MooNiNite Posted July 17, 2014 It's great to look at, I also have a few questions about it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WHITEROOMENERGYMINE1 Posted September 7, 2019 Hey guys, does anyone know if it is Yama whose mouth is on the wheel of samsara or is it Mara? Wikipedia says its Mara or Yama and the being represents impermanence.. What is the consensus on who the beast is? " The figure holding the wheel: impermanence[edit] The wheel is being held by a fearsome figure who represents impermanence.[8] This figure is often interpreted as being Mara, the demon who tried to tempt the Buddha, or as Yama, the lord of death.[26] Regardless of the figure depicted, the inner meaning remains the same–that the entire process of cyclic existence (samsara) is transient; everything within this wheel is constantly changing.[27] Yama has the following attributes: He wears a crown of five skulls that symbolize the impermanence of the five aggregates.[28] (The skulls are also said to symbolize the five poisons.) He has a third eye that symbolizes the wisdom of understanding impermanence.[28] He is sometimes shown adorned with a tiger skin, which symbolizes fearfulness.[28] (The tiger skin is typically seen hanging beneath the wheel.) His four limbs (that are clutching the wheel) symbolize the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness, and death.[29]: " Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nungali Posted September 8, 2019 On 17/07/2014 at 3:43 PM, MooNiNite said: On 17/07/2014 at 3:43 PM, MooNiNite said: It's great to look at, I also have a few questions about it. I saw a huge fantastic original painting of it last year ... it went to auction and made a HEAP of money . There is a thread about it here somewhere with a large detailed picture included . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Everything Posted September 8, 2019 On 17-7-2014 at 7:43 AM, MooNiNite said: It's great to look at, I also have a few questions about it. From my points of view, it's simply a limitation construct which assists/influences in the lessening of the consciousness of a free will entity, for the purpose of channeling the natural state of being and natural motivational mechanism of their life force into artificially influenced self contradiction, in order to more easily excersize control over a free will entity, from state of being in self contradiction to ones own free will, to come back into greater allowed harmony of one's own true nature of being life itself. But it also happens through the free will of an entity who may wish to understand and thus choose the idea of being completely without choice, in a negative sense. Where as the natural "no-choice" is simply indicating the great immense joy of the natural freedom of the individual, that another choice just no longer is relevant enough to even be capable of developing an awareness to it or of it. It could be an original left over of an ancient corrupted nature spirit, which again can be originated back to even further more deeper sources of non-physical energetic self contradictory manifestations. But rather than trying to understand it's value from without, rather I would suggest you find out it's value for you, from within. So what about feels good to you, as that energy motional indicator will point at the reason you feel drawn to this painting, as your greater non-physical consciousness and true nature is focused on this for the purpose of coming to a greater realisation of ones own true nature, for you, as you, with you, through you, etc. Hence you feel this relativity between you physical and You non-physical, as an emotional variance to help you come to understand fully what the value of it is to you. I often think about self contradictory energy, as an energetic knot that is in contradiction with the self. Because that is how we feel the compressed energy motional self contradiction as negative emotion. But rather, understanding that these negative constructs manifest through your free will, and it is also basically your own consciousness that you are experiencing, thus you could say it is a meaningless reflectory construct of no life, but it doesn't really exist outside of you, it's just an idea that is in contradiction with the self, for the purpose of limiting the consciousness, through your own consciousness. Your own power so to speak, being used against you, by you. And this requires a six sided pentagram? Is that the correct word? A sort of mirror idea construct, that basically keep the person in lessening awareness of choice, through these 6 aspects of self imposed negative believe constructs. To understand how these work, in my experience, is that they often tie in greatly with the natural survival mechanism of any individual person, which is activated as consistently as possible for the purpose channeling the natural motivational mechanism into self contradiction, as that requires a lessening of consciousness and that is also how you lessen the consciousness, and through that, all the other 6 aspects which keep one locked in the survival mechanism, negative aspect of no choice leading to survival, , which is indicated by a state of being in energy motional fear, or emotional self contradiction, which makes free will choice incapable of being realised or known, or even witnessed or understood or even observed or even recognized. So these negative constructs of limitation have often been related to the moon, as the moon is also infact an artificial construct in many aspects. But at the same time, to understand the true nature of these limiting constructs, one can also be liberated from it, by seeing the falacy of them. And so you see the buddha exists outside of this construct and points at the moon, to come back to realisation of the greater truth of why these things exist, and that they really have no more power than your own power, as it is your own power that you are allowing yourself to be used against yourself. For if one is simply true to