
Creativity, spontaneity, intuition

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I've uploaded three new entrainments in case you want to try.


The methodology since I started producing these has changed.


Now there is a gentle "rocking" you into that "state" since if too much force is used it can lead to what people call healing crisis.


The neutrality file has also changed based on this new concept which came from a letting go from old patterns to a new emerged insight coming out from nothingness.




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Thanks Chris!


This re-defines the experience of sitting around listening doing nothing. :)

Edited by Clarity
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The interesting thing is I don't know what will actually happen when I produce these. I start with one intention and then it morphs into something else.


So let's see what happens next :)

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I've downloaded them and tried listening to them. The amagdalya one has no noise..?

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