
This guy sounds enlightened to me.

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More siginificant maybe is the way that the experience of people on the other side of the wall creating motion in the dead tree gives me some faith that it's alright to return to not knowing, because not knowing isn't necessarily not doing.


Totally wonderful post, Mark!


I think it's more than alright to return to not knowing, and this does require mastery over ego. Fear of not-knowing implies that we are fearful that we may be seen as not having 'all the answers', and this offends our ego at a very base level. To truly be able to perform wu-wei, the Sage must have returned to total teachability and freedom from preconception and opinion.

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This is all about Be Here Now



And once this is digested, we truly sense that All Things, past, present, and future (in our linear way of looking at things) are Here Now.


We are Here Now.

Those who have lived and died are Here Now.

Those who are not yet born are Here Now.


Quite a mindbender - but once this is internalized within us - this enables Seeing because Time is removed from the equation and the direction and purpose of the event or dynamic can be clearly seen without the distortion of Time. The beginning, the middle, and the end can be superimposed over each other, and from that the True Purpose of the event or dynamic can be determined.

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Totally wonderful post, Mark!


I think it's more than alright to return to not knowing, and this does require mastery over ego. Fear of not-knowing implies that we are fearful that we may be seen as not having 'all the answers', and this offends our ego at a very base level. To truly be able to perform wu-wei, the Sage must have returned to total teachability and freedom from preconception and opinion.


That is kind of the way I am getting to know myself these days, seeing that I am fearful of not knowing and not doing, and I don't have to be. Weird. Prayer for change is good!

Edited by Mark Foote
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Isn't self honesty a wonderful passageway to Vision? Prayer for change? I wouldn't know who to pray to, lol. But Castaneda's idea of 'setting your intent' seems to be the same thing to me. But, maybe prayer is right after all....in the sense that we are consciously communing with our higher selves.

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Prayer at its best is maybe the same thing as focused intention and vice versa.

Caroline Brazier the ( English) Pure Land teacher and psychotherapist/author talks about cultivating nembutsu with intention for all sentient beings to attain as being something other than cultivating nembutsu for personal merit or 'gain'.

It's a win win IMO.

If someone prays / cultivates with intention for someone other than them-self then that person ( hopefully) derives benefit.

However the fact that the cultivator is doing so, potentially renders merit 'to' the cultivator.

Edited by GrandmasterP
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Prayer at its best is maybe the same thing as focused intention and vice versa.

Caroline Brazier the ( English) Pure Land teacher and psychotherapist/author talks about cultivating nembutsu with intention for all sentient beings to attain as being something other than cultivating nembutsu for personal merit or 'gain'.

It's a win win IMO.

If someone prays / cultivates with intention for someone other than them-self then that person ( hopefully) derives benefit.

However the fact that the cultivator is doing so, potentially renders merit 'to' the cultivator.



I like that. "prayer at its best". Yes, it seems to be an intent thing. The Mary Baker Eddy school of healing seems to bear this out as well....that the practitioner also gets the benefit of the healing. I've used her methods for some time (without the uber-dependence on going through Jesus), but her method of getting to the 'truth' of the problem and helping that person to realize his truth so that the manifested malady goes away. Can't say I've ever noticed a big 'healing' within myself when I'm working on another - but I'm actually pretty spectacularly healthy at my advanced age, so maybe it all just happens unnoticed when there is no specific thing to cure.

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Same here, pretty much robustly healthy; thankfully.

I'm a mix n match chap though.

Professional medical support when necessary PLUS spiritual healing.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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