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Hi everyone!
I'm from Canada, and I’m interested in the Qigong practice, Chinese medicine, and Chinese cuisine.
I have been practicing Qigong for several months, and I'm feeling positive impact on my health.
Trying to practice every day. Not always have a chance to retire, relax and practice for 2-3 hours. Often I'm doing something while walking, or late at night (but in this case I fall asleep very quickly). It helps a lot, especially in cases when there is strong fatigue and need to recover quickly.
I am going to continue the practice.
I'm worried about one question. Do I need to learn Qigong from a Chinese master? Or maybe it is possible to learn from a non-Chinese teacher, or even from books and videos?



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Hello and welcome Miles. You do not need to learn Qigong from a Chinese Master and a non Chinese teacher can be just as good. It is possible to learn from books and videos but a good teacher is invaluable.


You will be free to post on the forum now but for the first week you will be restricted to three posts per day. Before getting started we do ask that you read the two posts pinned at the top of the Lobby and also take a look at the forum terms and rules That about covers it.


Good luck and best wishes,



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Welcome, Miles!


I would second Chang's answer...

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Just my opinion, but - you can learn qigong from anyone that is already benefiting from it. You can also learn it from videos. I don't think you can learn much about it from books, though you can learn some of the finer fundamentals from books if you have already learned the basics from a teacher or video. Practice is certainly one of the best teachers, especially when coupled with balanced study of wisdom texts (ie., read until your full, then stop and reflect).

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Welcome to TTB Miles.

There are some QiGong tips in the Chinese Health QiGong Association signature link underneath this post.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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