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Help for people with problems with ghosts, demons, spells, a curse or a bad karmic situation.

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Does this mean I can send them to you? :D Though not so sure if it works long-distance...


Well, in most cases, if a spirit is not bound to a location, actually it should not be a problem, right? Physical space doesn't exist for them like it does for us.

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In more answer to CT I'll give some examples here, I am aware of client confidentiality and posting things on a public forum for all to see is not the best thing one can do.


Great post, thanks for sharing :)


And respect towards you to do this. I'm just dealing with some disturbed spirits from time to time, not really evil and powerful ones, and I'd certainly lack the education to confront the latter. It's dangerous to do that, so even if you'd take money for it, you could actually hardly charge what it would be worth to perform such an act.


And well... if the world could be healed by just pacifying spirits, things would actually be quite easy. More often than not it's the persons themselves who carry bad things with them that would need clearing or purification. And most of these things are things they have to solve on their own if it shall clear up. How could somebody be saved from effects of what they started themselves, in the long run. If somebody's carrying grudges, or acting in evil ways, how would you hinder their own decision. Just to get back to that topic of "karma" that was also included in the thread title.


Finally ghosts are not the only (outer) entities that might hinder one's wellbeing.

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Phantastical stories of ghosts and demons, dark, hidden recesses where the past lurks, deep, unrequited desires fuel hidden emotions, and anything, good or bad, can happen on screen, bringing to birth a plethora of phobias and neurotic tendencies. Its no wonder people turn to healers and exorcists, to create contrast and add layers to an otherwise dream-like existence, mistaking it for reality.


Well, you may appreciate that there are indeed people wandering on this planet who don't know about that light, and can only see the film; and yet, there are those who know about the light, but still get caught into the film, to a bigger or lesser extend.

Expecting people to be able to do what they cannot do is not a very compassionate attitude.


Dying of hunger is part of the film as well. Yet you can hardly claim it's the fault of people themselves if they suffer and die from hunger.

Finally suffering is a good reason to try to get rid of attachment to the film, yet it's hard to realize the truth out of that situation.

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One catch is, if the person doesn't work through their internal crap; get rid of the aspects of themselves which would let such a spirit enter into them in the first place, they can often pick up another one later on.... In most cases anyways. Helping them shield and such helps, but also encouraging them to work on some stuff is important as well.

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One catch is, if the person doesn't work through their internal crap; get rid of the aspects of themselves which would let such a spirit enter into them in the first place, they can often pick up another one later on.... In most cases anyways. Helping them shield and such helps, but also encouraging them to work on some stuff is important as well.


And there are precedents.

Luke Chapter 11 in the Christian New Testament for example...

Verse 24 ff...

"When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' 25"And when it comes, it finds it swept and put in order. 26"Then it goes and takes along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first."


It's all well and good getting rid of an entity but if the client leaves out the welcome mat thereafter then s/he is asking for trouble.

We had one daft lass who picked up a psychic leech from playing with a Ouija board.

We shifted the leech without much drama then six months later she's back again having been messing about playing at doing seances for her chums.

She had picked up another leech plus two hoverers ( no relation to her) keeping her awake of a night in terror.

She wasn't a bad lass nor especially bonkers just bleddy silly.

She's fine now and still comes to Tea with Spirit now and again.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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I'm kinda hoping that if I ignore that side of beliefs, they'll ignore me.


While there's a certain amount of childishness in that, to what extent does it work? Do firm believers tend to have spirit problems and skeptics don't? Or like the person who thinks they have entities but it's say.. schizophrenic, do skeptics do the reverse? ie think they have mental problems and string of bad luck when its entities.

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Well, you may appreciate that there are indeed people wandering on this planet who don't know about that light, and can only see the film; and yet, there are those who know about the light, but still get caught into the film, to a bigger or lesser extend.

Expecting people to be able to do what they cannot do is not a very compassionate attitude.


Dying of hunger is part of the film as well. Yet you can hardly claim it's the fault of people themselves if they suffer and die from hunger.

Finally suffering is a good reason to try to get rid of attachment to the film, yet it's hard to realize the truth out of that situation.

Knowing is one thing, being undistracted in that knowing is a different thing. Knowing, one can still get caught in the drama. Being undistracted, the drama still happens, but there is no residual stickiness to contend with.


Lots of people know their fundamental nature, but find they get sidetracked due to various factors... seeking comfort in familiar habits, lack of faith garnered from genuine experience and gnosis, over-indulging in analysis, fear, self-doubt, and a host of other crippling reasons.


Pain, hunger, disease, death is not suffering. Superimposing layers of thoughts over these conditions is the main cause of suffering. Young children seems to handle pain and terminal illnesses better than adults. Their natural ability to be present, without being led astray by imaginings, mostly is what helps them to cope better. Adults who learn this also learn to improve their coping mechanism, and this in turn helps to lessen imaginings. Its imaginings that get people in trouble most of the time. This is what is meant by superimposition of thoughts on reality, creating a kind of perversion to what is. Out of this perversion, all sorts of troubling scenarios arise, self created, to match one's desires.


