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I want to grow magic mushrooms

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I know one guy who did that Ayahuasca ceremony in South America.

He is about as far off this planet as anyone could be who still has a house here.

That said he marched to a different drum than most before ever he went to South America.



Edited by GrandmasterP
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I just made a painting


I really had no intention in mind


Other than knowing I would probably paint one


So normally I plan a bit more because to paint realistically needs a bit more planning for me


So really Im channelling


Like higher self or a guide


I know all my paintings are guided by a good source


I cannot even make remotely preachy paintings


Because the energy is wrong


But I have been wanting to rebel/send out good messages, but seemingly not really getting the go ahead


Anyways started painting various mushrooms on the left.


The left is connecting to my heart


The canvas is my heart


The I paint pink energy in various layers around a couple of mushrooms which I painted different colours


Then on the right side


I wrote


"The great spirit Mushroom


Mushrooms know the way


and an arrow from the mushrrom to the words mushrooms know the way


I dont know if this painting is meant to be a message for me


Or for others


But usually my paintings are helping myself and then accidentally helping others


Read this about the mushroom


Spirit of the Plant (DMT, Mushroom, San Pedro)

I wanted to start a thread about some of the experiences I have had with these plants....I just want to begin by saying I do not endorse drug use nor do I ever suggest that anyone do these what is right in your heart...but heed, if one does decide to explore the world of the fruit from the garden of eden, PLEASE at least respect the plant, the spirit, nature,,etc....Ceremony is a respectful gesture that i would always do when working with a plant....

I suppose I will begin where my most significant awakening began...I was 17 years old at the time (I am just about 24 now) friends and I decided we were going to eat some mushrooms, keep in mind at this point in my life I had no real respect for anything or myself, so drugs were granted, I had dropped a lot of acid before this, so I thought I was prepared, I was told this would be much "smooother" and I'd be "one" with nature...well now that was all very friends and I tripped out at a Rutger's dorm room..went outside, played in the fields...had a nice teenage time....

Well, we came down some hours later and were all just kind of laying on the beds talking. Suddenly, I turned and touched the hand went right through...I turned to look at my friends, they all had one eye in the center of their foreheads, slits of the brown blood of earth began to bleed from their skin and the room became...well...a beautiful jungle like garden...and there was the most beautiful sound...drums, flute, native americans heaven....the feeling was that we were all native americans...i could look at everyone and see their spirit guide/animal...

So, now mind you, my friends were NOT "tripping" anymore, in fact they were quite it was very scary for them because I was no longer "there". For hours and hours I saw and heard the most amazing things....amazing doesn't cut it even. The Goddess wanted she took me to Her domain. There was the most beautiful light...I became ONE...the river, you, me, the Sun....and then She spoke. "Behold, it is all within YOU. Heaven...Bliss"...and there really are no words for what I experienced was every good high I had ever felt all at once...orgasm...nirvana....every thought in my head manifested right in front of me...unbelievable, really....After this there were many personal things she revealed to me...

The matrix was revealed to me as well during this experience....its quite the load to dump on the 17 year old mind.....I could here "them"...they were knocking on the doors around me trying to get in....some of you may know who "them" are, I don't want to get into it.....but to sum all this up, by the end of the night, I repeated a couple many themes according to my friends...1. The Matrix has you
2. She's coming! She's coming!
3. I am Wolf.
The night did finally end, I had died many a time..became the strong warrior and was reborn....when I finally "came out of it"...I awoke to my friends, totally freaked the hell out...and me, in a daze trying to piece together what I had seen.....oh one more thing I would like to add to this was apparently during this whole fall down a rabbit hole I began to sing...granted I do sing professionally but my friends had all concurred it sounded like nothing of this Earth...completely the sound, tears swelled in them....according to them...but everything else that happened was totally messed up to them....i was not functioning in 3D in their girlfriend at the time resented me from that moment on because she never got to see what I did....and for almost a week i was almost non responsive....the overload was a lot to reality had been smashed in a nights time....

After this night, every time I took mushrooms, a similar experience would happen....I took lsd and it was this, but with a dark sinister twist....granted I don't do lsd anymore....

DMT. Not too much experience with this except a few was like tripping over a twig, looking up and seeing a COMPLETELY different reality...the fourth dimension maybe? spirits, acended masters, 2d entities...everything you could imagine....all in just about 5 minutes...whoah...
Totally a femminine energy like mushroom/ psyiblin ....

