
"Reverse" g'Tummo - Yi/Magnetic Version

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My MCO runs Reverse:


Up the Conception and down the Governor's Channel.


Some theories suggest females have a reverse MCO, by nature.


I am male, but mine runs in reverse.


I do not produce heat- even when my Kundalini erupted, it was not the melting heat variety.


Unlike g'Tummo where I can stay warm in cold climate, mine is opposite.


I can sit in a very hot sauna, well over 280 degrees (F) for over 20 minutes with no problems, not even rehydrating while doing it.


I do this a couple of times a week.


Other gym members come in there after me, but leave long before me


I sweat a lot, and rehydrate afterwards.


I also use a lot of steam, and not the infrared variety.


So in my estimation, if g'Tummo uses Yang, then mine is using Yin.



I use a grounding wire when I meditate in doors.


Simple copper tubing running into the ground outside my temple window, about 6 feet down.

Flattened iron container on the other end, which I placed inside a double terminal Quartz crystal. (which can be used as a stand in for a Yin field, to get Yang out of the body)


Quartz oscillates, and contains Piezoelectric properties.

Quartz crystal watches, etc


I also use a Yang cushion I made- which is Orgone/Yang/Blue energy.


I sit on this small orgone cushion, placed directly under my tailbone, raises me off the floor about 2 inches, while seated in full lotus.


The grounding wire is raised slightly, and touches my Perineum/bare skin.


This is used, with several varieties of seated meditation, for 2 hours daily.

Edited by SonOfTheGods
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I can sit in a very hot sauna, well over 280 degrees (F) for over 20 minutes with no problems, not even rehydrating while doing it.


A very interesting post (as usual), SoG. It's an interesting twist, never encountered it before. It's interesting that you don't produce heat. Remember the Kung Fu TV series, the episode where Cain gets locked in the hot box for a day? Reminded me of him, haha.


One point though - the sauna at your gym isn't 280°F (~140°C). The hottest saunas in the world are ~120°C, and they're for serious specialists, and kept extremely dry (Finnish style). The super hot sauna cabins at the place i go to are 90°C (but they pour liquid on them). I used to go to a place that had a 100°C "Pro Sauna", but it was dry. So long as it's dry heat, it's no problem to stay for a longer time. Last thing, the level you sit at make a huge difference. Sauna cabins here typically have three levels and the temp difference between the upper and lower level is huge.


With steam, 45°C is already quite hot. I can't recall being in a steam room over 50-55°C.

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A very interesting post (as usual), SoG. It's an interesting twist, never encountered it before. It's interesting that you don't produce heat. Remember the Kung Fu TV series, the episode where Cain gets locked in the hot box for a day? Reminded me of him, haha.


One point though - the sauna at your gym isn't 280°F (~140°C). The hottest saunas in the world are ~120°C, and they're for serious specialists, and kept extremely dry (Finnish style). The super hot sauna cabins at the place i go to are 90°C (but they pour liquid on them). I used to go to a place that had a 100°C "Pro Sauna", but it was dry. So long as it's dry heat, it's no problem to stay for a longer time. Last thing, the level you sit at make a huge difference. Sauna cabins here typically have three levels and the temp difference between the upper and lower level is huge.


With steam, 45°C is already quite hot. I can't recall being in a steam room over 50-55°C.


This is 2 tier


I sit on top- because heat rises.


The steam hurts my skin, so I will put my hands on my ears once I pour water on the electric-coals- for a few seconds


Today I sat in there at 260 Degrees F for about 15 minutes



After my meditations at night, I shiver from being cold.


My thermostat in my temple is set for 77 degrees F., year round


Most people perspire after they cultivate, but I am always very cold.


Now, I do have heat sometimes radiating in perineum- very hot, sometimes radiating down right leg or right arm.


But overall, my body is cold.

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Orgone Capacitors- make them yourself- Google has quite the assorted links to constructing them.


make one out of softer organic/inorganic layers- at least 10 layers


keep it put away when not in use- so you aren't over exposed to it.


if it is made correctly- you will literally feel a small breeze emanating from it.

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I believe Yin can penetrate artificial insulated areas.


Yang permeates ceiling, walls,


Yin should too.


However, for the rawer, purer Yin, I use the grounding wire.


John Chang levitated in a hotel room,, and said the yin was limited due to insulation- but was still able to.



I posted in another thread- the various types of Earth chi.


The inner core of Earth is raw Yin chi.