The spiritual quest to return to resting undistracted as light (enlightenment) is basically a journey one takes in reverse gear. Vajrayana is very good for this purpose, because all the perversions are assigned nanny deities, allowing practitioners to work directly with their neuroses under the guidance of respective tutelary yidams and protectors.


When the wrathful aspects of one's inner energies are not recognised, these then manifest as demons and other frightful images; when recognised, the duality collapses -- what remains is basically pure, untainted energies. In essence, primordial energies are neither good or bad, simply potential to be harnessed to further clarify/reveal one's innate, pure nature (which is light). i think some other traditions employ similar approaches.


Suffering is not real, like karma is not real. Demons and entities are not real. Not real does not mean they do not exist -- It means they arise (and cease) in tandem with our individual tendencies. The Buddha said, and i have found to be true... "With our thoughts, we create the world."

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Clever marketing technique?


Its pretty obvious that this thread was started to promote and market somebody.

Indeed. Don't think it met quite the reception expected, though. ;)

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Clever marketing technique?


Its pretty obvious that this thread was started to promote and market somebody.


That was my first thought.


Any high level Vortex healer will be able to deal with such things no matter their source, whether it is an emotional issue or some sort of entity. I expect they would charge less than $100 for the privilege too. Although we are taught that such things only can attach onto you if they find a hook, so basically they can only get attached if there is the resonating consciousness already existing within your field which allows them to find a symbiotic relationship with. Many people could clear such an entity, yet without clearing the consciousness which created the problem they are likely to return.

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... yet without clearing the consciousness which created the problem they are likely to return.

What attracts such negative entities? Bad ethics, bad luck, bad karma.. any specific actions or beliefs?

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From what I have seen, guilt by far, is what attracts / draws negative entities (and hell living humans for that matter too!), more than anything else.

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What attracts such negative entities? Bad ethics, bad luck, bad karma.. any specific actions or beliefs?


From the perspective of the Vortex healing modality, entities aren't exactly negative, even demonic ones are on a path of spiritual evolution, except they can be used by humans for negative purposes. And there are two levels of interaction, the first being connections to them on the astral level which we all have and which we all create ourselves through our own emotional positions; the second is where a person has dense enough emotional negative energy inside of them which attract beings to sort of feed on the energy.Its not something to be afraid of though, all those things get worked out over time in one way or another.

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Dion Fortune, was not only an experienced ceremonial magician, but also:

attended courses in psychology and psychoanalysis at the , and became a lay psychotherapist at the Medico-Psychological Clinic in Brunswick Square (Wikipedia on Dion Fortune)

In Chapter 11 of Psychic Self Defense, titled 'The Psychic Element in Mental Disturbance', she examined the relationship between 'mental illness' and 'psychic influences', this is from that chapter:

As has already been noted, the neurotic is very often psychic, and the psychic is very often neurotic. What may we expect to happen to the soul that has taken initiation in a past life, retains subconsciously the psychic development thus conferred, and finds itself incarnated in a neurotic personality in this life? He will come under the dark dominion of the Moon, and Lilith will be his mistress. Through the ill-fitting doors of the neurotic temperament the forces of the Abyss find ingress. The dissociated complexes of the Microcosm are reinforced by the dissociated complexes of the Macrocosm, for that is precisely what the Qlippoth are.

Occultists and their ignorant admirers, the superstitious, have always held that insanity had to do with demonic possession. Modern medicine disputes this, and declares the various manifestations of the diseased mind to be due entirely to subjective psychological processes. At present these two schools of thought are like two armed camps, drawn up for battle and shaking their weapons at each other. Each is too sure of his own ground to be willing to give the other a hearing. It is my belief that a common ground can be found for the meeting of these two opposing viewpoints. Psychology demonstrates the mechanism of the mind and can explain the mental processes whereby the ideas of the deranged assume their ultimate form. It can show the connection between these ideas and the dreams of the normal mentality. What it cannot explain is the fundamental difference between these subjective states and the normal waking consciousness. It is here that the occultist can tell the psychologist something that it is worth his while to hear, for he can show how these visions can be produced experimentally and at will by means of ceremonial magic. And still more important, the occultist can show him how these visions can be dispersed and the psychic faculties closed down and sealed.

This brings us to the practical part of our considerations: How far can the methods of ritual magic be applied to the relief of mental disease? They are undoubtedly palliative, but they will not produce a permanent cure unless the origin of the disturbed mental condition is found and cleared up. Unless this be done. as fast as we disperse the phantoms, they will re-form, because the mental state of the patient is invoking them. Under such circumstances, no magic circle can be kept intact. As fast as we break the rapport with the Abyss, the patient renews it.

But such conditions constitute a vicious circle. The Qlippotic forces with which a contact has been established will actively develop it, and will hold on to their victim when attempts are made to dislodge them. In this rationalistic age we are apt to forget Ihat there is such a thing as organised and intelligent evil. If the physical causes of this disturbance have been cleared up, the septic focus eradicated, or the tumour pressing upon the ductless gland excised, and still the mentality does not return to normal, an exorcism will often produce immediate and marked results.

