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Ron Goninan

Zhao Yang Hand Translation?

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I was sent this by Master Lee Kong but cannot fully get it all. Can somebody please translate it into English for me?




<白鶴仙師祖傳真法> 中的 <方七娘白鶴拳十五勢>,就載有 : [跌、砍拳…招陽、……]十五個勢法,並注明如何動作及攻防意義之所在。…….這十五個勢應為當時最早見之於拳譜中的勢法,當是當時所傳教的。



比如十五勢拳譜中所寫: [招 (昭) 陽。白鶴拳法之五:凡拳起手,只要招 (昭)陽,無論他用何勢,可用此勢,大門放過,小門直入。蓋此勢兩手顧鼻面,短牙顧中攔切,戒分腳退後。]……。


………永春白鶴拳以 “ 寸勁節力 “ 見稱,能集中全身之力,於一剎那間發出,達到最好的持擊效果。要求力從胸起如雷從地發,蓄於身腰,發於臂手。……..







三) 兩手昭陽、吞吐節力:雙手沉肩、墜肘、坐腕成「昭陽手」,分成三節,肩至肘為內節(根節),肘關節為中節,腕關節為尾節,要做到內節如鐵一般堅實,與肩身 成一整體;中節吞墜,尾節如膠如漆,靈活多變。雙手來去出力發勁,出手時吐氣(吐),收手時吸氣(吞),一吞一吐互相配合無間,堅持「中門不讓,子午不 離」。練習時與肩、頭、背、胯、膝要貫串一氣,互相呼應,如有橡筋互相牽引、拉扯,吞肩坐節(墜肘),發胛力,勁達指尖。出手時節中隨身與胯同向,不可縮 入開出,手節對膝,承接全身各處之力。

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昭陽(Zhao Yang, wave at the sun)


<白鶴仙師祖傳真法> 中的 <方七娘白鶴拳十五勢>,就載有 : [跌、砍拳…招陽、……]十五個勢法,並注明如何動作及攻防意義之所在。…….這十五個勢應為當時最早見之於拳譜中的勢法,當是當時所傳教的。

Within the true method from the instructions of the White Crane Founder, it contains: falling, chopping fist.......wave at the sun.......15 postures. It also describes the movements and their defensive purposes. These 15 postures were the earliest seen in the written instructions. That is what has been taught at the time.

比如十五勢拳譜中所寫: [招 (昭) 陽。白鶴拳法之五:凡拳起手,只要招 (昭)陽,無論他用何勢,可用此勢,大門放過,小門直入。蓋此勢兩手顧鼻面,短牙顧中攔切,戒分腳退後。]……。

In the written instructions, 招 (昭) 陽(wave at the sun) is the fifth movement: at the beginning with any style, by solely using zhao yang, regardless what style the opponent uses..................

………永春白鶴拳以 “ 寸勁節力 “ 見稱,能集中全身之力,於一剎那間發出,達到最好的持擊效果。要求力從胸起如雷從地發,蓄於身腰,發於臂手。…….. wing chun, 寸勁節力, "use little jin and conserve strength" says: Concentrate the body strength holistically, release it at once will be most effective. It is ideal to issue the force from the chest like thunder from the ground up. Reserve the strength for the waist and issue it from the arms.



(1) Both hands sink to the shoulders with the elbows bent down; and the wrist at zhao yang posture divides in three segments. From shoulder to elbow is called the inner segment, elbow is called the middle segment, the wrist is called the last segment. The inner segment must be as hard and rigid as iron which integrates with the shoulder and torso as one.



Curl the hand and enter from the side, bend the elbow, low the shoulder; at the zhao yang posture, entering the hand seems like entering the body; do not use brutal force.


三) 兩手昭陽、吞吐節力:雙手沉肩、墜肘、坐腕成「昭陽手」,分成三節,肩至肘為內節(根節),肘關節為中節,腕關節為尾節,要做到內節如鐵一般堅實,與肩身 成一整體;中節吞墜,尾節如膠如漆,靈活多變。雙手來去出力發勁,出手時吐氣(吐),收手時吸氣(吞),一吞一吐互相配合無間,堅持「中門不讓,子午不 離」。練習時與肩、頭、背、胯、膝要貫串一氣,互相呼應,如有橡筋互相牽引、拉扯,吞肩坐節(墜肘),發胛力,勁達指尖。出手時節中隨身與胯同向,不可縮 入開出,手節對膝,承接全身各處之力。

....Bubble hands zhao yang.......與肩身 成一整體(repeat note (1));with the middle segment sunken downward, the last segment is sticky like glue, flexible and versatile. Move both hands back and forth to fajin. Exhale when the hands are moving outward; inhale when the hands are returned. Coordinate the breath with no gap in between inhale and exhale.........during practice head and shoulder, groin and knees are join as one mutually supporting one another. It just like a rubber bend, push pull, lower the shoulder and elbwo, issuing the force from the shoulder and jin reaches to the finger tips. The initial move should be in the same direction with the groin; do not move back then strike. The hand segments should be lined up with the knee to support the forces from all places in the body.

I did the best I could. If you have any questions, perhaps we can work something out....!!!

Edited by ChiDragon

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