San first experience with a masculine energy/plant....the active psychedelic, mescaline....that was quite an experience...this was about two years friends and I put a lot of love into preparing this drink...hours of time and effort...and then our ceremony of opening our circle to the great elements and the Great Spirit...we drummed........and then, as usual, the spirit took me....the little spirits, as i call them came smiling out of every corner winking at me, enticing friends didn't see these spirits at first until the spirits told me to talk to them and pull them i worked smile.png...even then something was coiling inside of me...i wanted to go towards the smiling spirits/animals, but there was something within...and it needed out....i wretched my body twisted turned in the most unhuman ways....i felt like a demon was being excorcised from my heart, or my core..........

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Then the vomitting began....I don't know what came out of me but it was nothing I'd ever experienced....then the jolting of my body continued until finally a voice told me "It has released..."....once again this all really freaked out my friends....Coyote played a huge roll in this experience....he talked to me through the whole thing....but whatever spirit it was in this plant "kicked my ass" as I like to put it....they held nothing back and showed me like a slideshow all my was quite the different experience.... thoughts after all these happenings, I prefer to not take plants...I find visiting the other realms and worlds is much more manageable through meditation....unless I had a true shaman with me, I'm not sure I would experiment again...well, maybe tongue.png ....I do plan to go to the jungle at some time and take ayahuasca I've heard nothing but good about this plant.....but I plan to do this under an EXPERIENCED shaman....everything I have written above was if even just a little way, haphazordous never know what will happen because you are under the wing of the spirit of the plant after ingesting....where she/he wants to take you, tell you....well that's all up to Her smile.png

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I think the idea of growing Magic Mushrooms just to appreciate them is pretty cool. I personally wouldn't do it myself, but I might with a San Pedro Cactus or something. I can't see myself using mind-bending drugs ever again at this point, but I like the idea of just appreciating these plants.

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Edited by skydog
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Edited by skydog
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Good call Skydog.

Say no to 'recreational pharmaceuticals'.

That shit'll kill ya man.

If not body then the spirit.

I won't even take ibuprofen any more.


If the head hurts, I shouldn't be so tense. As simple as that.


With that knowledge, headaches are rare :)

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Painting connected to the magic mushroom, stomach cramp for the last day and epiphanies

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I did a fair few mushrooms in my youth and had some memorable and miraculous experiences.

Not saying you should or not but if you do, take them with a pure honest loving heart and good intentions. If I did them now (probably never will) I would set my intentions: knowledge/truth, healing, releasing the past, enlightenment or whatever.

Using them recreationally as I did years ago is a little foolish, prepare yourself for the journey.

Once I took them with a little intention (can't remember what now) and the last thing I remember was walking down this golden path with beautiful trees. When I had returned from my journey I felt as if my whole aura had been cleaned completely like I had been washed through, I was light clean and pure, don't know where I had been though. When I came back I had to completely reintegrate my mind and for a little while that seemed like an age I was completely unhinged and insane, but came back eventually. Treat the whole thing with respect.

Relax, love and accept yourself.

Having said the above I have gone to energetic places without the use of drugs too. Our brains/bodies are drug factories. In my youth I lacked discipline and a path/intension.

I firmly believe that if you commit yourself to a path of knowledge and cultivation and save energy you can achieve similar and more and gain more self control too.

Edited by Infinity
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I once took 3000 dried psilocybin mushrooms in a single dose.

It was an interesting night. :o




I did a fair few mushrooms in my youth and had some memorable and miraculous experiences.


Not saying you should or not but if you do, take them with a pure honest loving heart and good intentions. If I did them now (probably never will) I would set my intentions: knowledge/truth, healing, releasing the past, enlightenment or whatever.


Using them recreationally as I did years ago is a little foolish, prepare yourself for the journey.


Once I took them with a little intention (can't remember what now) and the last thing I remember was walking down this golden path with beautiful trees. When I had returned from my journey I felt as if my whole aura had been cleaned completely like I had been washed through, I was light clean and pure, don't know where I had been though. When I came back I had to completely reintegrate my mind and for a little while that seemed like an age I was completely unhinged and insane, but came back eventually. Treat the whole thing with respect.


Relax, love and accept yourself.


Having said the above I have gone to energetic places without the use of drugs too. Our brains/bodies are drug factories. In my youth I lacked discipline and a path/intension.


I firmly believe that if you commit yourself to a path of knowledge and cultivation and save energy you can achieve similar and more and gain more self control too.



