
Time commitment for practice a day: how for you?

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Thankx for the insights into your practices :)


>>i have followed som of your threads about stagnated yang energy, and the discomforts due to this.



Wow. Have I written something about that...!?!


>>due to his not too stringent directions about mixing i allow myself other practise too.

but the qigong is centrefocus.<<


yeah. well my notion about the mixing was just because you hinted at me thinking mixing is not good and then pointing out you love mixing. was not my intent to doubt your approach but just to clarify why I mentioned we are cautioned not to mix, at least at this stage.


Just curious: Is your qigong teacher your tkd teacher (tkd standing for? Sorry if I just have missed it if you already mentioned it)





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tkd=tai kwon do. Korean Martial art resembling Karate w/ more kicks.


Aaaaiiiii. Thankx man. Could have come to that conclusion myself... would have taken me years though :D

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Do those shamanic traditions also mention the rise of agriculture in the same myth? Like the Garden of Eden myth? A hunter/gatherer diet produces a mind with high dopamine and low serotonin. High dopamine when produced by a brain disease like schizophrenia will cause disturbed feelings of meaning, sensations of spiritual beings, and the feeling of communication with spiritual beings. However I believe when this high dopamine/low serotonin balance is achieved naturally through diet, it brings a peaceful and fulfilling feeling of a luminous presence and spiritual communication, allows a person to "walk with God" as Genesis tells it.


Witch, I just ordered your book.


I am spending more and more time learning endocrinology, so I would also be interested in a good bibliography.


Will I find it in your book?

For example this relation between dopamine-serotonine and an anthropomorphic point of view of the world has been investigated anywhere.




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Hi "rain",


thankx for the info on tkd. I was once a little into martial arts Tai Chi... quite different. I have known people doing Tkd actually. Never got into it...


>>i read up on your personal practise to better understand where you are speaking from. it is filled very specific and instructive reflections. you seem to have studied longer than me.<<


well. my "studying" I would call more or less a "continous search". We start at one place and end somewhere else... or get right back to were we started from a new level of being. To your question why we are not supposed to mix: we are told that we are working with crucial elements... much like cultivating a masterpiece of a seldom rose... if you mix too many nutrients in there, water it just too much or just too little, give it too man sunrays or one sunray less than it needs... it might die and if it doesn't die it might not reach a mature enough level. Once it died there might not be given a chance to plant a new one, once we have a crippled result one might not be able to rectify it.


>>it can be a constant quest this "just doing what the master says without questioning and wait for the results" wink.gif smile.gif my qigong teacher told us that we may even watch tv at the present. I have chosen not to do that. got me thinking though. got me reflecting on what and how I "take in", distribute and what I send out. this is contemplation. do we put too much emphasis on doing and reacting?<<


Yes. It can be a constant quest. But you know: Those who know me know that I am probably one of the most questioning souls on Earth. It would be blind-followship not to keep that steady mind of asking and trying to understand. But I learn that there are times for asking and times for just doing. My teacher can tell me a thousand things about this and that sign... I might ask him a thousand questions about it... and still I would not get it just by asking. So I have to practice. I have to reach the state of the signs appearing and then I am in the position to ask further... based on a knowledge my teacher hardly could have given me by just answering me and satisfying my inquiring mind.


>>even if i choose to fill my day with discipline I still reserve myself the right to act on impulse.

that is how I "talk" with my self.<<


Just as a thought: there is nothing wrong to act "on impulse"... but where does it come from? From "you" (as in you = general and not you = personal) as an organism pushed by its instincts, "you" as a "response mechanism" structured by upbringing, education or experience.... or actually coming from your "true heart", that state of just being that maybe just a few of us already have found back to. Have I? Not yet I suppose.





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