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doc benway

FIFA World Cup 2014

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but from my view messi looks better than robben.


Interesting comparison between two lefties :)


Messi is a softer player who will sneak into play... thus, IMO, he is more tactically savvy; Robben plays more dominant and determined ('give me the ball and get out of my way'). Both have great skills used to their advantage. Depends on the system as to where one would use them and which would benefit the system better.


I like Messi myself too.

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pre-game show on now, half an hour to go. Getting nervous, but not about winning/losing. A statistic was just mentioned:


Fairest team in the entire tournament so far: Germany

Dirtiest team in the entire tournament so far: Brazil

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pre-game show on now, half an hour to go. Getting nervous, but not about winning/losing. A statistic was just mentioned:


Fairest team in the entire tournament so far: Germany

Dirtiest team in the entire tournament so far: Brazil

Does seem the best ways to get to a championship, to be skilled or be dirty...

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What a disastrous result. I backed Germany to win, but not to such an extent!


The bookmakers are having the last laugh.

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Does seem the best ways to get to a championship, to be skilled or be dirty...


but apparently the way to win is to be skilled!


Anybody else watching this thing right now? Two WC records so far: Klose's goal-scoring and the first time 5 goals have been scored in 30 minutes. A commenter at the Guardian summed it up thusly:


"Now that was a fun first half. The Brazilians are a rabble, a mess, a headless, heedless, shambling shell-shocked sham of a squad, with nothing uniting them but a collective yearning to be swallowed up by a yawning earth."


Apech, perhaps?

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but apparently the way to win is to be skilled!


Anybody else watching this thing right now? Two WC records so far: Klose's goal-scoring and the first time 5 goals have been scored in 30 minutes. A commenter at the Guardian summed it up thusly:


"Now that was a fun first half. The Brazilians are a rabble, a mess, a headless, heedless, shambling shell-shocked sham of a squad, with nothing uniting them but a collective yearning to be swallowed up by a yawning earth."


Apech, perhaps?

I've always thought skill/discipline had the edge, but I know a guy from the NBA and he says of 'gamesmanship' if you aren't cheating on some level, you just don't really want to win. I just shake my head and reply every time... 'who would want to win that way... that isn't winning to me', but I ramble...


well played Germany?

or really poor showing Brazil?

or both...

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My 2-1 prediction was fairly close then.


...can't quite believe what just happened.

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well played Germany?

or really poor showing Brazil?


It's both, but the punters have a really hard time admitting that Germany plays well. There will be commets all the blogosphere claiming that Germany 'didn't look convincing'. And I'm talking about after they win the final.

Edited by soaring crane

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It's both, but the punters have a really hard time admitting that Germany plays well. There will be commets all the blogosphere claiming that Germany 'didn't look convincing'. And I'm talking about after they win the final.

*nods* sounds about right...

7-1 wow, just wow.

Edited by silent thunder

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hmmm those guys in the blue stripe shirts actually got into the final.



I started off wanting the orange guys to min but ended up being happy with the result. One thing certain Germany will be happy cos the Argentinians will be very tired after that.

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I started off wanting the orange guys to min but ended up being happy with the result. One thing certain Germany will be happy cos the Argentinians will be very tired after that.


Germany's happy because Bier.

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It would have been nice for Brazil to win the cup IMO.

7-1 defeat was terrible.

Read the reports in today's paper, hey've had riots and all sorts as a result of it by all accounts.

I feel sorry for the Brazilian team, they'll get all sorts of flack for the rest of their lives.

Presumably Germany will now play some other team in the final?

Is that right?

Edited by GrandmasterP

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It would have been nice for Brazil to win the cup IMO.

7-1 defeat was terrible.

Read the reports in today's paper, hey've had riots and all sorts as a result of it by all accounts.

I feel sorry for the Brazilian team, they'll get all sorts of flack for the rest of their lives.

Presumably Germany will now play some other team in the final?

Is that right?


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Germans might have the edge there.

I'll be glad when it's all over and telly gets back to normal.

At least the sublime Tour de France is on now.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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messi is good but the germans seem to have multiple threats/weapons.

but then so did the dutch i thought.

should be a great match

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I think Argentina has more than Messi but I don't think it's enough to beat the Germans.

I will miss it when its over...

Nothing else really worth looking at on the telly.

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