristic infrastructure hand dug wells tend to dry up.

The tube well project was one of the outcomes.

That's still going on.

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