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Why won't the editing tool let me change font size and type any more ?

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My eyesight has been getting worse and so I tend to post anything that I write here in a larger font size. I also much prefer the font 'Georgia' because I find it far more aesthetically pleasing.


Now however, neither of the editing tools, (both the ordinary EDIT button and the ADVANCE buttons at the bottom of each post,.... will let me highlight in blue before changing font. I can highlight, but as soon as I click font or size, the blue highlight disappears and it is impossible to change anything.


Similarly, I tried with this post to change the font and size BEFORE I wrote this, but again, neither will hold. As soon as I register one, then try to register the other,... then the first one disappears.


Again, it's impossible to print anything other than the default font.


Any suggestions from the many computer literate in this forum for this struggling, technologically challenged, aesthete-wannabe ?


(Everything worked fine until today. I must have inadvertently hit some button or icon)


Thanks for any suggestions.

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This happened to me once when Firefox did an update. During the interim, I had to use another browser. Now the problem has been corrected.

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Hm, topic would better be placed in the Tech-Section I assume?

Sorry, don't have an explanation, as for the only idea which I have concerning editor-settings, you would not even be able to choose another font or size.


A general suggestion of mine for this size-thing would be, if you use a Windows-system, to click "Strg" + "+" simultanously. That will expand everything in your browser, so you don't need to adjust your own writing-size all the time, and will be able to read all the other things as big as you'd like to :)

(To turn the size back to "normal" just click "Strg" + "-")


But of course that doesn't solve your font-problem. Maybe really try a Browser-update? I just checked things out and everything worked fine over here.


All the best,


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