Good advice! I'm officially anti-substance when it comes to cultivation, but that doesn't mean I always stick to that rule and I do feel like you can benefit from certain substances, but it is soooo unpredictable. It's too much of a crap shoot for me to recommend to anyone, but I will say that I've had some good experiences. Also some really unpleasant experiences. Your mileage may vary.

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I don't care if you believe me or not.

I'm sorry to tell you it's completely true. I'm not in the habit of telling lies. What would I gain by lying ?

Everything I talk about on these forums comes from first hand personal experience. Be it meditation, qigong, psychic, drugs and ordinary mundane experiences. I really hope that my stories and experiences help people. I wouldn't dream of making things up.

I'm 100% honest about all things I write about and take it personally if people say they don't believe me.

If this is how people see me then maybe these forums have served their purpose and its time to leave for good.


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Visavis mushrooms...


Some harm reduction advice..

Some have suggested wild-gathering as preferable to cultivation. Identification of fungi in the wild is an art and it is possible to become easily confused.. especially if you are picking specimens from certain genera.


It is FAR safer to grow one's own.. since spores purchased (for microscopy purposes only of course) are nearly certain to be the correct species.


In the event that such spores should *happen* to be *somehow* be in an environment which caused them to produce fruiting bodies.. the species would then be certain. Wild-crafted mushrooms.. not nearly so certain.


There is ample evidence to suggest psilocybes (true ones.. not related species which might in fact be baneful) are among the safest and least harmful of the true psychedelics one can use. If they are cultivated in a mindful cautious and generous mindstate they are an ally of great power. Experience suggests in this way they become most attuned to the aspirant, in a way many other psychedelics from a lab-dish or taken from the wild cannot.


Out of consideration for the (sad sad sad) state of affairs legally I'll limit my (public) comments to this..


You can PM me for an email if you wish candor on the subject.. I don't want to trouble the board admins by pushing limits in a public post.

Edited by Aksijaha
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They prefer it when you sing 70's psychedelic rock songs to them...


Nonsense woman. They prefer dubstep at high volumes.

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and then you have Iboga


Its used as an initiation into manhood in Bwiti


Hardly gonna be that dangerous


I am not sure if this was meant as a joke or not, but for everyone who might take it serious. No. Iboga is definitely dangerous and not something to be taken lightly, but something to be researched, contemplated about and making very sure that this is what one wants to really do - and not just for a few days, but at least a few weeks.


I would no longer do things like that, unless I get a very strong inspiration for it that has been confirmed by two witnesses - or would anyone advise doing them, but I visited with this great plant teacher twice and he helped me a lot (like to the experience how it feels like having to hug a pillow for several weeks until everything in my reality felt okay again :lol: ).


That the Bwiti use Iboga as initiation to manhood is true, but well, taking Iboga for someone who is a Bwiti and for anyone who is not a Bwiti is a whole different matter. Probably the amount alone they take, when they take it for various occasions, would be lethal for anyone who isn't a Bwiti, which is estimated to be more than 33mg/kg body weight (which refers to the Ibogaine) - much much less is needed for what we might call an "Iboga experience" that can last more than 20 hours.


Apart from the spiritual and psychological aspects, the whole experience is also very exhausting for ones body and if I remember correctly, if one wants to take it ones liver and heart should be in a good condition. In an official establishment, somewhere in Europe I think, where they offer Iboga treatment for heroin addicts, they monitor peoples heart at all time during the experience (well, while lying at least, not when they are using the bathroom) - something which probably wouldn't be necessary for Ayahuasca even. Since one can fall into a state of not being able to move during and puking is also a quite common occurrence, one could suffocate on ones own vomit, when there is no alert sitter present.


Something else that might happen, which is a bit strange, is that sometimes people "just die". Well, it is one of the things I read about it and I think this was information more directly from the Bwitis about it, so there is probably no recorded medical case for this. The explanation behind it has to do with astral traveling during the experience, which should mostly affect women, and the reason the cite for the death is, that they just don't want to come back to their bodies.


Mhm. Which is not to say that there is nothing to be possibly gained by the experience, but there is a huge risk involved and the matter of taking it is a very serious one. There is always a price to pay and the experience is not a pleasant one and once down the rabbit hole, one is committed to it for about the next 16-24 hours. I would even say, with respect of course, that madre Ayahuasca - as it is much wider known - can be considered generally a gentler experience than Iboga.


So hardly dangerous, I wouldn't say so, but of course with everything it depends on what you take as a measurement you are comparing it with ;)

Edited by Sephtan

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