
Immortality & Crossing Over Question

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Opening the Dragon Gate Wang Liping










Seeing this, Wang Liping couldn't help being startled—now he realized he had died. When he

thought back to what he had just experienced, it all seemed as if it were still right there before his eyes.

When he told his teachers what had happened, they all nodded in affirmation. All of them had been

through the same thing.




'Who can become a spiritual immortal without going




Taoist culture has done quite a bit of research and accumulated a lot of

literature on the subject; but there is no way to apply this literature usefully without a change in mode

of thought, and so no way to pursue deep investigation of this critical issue.

Edited by SonOfTheGods
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Perhaps SonOfTheGods will share all of his Mo Pai levels so we can confirm that they were not a lie? :D


(insert the sound of crickets chirping)

I only know the first 4 :ph34r:

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Thanks again. I agree with this. With the exception that a celestial immortal would remember all of their earthly experience, and all of their other incarnations (allowing that there would also be levels of celestial immortality).


Not thinking and feeling as we do in our present not quite so enlightened ( ;) ) state, would the celestial immortal care though?

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Hey BKA- being that we both probably studied at about the same time periods- I'm older though lol


But, have you ever read the Seth books from Jane Roberts?


Do I need to get my cane out for this conversation? :D Nope, never did read those. I didn't start studying/practicing till 89, and I was going after the GD stuff mostly at first (then a very quick turn into Enochian!) and Goetia studies.


Are you suggesting I read them?

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Not thinking and feeling as we do in our present not quite so enlightened ( ;) ) state, would the celestial immortal care though?

This would depend on the soul.


Yeshua cares. Yeshua still engages with us. I guess it depends on what you mean by "care".

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Sorry typo - "You may not have the option to come back again and remain Immortal (unless you're a celestial immortal)"


meaning that if you chose to go and cross over once immortal you couldn't revert to immortality again - unless you're a celestial immortal (giving you the option to come and go in and out of "the light".


So become a celestial immortal... sounds easy enough.... so what is step 1? :)


(I never was one for small goals anyways).

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This would depend on the soul.


Yeshua cares. Yeshua still engages with us. I guess it depends on what you mean by "care".


Hmm many stories about Deities, spirits, and such being in love with humans, so yeah I guess that would not be a problem in your case :).

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Do I need to get my cane out for this conversation? :D Nope, never did read those. I didn't start studying/practicing till 89, and I was going after the GD stuff mostly at first (then a very quick turn into Enochian!) and Goetia studies.


Are you suggesting I read them?

Cane? Is that for hobbling through it or whipping people? :huh:


Just ask Seth, or better yet ask his nephew! ;)

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Spill it!

oh, man you can't like posts twice so i'm gonna unlike this and like it again! :D

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Cane? Is that for hobbling through it or whipping people? :huh:


Just ask Seth, or better yet ask his nephew! ;)


It's a blackthorn cane, you tell me ;).

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OK I put more than a minute of thought into this one....


Step 1. Call up your favorite Deity

Step 2. Ask said Deity how you can manage to join your beloved when you cross over

Step 3. Ask how to become immortal in the first place, with step 2 as an option still


Btw, is it actual immortality, or just long enough to stick around to be with your beloved until they cross over? That sounds much easier (less years). Also is there some reason that you would end up immortal but they would not?

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OK I put more than a minute of thought into this one....


Step 1. Call up your favorite Deity

Step 2. Ask said Deity how you can manage to join your beloved when you cross over

Step 3. Ask how to become immortal in the first place, with step 2 as an option still


Btw, is it actual immortality, or just long enough to stick around to be with your beloved until they cross over? That sounds much easier (less years). Also is there some reason that you would end up immortal but they would not?

Thanks for this...


"is it actual immortality, or just long enough to stick around to be with your beloved until they cross over?"


Immortality - we can stick around without being immortal.


"Also is there some reason that you would end up immortal but they would not?" - if they did not do the work, that's all. But, having said that I feel that a highly evolved soul could be immortal without the work. They could "come in" that way.

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If you become immortal, you can probably choose to be reborn if you want to. Bodhisattvas plant causes for themselves to be reborn to return to the world to teach. So the process could be similar? But either way, immortals don't live forever, just a really really long life span, because they are still subject to karma, however little there is left. If you wanted to cross over with a SO, you can, but more likely than not I don't see a reason why you would do it unless it was a wholesome decision. If they die, they die, and you'd accept it.

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I'm curious, which path/s do you follow?

Well, I've never really followed any path to be fair. Until the last few years..where I have been practicing Universal Tao - One Clouds Formulas.


But, I'm interested in Mo Pai, Long men Pai, JAJ's work I'm finding interesting.


I guess I'm seeking a clear path of Nei Gong that is accessible for one that prefers distance study.


