
What exactly is the mind and where is it located ?

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This is an interesting post, and quite thought provoking. My personal take on this(no hard facts) just personal feeling, is that the mind is an 'interface' between the body and the soul if you will.

Where it is located is anyone's guess, but most people may agree when asked, is that it is in the head. This may or may not be a function of the brain, or that we are extensively visual creatures.

An interesting experiment first expounded in it's modern version, is the 'headless way' by the now deceased Douglas Harding in his book: On having no head:Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious.

Just my two cents worth. :-)


Edited by The Tao Of Alex

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This is an interesting post, and quite thought provoking. My personal take on this(no hard facts) just personal feeling, is that the mind is an 'interface' between the body and the soul if you will.

Where it is located is anyone's guess, but most people may agree when asked, is that it is in the head. This may or may not be a function of the brain, or that we are extensively visual creatures.

An interesting experiment first expounded in it's modern version, is the 'headless way' by the now deceased Douglas Harding in his book: On having no head:Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious.

Just my two cents worth. :-)


interface ? I think so too. http://thetaobums.com/topic/35582-what-exactly-is-the-mind-and-where-is-it-located/page-2#entry564814


thx for the comment Alex . The so called mind by definition is a little hard to describe. I understand the " no head" point of view. Without the head, so to speak, has a seperating effect from the body as a whole. Its like when you remove the head, the " soul " stays with the head and you can watch your body walk aound or what ever remotely.


You can have the same sensation even with the head still attached . just "you" and your whole body ....... over there someplace as you observe from a remote point of view. a.k.a. out of body effect. You can stay in bed and watch your body get up and walk out of room while "you" stay in bed and watch .


some can , not all are able to casually change remote points of view. Theyre stuck, trapped in limited space and concepts that hold them thereand cant see from remote view points with much ability.


when you are able to "see" from remote points of view , it may seem like youve become more able and in fact, you have. Latter the sensation of ascension leaves but the ability remains and becomes " normal for you " and not noticalbe unless you look for the ability.


Latter on during assensions, you can view the whole physical universe from a remote viewpoint and the sensation of oneness with all life becomes obvious and very strong. This is where the illusion of individual "souls" will vanish and the realization that all life is mearly a single spiritual being that operates all life forms collectivly and ONLY considers itself as many life forms with so called souls. Youll still have awareness of self as you do now but youll be much much more aware of it .


life , as in the creator of all things that are "not life" , including life forms and the physical universe, is not a physical thing and can not be seperated as such but it can consider itself as any thing it chooses.


life is only limited by life , itself. Not from " another " theres only 1 life for all life forms. But in order for existence to be interesting " life " sonsiders itself as many "lifes" inhabitationg many material life forms. In order for the universe to be interesting it must be dualistic and the law of duality was brought about .


have you ever compared a game of chess with a well seasoned opponent? its really just a single spiritual being playing with self. In the spiritual way of things there is only one being controling all life forms while considering it to be otherwise. As in " others."


when the self+><-others duality has been colapsed, all that remains is just self. all games and opponants will vanish until duality is restored.


self came first then others to oppose self .


Playing a game of chess while being both opponants is just well......... you all know . its just not any fun. There isnt much fun unless there are " others so life created " others " but its nothing more than a consideration made by life .....self, not others. There is only self . Others came after . It all makes sense now :) for me anyways , but for others ? hehe :lol:


send yourself a text message or an email. play a game of black jack with no opponants , just you. Youll win every time and youll lose every time. Its as dull as a spoon in a drawer of razors in comparison. the Win+><-lose package is just not there.


DTD = Do the drills :excl: :excl: :excl::)


Pah eeeeeece :) !!!!

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The egg came first.

Ah a tail tail sign of Yin. ( lie ) You can always spot a thing that has more yin than yang. How? its flawed in some way . ANY kind of way . Yang is ALWAYS true, positive , correct, right, honest and of value. Yin? the opposite .


The chicken came first then the egg after. When a human child is born , the child coms first , then latter the child makes eggs. Then more humans come from that.


but wait you say NO first the egg THEN the chicken from the egg. who made the egg? the chicken . Who ? you mean frist the chicken , then the egg ?