In the case of the neurotic, whose trouble is entirely in the sphere of the mind, an exorcism is of enormous value as a preliminary to the appropriate psycho-therapeutic treatment because it clears the ground and prevents re-infection, giving the patient a chance to make a fresh start. It is possible for the Qlippotic demons to gain so powerful a hypnotic influence over a victim that he is powerless to break it by any effort of his own will, nor can the orthodox type of psycho-therapy touch the root of the trouble. The exorcism may have to be repeated two or three times in the course of the treatment, because the rapports may be renewed after they have been broken. But once the patient's complexes have been cleared up, they will not return. In any case, an exorcism produces marked temporary benefit; during the lull the patient gets a chance to pull himself together and the evil influences are undermined. A courageous patient, who is co-operating intelligently, will seldom have to be exorcised more than three times provided material conditions are favourable. I have seen cases cleared by a single exorcism, and remaining well indefinitely so long as the patient obeyed instructions and had nothing whatever to do with the Unseen, neither reading books upon occultism nor associating with people who were interested in such subjects; and I have also seen the Abyss re-establish its influence when the patient disobeyed instructions and re-awakaned the old vibrations. (Dion Fortune Psychic Self Defense p. 127-8)

In a discussion online Nugali gave this link to an interesting paper by Wilson van Dusen, who 'was Chief Psychologist at Mendocino State Hospital in California' and worked among the mentally ill for seventeen years:

Wilson van Dusen 'The Presence of Spirits in Madness'

It is worth a read.


Also, in Jerry Alan Johnson's books he gives a traditional Chinese view of the relationship between internal and external causes involving the Po Souls. I can check the exact references if anyone is interested.

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From the perspective of Vortex entities


What is a 'vortex entity' please?


I think they are the creation of the mysterious missing comma. Try reading it as 'From the perspective of Vortex, entities etc.'


Vortex being a particular healing system that Jetsun has found useful.


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Thank you.

I tried looking it up.

All I got was space cadet BS from some 'Galaxy Control' outfit.

Marvellous things, commas.



Edited by GrandmasterP

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The greate and mightie secrete eternal order of thee sacred comma.....


Yes, sometimes while writing in a state of high inspiration, people enter the sacred state and become comma-tose. It doesn't stop them from continuing to write though. Thank the keepers of the High Holy Mysteries for that.

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As I wonder through the desolate darkness, my heart yearns for thee oh comma, why did you forsake me in my time of most need?

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Vajrayana is very good for this purpose, because all the perversions are assigned nanny deities, allowing practitioners to work directly with their neuroses under the guidance of respective tutelary yidams and protectors.

Funny that you mention that. Though you're not necessarily and in all cases wrong with that, I more found that Vajrayana is and was a nice excuse to behave like the last assh*les on earth, and whenever you'd try to point to things like necessity of purification and virtue, they would just define their bad manners and lack of ethics, morals and virtue as "skillful means" which they applied for this and that reason, e.g. confronting others with their demons.

Which is a dangerous path obviously, as it's a nice way how ciminals and nonvirtuous people are always right.


All a detrimental form of misunderstanding dharma teachings, but whst ain't you gonna do about it. I guess the only solution might be to wait until that path dies out by itself.

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As I wonder through the desolate darkness, my heart yearns for thee oh comma, why did you forsake me in my time of most need?


Sometimes the Holy Comma manifests the empty void because of infidelity, just like Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty years thanks to the temptation of the Golden Calves. Other times the Holy Comma manifests the void which is full, revealing a sacred mystery. Yea and verily, Vortex Entities, what a concept. Think about it, and may the sacred light be extended unto you.

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Funny that you mention that. Though you're not necessarily and in all cases wrong with that, I more found that Vajrayana is and was a nice excuse to behave like the last assh*les on earth, and whenever you'd try to point to things like necessity of purification and virtue, they would just define their bad manners and lack of ethics, morals and virtue as "skillful means" which they applied for this and that reason, e.g. confronting others with their demons. Which is a dangerous path obviously, as it's a nice way how ciminals and nonvirtuous people are always right. All a detrimental form of misunderstanding dharma teachings, but whst ain't you gonna do about it. I guess the only solution might be to wait until that path dies out by itself.

you have obviously mixed with the wrong crowd who labelled themselves 'Vajrayana'.


There are obvious differences between authentic masters and self-proclaimed pseudo-gurus. Just because you had an unpleasant past experience and cant seem to resolve it is no reason to wish that that path as a whole meets a timely demise.


Anyway, i digress. Your comment is off topic anyhow.

Edited by C T

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The OP was made simply to let people know there is an option. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't have a dog in the fight. There are some knowledgeable posters who have made some excellent comments in this thread, including discussion around the issue of charging for services vs not, etc., and I understand both sides. I don't have much experience with Sifu Jenny, but the one I recently had was very positive. Take it FWIW, as I'll not make much comment beyond what I've already said.

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