I've had a go with Kabbalah but prefer the inside-out, bottom-up approach of taoist nei-gong (as opposed to the outside-in, top-down approach of kabbalah). While I do resonate with the pathwork of Kabbalah, I find my sensitivity makes it very strong and induces psychosis within a few breaths at times.


So, a Taoist path in short - but only because of recent times I have been able to do such work again...


During the ascension process (2010-2011/12) I was unable to even do qigong as the shifting of the grid made me extremeley nauseous as soon as i'd start.


When I was a child I was very different. I was constantly called upon by spirit to do spiritual work for them/the all. But going through crises I pushed it away. I found it hard to balance a sleeping family with Immortals and past-masters coming to me asking me to stop tsunamis and hold dams together with my intention. That is the kind of thing they had me do from time to time, and while I had a masters understanding, I also had a child's mind and emotions - without any family support to accommodate it. But, that was the path. Like meteorite hitting the surface of the earth, plunging under the crust, into the darkness, laying dormant until the ascension process asked for it to begin.


We are almost there now, and so the preparations have begun.


I am being drawn to the Taoist Nei Gong work - but it seems Mo Pai is a closed door, Long Men Pai is open but the door is jammed ajar. Universal Tao has been and continues to be great, but there it seems to lack the lower dantien work (fusion etc) so I'm seeking more.


Spirit is getting clearer again now, but we are still being held back until the lower rungs of humanity take up the new grid and we'll be flung forward and asked to establish the new blueprint. The new earth will begin in proper.


So, the pathless one that seeks the light he knows is within.


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If you become immortal, you can probably choose to be reborn if you want to. Bodhisattvas plant causes for themselves to be reborn to return to the world to teach. So the process could be similar? But either way, immortals don't live forever, just a really really long life span, because they are still subject to karma, however little there is left. If you wanted to cross over with a SO, you can, but more likely than not I don't see a reason why you would do it unless it was a wholesome decision. If they die, they die, and you'd accept it.

Nice calm, balanced response, thanks.


"If you become immortal, you can probably choose to be reborn if you want to" - Yes, I (soul) have been Immortal (both physical & Spiritual) in past incarnations - and yes, I've incarnated successively since.


"Bodhisattvas plant causes for themselves to be reborn to return to the world to teach." Yes, but it is usually that we are asked or called upon to do such, rather than needing to, or seeking to return for anything other than service.


"But either way, immortals don't live forever, just a really really long life span, because they are still subject to karma, however little there is left." Yes, I'd agree - 700 odd years is the longest I can recall (physical immortality). But the soul feels it fair too long and extravagant. Regarding spiritual/celestial immortality, time is no longer the frame.



"If you wanted to cross over with a SO" - what does SO mean?


"but more likely than not I don't see a reason why you would do it unless it was a wholesome decision." - when 2 souls have had uncountable incarnations together, the personality gravitates together as one. So, my partner and I have seen that we do spend the future afterlife together, so I'm just feeling out the Taoist Immortality theory/situation.


I'm just not putting my finger on the context of how it is for a taoist immortal that "dies physically" and has his partner "die physically" later. Ie I feel that there is no boundary that can prevent whatever you want when a given level of celestial immortality is achieved. ie if it were a question of either I would forgo immortality to be with her in the light - as I am not attached to Immortality - just drawn to it.

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"'Who can become a spiritual immortal without going



He who is already Mad at the outset! :blink:

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Sorry typo - "You may not have the option to come back again and remain Immortal (unless you're a celestial immortal)"


meaning that if you chose to go and cross over once immortal you couldn't revert to immortality again - unless you're a celestial immortal (giving you the option to come and go in and out of "the light".


No matter what you said, you do not have the option to come and go in and out of "the light"; even you're a celestial immortal.

Edited by ChiDragon
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Do I need to get my cane out for this conversation? :D Nope, never did read those. I didn't start studying/practicing till 89, and I was going after the GD stuff mostly at first (then a very quick turn into Enochian!) and Goetia studies.


Are you suggesting I read them?


Seth Material and Seth Speaks


Quantum Physics before it was mainstream


I'm interested in your viewpoint on the material


I am betting you will dig them :)

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So, this begs the question - is it defined as to what is required to achieve Celestial Immortality?


Celestial Immortality is the highest level of immortality.

It means that you fuse all your parts into one unified energy being...even your material body.

Yes, Celestial Immortality means to finally convert the matter of your body into pure energy.

That's what "daylight ascension to heaven" means: Such people simply "vanish" and only nails and hair remain.

Such a being can come and go into this dimension as he/she wants.

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Celestial Immortality is the highest level of immortality.

It means that you fuse all your parts into one unified energy being...even your material body.

Yes, Celestial Immortality means to finally convert the matter of your body into pure energy.

That's what "daylight ascension to heaven" means: Such people simply "vanish" and only nails and hair remain.

Such a being can come and go into this dimension as he/she wants.


Sounds similar to Rainbow / Atomic body in the Buddhist tradition.

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