Chickens are no different but have changed the system they use to make more of the same . Some life forms put there clones in an egg , then deliver the eggs after . Humans crack the eggs and deliver while still in the host . Chickens wait for the eggs to seperate from the host then deliver the clone. ( not a true clone BTW )



heres another before and after yang and yin


a complaint must be made after the thing its complaining about , otherwise there is nothing to complain about .


complaint is yin . it comes after . Yang comes first . Its what yin is complaining about .


when i stop posting , others stop complaining . Yang = self and Yin = others


yang never complains. it can only do positive things while yin on the other hand loves to complain. its what yin :angry: does. It " nots" things. Makes less of, or trys to anyway.


yin is the " no " thing and yin is the " some" thing. The no always follows the some/ It comes after . There cant be a yin without yang first . Yin is a " cant " @ small yins just make a bigger single yin and likewise for yang. :)


nice hearing from you Marble Head. :)

Edited by TaoMaster

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The chicken came first then the egg after.

And from what was the chicken born out of? Yeah, I know, a rock!


And yes, it was a dinosaur that laid the egg that the chicken was born out of.


Mutations can do some really neat things.


Human babies? Yeah, the first was born out of a rock.


I'm following you now.


I'm not going to argue with you as to whether a yin (woman) is always complaining about something. Having been married three time I am rather biased about that kind of stuff.


Yeah, I've been here, it's just that you have been quiet.


But still, equal portions of yin and yang offer perfect balance. Have you ever seen perfect balance? One could question if such a thing is truly possible.

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And from what was the chicken born out of? Yeah, I know, a rock!


And yes, it was a dinosaur that laid the egg that the chicken was born out of.


Mutations can do some really neat things.


Human babies? Yeah, the first was born out of a rock.


I'm following you now.


I'm not going to argue with you as to whether a yin (woman) is always complaining about something. Having been married three time I am rather biased about that kind of stuff.


Yeah, I've been here, it's just that you have been quiet.


But still, equal portions of yin and yang offer perfect balance. Have you ever seen perfect balance? One could question if such a thing is truly possible.

looking at it now as a matter of fact yes . perfect balance is the planet spinning or spiraling if you choose. non stop. But it too will go " out of " balance some day .


women are mostly yin and men mostly yang . men and women have both yin and yang attributes.


we are smarter , stronger , faster and better than women for the most part but its confusing at times when the atributes get used by both . Its the quantity and over all averages we miss .


sorry ladies i love ya but it is what it is ..... :D


hey MH did you know planets have faces too. Mars has one and so does earth . Its in peru. Near Cusco. Its smiling too. I think its a guys face but ill take another look. Might be neither male or female.


my point about complaining is this. In order for there to be a complaint. The complainer must wait for something to complain about . It always comes after just like the lie always follows the truth. How ya gonna lie about a thing that does not exist . Guys complain too . Its just that women do it more and thats what makes them yin and men yang .


when one complains about a thing that does not exist one is still complaining about a " thing " that does not exist.


when i stopped posting to my threads the complaining ( about me and my posts ) stopped too . :P


if you want to go all the way back to the " beginning " ( there isn't one ) but if you wanted too you could trace the chicken / egg all the way back into the future where you will find nothing . no rocks, no " things "


ultimately there is life the creator of all things . Life is able and only life can limit its own ability and awareness of ability .


there is no thing life cant do unless life itself restricts itself . With that being established , all "things" are truly mere facsimiles . Images and pictures that life can bring about and vanish only the pictures are dimensional and solid. when you imagin a girl in a short skirt and a pink bikini, the facsimile of that girl youve created is the same as the car you see driving down the street . Its just more solid than the other . we can bring things into existence just like we brings mental images into existece for us to see.


solidity is the absence of time. Time is measure by the distance between a single or multiple objects. A wall for example have very little time between particle space.


Time is really an illusion since the space between two points does not truly exist . Its only a consideration that it does exist . No thing is just that .......... nothing. Distance is not a thing.


we use the planets and stars for telling time when its really the distance the objects travel in a consistent manner that provides the heart beat known as time. :)

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"we use the planets and stars for telling time when its really the distance the objects travel in a consistent manner that provides the heart beat known as time."


Now you're talking! But ..to travel any distance in a 3d environment needs time to allow motion. They are one in the same thing, and if not, still they're inseparable.

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Now you're talking! But ..to travel any distance in a 3d environment needs time to allow motion. They are one in the same thing, and if not, still they're inseparable.



when you see an object , your computer screen for example. It has a top bottom front and back left and right.


whats the distance between the top and bottom ? 20 inches ?


ok so how long did it take to travel 20 inches from top to bottom?. Was motion involved ?


can you view the top and bottom simultaneously ? :)


"Simultaneous" has no time , no distance , no motion and no travel , yet you can " travel " the distance between the top and bottom and no time will have elapsed.


How would you make a youtube video about my posts and threads ?

