
Movie "The Fountain" (2006) - HOLY S...!

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This is by far the most touching movie I've ever seen. Just a couple of months after I had my ayahuasca experience, I happened to find this movie, and the whole theme is kinda awe-inducing, because it keeps reminding me of my experiences during said trip. At times it's like I could just as well be the protagonist, so much does his suffering touch me.

And, hell, it really doesn't help that the main character even has my name!


This is borderline creepy, but I guess it makes sense, because what I have been shown during that trip is as stressful for the mind as it can get, and the movie depicts those experiences very well; the themes of death, acceptance and eternity.


I've watched this movie three or four times now, and every time it is ... cathartic.


So ... is is just me? ... Or does one need to have been through a death-like experience to feel that way?

If you haven't seen the movie yet, but (especially if) you have had such an experience, I invite you to do so and tell me how it made you feel.

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I quite liked it, I might have to watch it again now. Have you seen "Renegade"/"Blueberry", you might like it


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Have you seen "Renegade"/"Blueberry", you might like it

Yes, I consider it as close to an accurate depiction of what an entheogenic trip can be like as the movie format can get. Very good presentation of emotional conflict and healing process, too.

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