
The meaning of not dreaming at all, vs. a lot?

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Any conclusive insights about this? It seems some people have extensive phases of not remembering any dreams.

Then sometimes dream activity is enormous.


"What does it mean?", I wonder.


While it might be worthwhile to examine a possible habit of not waking up directly after a dream, we don't ONLY remember dreams we wake up from, so that can't explain all of it.

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Whenever I've had large dream-less chunks of life, it almost *always* corresponded to periods where I was simply not getting enough sleep. Like not even close.

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A good first clue. Thanks.


Hm, I guess it's not because the sleep phase is too short and thus not entering REM sleep. After all, one can just take a brief nap and still dream.

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Sometimes, too much dreaming is a symptom of a certain "mess" in the energy body: for example there are techniques aimed at producing lucid dreams that screw the energy body quite a bit.

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