There are various levels of Yin.


of course, the more insulation, the less quality of, what is deep inside a cave, etc


Various ways of tapping into inner Earth chi streams is like telepathy of communication between people.

Edited by SonOfTheGods
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The conclusion at which Master Wang Liping has arrived through his own personal experience in

training is that the exact location of the lower elixir field in the human body varies according to the

geographical location of the individual. In Chinese people, it is between 1.2 and 1.5 inches below the

navel; in people who live nearer to the equator, the lower elixir field is closer to the navel; while in

people who live farther away from the equator, the lower elixir field is farther from the navel.

opening the dragon's gate

Why do Taoists emphasize the need to sit cross-legged when cultivating refinement, and why

is the full lotus posture considered best? Practitioners have to imitate the situation of the fetus in the

mother's womb, with all the lower passages and apertures sealed shut, the luminous openings not

leaking, thus facilitating the development of the "fetal breathing" or "womb breathing," as well as the

clearing of this tenth great opening located in the umbilical region.

Another important function is that the cultivation of the cross-legged posture can enable the

practitioner to sense the existence of the longitudes and latitudes of the human body.


Here is something even more remarkable. In the course of his training, Master Wang Liping

discovered that there are some energy channels in the body that are not complete. Some have a

beginning but no end, or no beginning or end; they subtly fade out after having extended to a certain

spot. Dragon Gate Taoists call them "terminal channels." The human body also has some "apertures

of death" and "forbidden apertures," whose precise location can be determined only by the power of

inner work. The problem with "terminal channels" is that if a death spot or a forbidden spot is

disturbed, that can produce serious illness, or in severe cases possibly even death.

Edited by SonOfTheGods
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Does Earth also have similar "terminal channels" and "apertures of death"? When we mention

"apertures of death" in relation to Earth people may naturally think of the notorious Bermuda Triangle.

Situated at the juncture of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, this is a place where airplanes

and ships are always mysteriously disappearing, such that people call it the Triangle of Terror. From

the point of view of Master Wang Liping's theory of correspondence between the human body and the

planet, the Bermuda Triangle corresponds to what in the human body would be a "terminal channel"

or "death hole."

The terminal channels and death holes in the human body are not always open or closed, so it

is plausible that the Bermuda Triangle also has times when it is open and times when it is closed. So

when this "death hole" of Earth in the Bermuda Triangle is open, anyone or any vehicle that crosses it

can hardly return. As for when the death holes on Earth open and when they close, there must be a

pattern that follows some natural law.



Wang Liping told us that when he was young, his senior teacher told him that if one proceeds

directly southward from the central plain of China, there is a line by which one can find the spot

where Earth is supplied with nutrition. Hearing this, we immediately thought of the vast oil reserves

in the Middle East: might this be the Earth's supply point? In the human body, the navel is directly

opposite the "door of fate" region at the back of the waist; in terms of the "inner work lines," the line

between the navel and the door of fate is called the "line of life preservation." So what does the

Middle East correspond to? Turning the globe round, to our amazement we find that, longitudinally

and latitudinally, the Middle East basically corresponds to the Bermuda Triangle.

Might these two regions have some sort of mysterious connection? The Bermuda Triangle is a

death spot on Earth, so if the human body has a deep relation with Earth, it follows that there must be

at least one aperture of death in the region of the door of fate in the human body.

Master Wang Liping drew a picture and explained that the nine apertures of death in the

human body are all concentrated in the region of the door of fate and are arrayed in the pattern of nine

chambers. From this knowledge it might be deduced that the death spots on Earth must cover an area

even wider than that of the already discovered Bermuda Triangle.

Edited by SonOfTheGods
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The earthing kit sold are very expensive. I guess, the one you create for grounding are not that expensive to make. Been trying to find some instructiion on making the grounding but so far not found yet.

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The earthing kit sold are very expensive. I guess, the one you create for grounding are not that expensive to make. Been trying to find some instructiion on making the grounding but so far not found yet.

make one, pretty simple - nothing fancy


metal cable, or copper wire from an extension cord -attach it to the sink pipe if it goes down - sewer lines etc


other end simple flattened metal, allowing you to sit on it

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Just a simple copper wire would be easy to find. For the grounded end just simply put it inside the earth? What do you as cushioning for the metal you sit on? Sitting on metal won't be too comfortable I think.


How about being grounded for sleeping. Or that is too much grounding? haha

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Just a simple copper wire would be easy to find. For the grounded end just simply put it inside the earth? What do you as cushioning for the metal you sit on? Sitting on metal won't be too comfortable I think.