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The mind is what beats your heart. Its located in time and space.

interesting . Can you go into more detail on the mind / heart connection ? :)

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when you see an object , your computer screen for example. It has a top bottom front and back left and right.


whats the distance between the top and bottom ? 20 inches ?


ok so how long did it take to travel 20 inches from top to bottom?. Was motion involved ?


can you view the top and bottom simultaneously ? :)


"Simultaneous" has no time , no distance , no motion and no travel , yet you can " travel " the distance between the top and bottom and no time will have elapsed.


How would you make a youtube video about my posts and threads ?

Without time the earth couldn't have formed, we wouldn't be here and the computer would never have been made.


I'm not talking specifically about the computer but anything that is made needs motion and time to happen, even on the smallest scale. Even light takes time to go somewhere. The measuring and observation, too. :P

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light is a physical thing like a baseball or pencil.</p>

it does travel at a set speed across a distance</p>

<p>time is the distance between two points.</p>

<p>time is a negative . Like all other negatives.</p>

<p>it belongs on the Yin side of the ang yin attribute list .</p>

<p>if light travels at ( lets say )  670,616.629.00 MPH then the shorter the distance the less TIME it takes to get from pt. a to pt. b as long as the light travels at the same speed the whole distance .</p>

<p>so with that said</p>

<p>time equals distance</p>

<p>distance is the space between to or more points.

<p>ah geez i hit the edit button......again , oh well .

<p>also consider this my friend</p>

<p>light is a yang attribute and so is fast</p>


the faster light moves the brighter it gets

so by the universal law of duality</p>

<p>the more you slow- light down</p>

<p>the dimmer- it becomes.

<p>all yangs are all related to other yangs and all yins to other yins.</p>

<p>the present day law of relativity ( incorrect ) discovered by Einstein should not include both pos and neg . Only pos and only neg .</p>

<p>the current think; is that all things are related to all other things which is true but only due to the fact that they are in the same universe.</p>

<p>yin and yang are in no way related other than that .</p>


I didnt put all the </p> things in this post , website issues. problems and trouble

Edited by TaoMaster

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when ever you increase a yang or yin attribute all the yin and yangs increase with it to the same degree.


increase is a pos and decrease is a neg


you dont really increase a yin , Yin can only decrease a yang . Yin simple becomes more negative or less poaitive so to speak .


when ever you increase a yang , its yin will ipso facto decrease by the same degree.


yin always says no to a yang . and yang always says yes / lets go and yin says no lets not.


yang says out of body and yin says in a body


the more yang you become the more out of body and pleasurable


while yin says go inward and it feels like raw roast beef on burn toast . ( spit )


you dont need any books to study or a life time of tao to understand and get all this stufff.


all ya gotta do is the simple and very very powerful exercise.


you will be able to answer all your own questions about life and the universe


I promise. :) and i don't lie. ( but i have in the past ) Lies and the past are both yintributes too BTW .


a tribute to yin :lol:

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On 7/18/2014 at 8:46 AM, deci belle said:

It is the source of your selfless aware essential nature; it has no location.


People habitually come to stasis in terms of a very small self-reflective aspect of intellectualism and assume that mind is relative to the self that exists by virtue of a capacity to engage in self-reflection (psychological activity).


The totality of selfless human being is a very small frequency of perceptivity comprising the unfathomable mystery of awareness.


Most people go through life thinking that the limited spectrum of conscious awareness they utilize by thought constitutes being, which is correct~ by default, that is. The fact is that it has never existed. Mind has no origination. It is unattributable.


Most people never realize that nonpsychological open awareness is the organism's true venue in terms of the capacity of the being that is going to die, and that the intellectual apparatus has only usurped the identity of the totality of impersonal awareness available to the enlightening function of an individual's impersonal nature which is the same as the all things not to mention the homeland of nothing whatsoever.


How could it have a location?


In other words, what thinks, thinks its identity is absolute, and this is the fallacy which the source of all the wisdom traditions of this planet categorically voids in terms of sudden realization of one's selfless aware essential nature.


Mind is the source of the individual's natural spiritual capacity, which is awareness. The self-reflective function is only that which facilitates the most mundane needs of the being that is going to die— whose perceptive scope should concurrently be operating fluidly in a state of awareness of the totality of its selfless being that cannot die since its light is uncreated.


The light of mind has no location.



you are missed dear Desi but your resonant sharings still shine...

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Sorry for my lazy comment, and I havent propelly read the thread, but to me, the mind is the single biggest mystery and im tempted to say it debunks materialism. How does a collection of uncouncious atoms become sentinent?

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We know mind can hallusinate non-material things (think psychosis for instance). We do not know If material stuff can great conciousness. From that I draw the conclusion that everything is mind and mind is everything.

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