How about being grounded for sleeping. Or that is too much grounding? haha

Our ancestors slept outside and were healthier than us


you can use something the size of a penny/coin


mine is semi-flat with a crystal installed


and it has an almost closed iron ring, that closes the circuit once I sit on it


takes a little getting used to lol

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A very interesting post (as usual), SoG. It's an interesting twist, never encountered it before. It's interesting that you don't produce heat. Remember the Kung Fu TV series, the episode where Cain gets locked in the hot box for a day? Reminded me of him, haha.


One point though - the sauna at your gym isn't 280°F (~140°C). The hottest saunas in the world are ~120°C, and they're for serious specialists, and kept extremely dry (Finnish style). The super hot sauna cabins at the place i go to are 90°C (but they pour liquid on them). I used to go to a place that had a 100°C "Pro Sauna", but it was dry. So long as it's dry heat, it's no problem to stay for a longer time. Last thing, the level you sit at make a huge difference. Sauna cabins here typically have three levels and the temp difference between the upper and lower level is huge.


With steam, 45°C is already quite hot. I can't recall being in a steam room over 50-55°C.


I was at the sauna again last night.


There is a thermometer inside, that just hangs on the wall.


It is round and looks like a clock, not an LED read out.


It is steamy in there, and without my reading glasses on, it appears it was at 265 degrees last night.


I asked a Peruvian guy, what it read, and he was holding up his fingers- I think he said 865,000 degrees lol


But I know, even if it isn't 280 degrees, it has to be around 230 degrees, or so...?


I know young guys come in after I am in there, and leave long before I do lol.


They say "man it's too hot in here."


Yep, it's a sauna :D

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I eat once every 25 hours- whatever I want, to consume, in just one single meal.


Mostly chicken, or fish, with rice and small salad greens


I drink water only, and a cup of black coffee in the morning.


That's it

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I eat once every 25 hours- whatever I want, to consume, in just one single meal.


Mostly chicken, or fish, with rice and small salad greens


I drink water only, and a cup of black coffee in the morning.


That's it


I powerlift. Spar, hit the bags (heavy/speed bags, not old ladies lol) , stretch and do yoga


Trainers always say at the gym, you need to consume at least one and 1/2 times your body weight number in protein.


So if I weigh 160 pounds- I would need 160 + 80 = 240 grams of protein in 24 hours.


I get about 100 +/- grams on an average though. I fast 1 day per week, and only eat once every 25 hours- so I guess to some I fast every day lol


In my understanding, too much protein is putting a great demand on kidneys.


Besides- a Horse, is all muscle, and eats hay.


Where's it's "protein consumption" ?


Yeah yeah someone will say their biological make up and constitution is different than humans.

So what? where's their protein intake?


Do we really need all that protein?


I trust science ZERO.

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Seriously and sincerely, thanks for all the information man.


You do everyone a great service, mr sonofthegods sir.


I still feel really warm all the time.


I have been running my fingers along a flaming incandescent burning incense stick.


Loads of sparks fly off.


But I haven't at all hurt my fingers.


Before I do it I intone;


All the Elements are Mine to Command!


Wizard wayz!


Of course, there's a little more to it than that.


I'm spending a (very) small fortune on candles and incense!


on edit: I love weetabix!


With milk, yum!


Bless and praise and honour the Great Cow Spirit!


Even for John Barleycorn I weep.


Yes, even for John Barleycorn.


Most especially for John Barleycorn.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell
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Seriously and sincerely, thanks for all the information man.


You do everyone a great service, mr sonofthegods sir.


I still feel really warm all the time.


I have been running my fingers along a flaming incandescent burning incense stick.


Loads of sparks fly off.


But I haven't at all hurt my fingers.


Before I do it I intone;


All the Elements are Mine to Command!


Wizard wayz!


Of course, there's a little more to it than that.


I'm spending a (very) small fortune on candles and incense!


Your future, will thank you, for your service, to you- someday ;)

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Okay, there must be some kind of universal -candid camera -matrix-style- Truman Show- reality show going on with me.




So I post this thread


I *ahem* get a "visitor" last night . .


Behold- my LDT lit up like a furnace


40 years NO HEAT! ZERO!


I Post this thread- what? 48 hours later..HEAT!


I'm going to continue this thread on my PPF.


Ridiculousness breaking out :ph34r:







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Okay, there must be some kind of universal -candid camera -matrix-style- Truman Show- reality show going on with me.




Me too.


Very strange.








I would say its supremely strange.


But I would need to check with the great mighty nameless one.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell
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