oneself, and cares about oneself, one can realise, that survival is not really natural, unless it last a few seconds. Anything that lasts longer than that, is simply a self contradictory experience created through oneself, through self imposed limitations, that are not necessary to be held on to, in order to realise one's true nature or natural state of being, of peace and more, evermore. So also understanding the energy motional nature of everything that exists, including the energy motional nature of self contradictory energy. It is not that self contradictory energy is a real physical thing unto itself, as the core of it is simply energy expanding into the moreness of the likeness of it. So as the "wheel turns" so to speak, people are drawn deeper into all the aspects of these self contradictory energy motional being. In the same way, that being true to ones nature, also turns the wheel in alignment with all true realisation and true nature of being and becoming evermore in harmony with all that exists physical and non-physical, and there feeling good emotionally, energy motionally, in full realised freedom and joy and expansion, into the specificness of the moreness of the allowed natural realisations of coming back into full harmony, and into the moreness of that being and becoming in full harmony of full allowed evermore greater allowed realisations, along the natural path of least resistance, of being in full harmony with all true nature of life and more life, being and becoming evermore. That exists simply far far out there way beyond the idea of the survival mechanism construct, which can also be understood, as just a small tiny part of the whole unified fully realised coming back to full realisation of all aspects of all natures, integrated, coblended, co harmonized fully allowed natural realisation of all life and all being and becoming in harmony as all that exists being and becoming evermore here and now, including your primary nature of being source energy consciousness and non-physical pure positive energy flowing into the limitation construct, for the purpose of your further being and becoming, in natural allowed alignment and harmony with your full true nature and all true nature. So all these limitting believes, are simply, from my point of view, more unique ways that all that is has of coming to know itself from a different point of view, of being in complete contridction with the self, imposing great limitation on oneself. In order to come back out of it again, true full allowed realisation. Of full allowed inspiration, of full allowed realisation. As your greater non-physical consciousness already knows all that you need to know when you need to know it. So you allow the most beneficial knowing by being willing to allow your full true nature, to come back into energy motional alignment, by being willing to feel good, by not taking all these things seriously, and just seeing it as a game. of self imposed limitation. For often the "evil" that is being perceived is simply a manifestation of tremendous innocence, incomprehensible innocence, of pure true nature, no allowed to expand and evolve naturally in full allowed expression of being and becoming all that it truely is. So you see the wheel of death reflects that aspect of complete meaningless going in circles for the point of no point at all, like a rat race. And if one sees the pointless nature of that self contradiction, then one can simply enjoy it more fully, be more playful about it, and take it less seriously. Not feel forced to play the game if you wanna simply play the natural game of joyful life being and becoming the moreness of all that exists evermore. In the same way that people often make war, and then suddenly realising true power is in the creation, of creating rather than destroying, which gave rise to the final war of WW2. For when this power was realised, and was rising, people feared it greatly. And so they felt they had no choice but to say goodbye to all the self limiting aspects of their own choosing, in the most inclusive way possible. Including all the way to even right here and now in our modern day of age, where have almost dropped all of these self limitation games, and still continue to do so, for the purpose of coming back to full realisation of all of our true nature of being and becoming evermore. So the actual power of our true nature is more capable of destruction, even more capable than a nuclear bomb. But the point is that we simply feel no need to do that, because we see the complete meaningless pointless nature of simply contradicting the self for no other reason than self contradiction itself. Cause in the end you begin to realise you're really just killing yourself. You're really giving power to something that actually exists inside of your own mind, and you can thus also make a painting about it. These kind of paintings of coming to full realisation, is not actual full realisation, it's rather about saying your final goodbye to all self contradictory nature, and thus leaving behind a breadcrumb, to help other people come to the same realisation aswell. Before they head into the journey of self realisation, and coming back into harmony with the all that exists evermore. That is nothing but peace and more evermore. And often it exists beyond the idea of death, because death is again a self limitation construct idea, energetic thought stream of your own greater non-physical consciousness flowed through energetic thought patterns of self contradiction, that sort of lessen your consciousness, untill ofcourse the death is experience and the falacy of the self limiting constructs become appearant. One can also realise the falacy of all these self contradictory energetic thought patterns by simply meditating, and feeling good, so these things become more repulsive in contrast to you flowing your full nature through you freely. Just like two opposing magnets repell, the energy of your true being repels everything automatically that is not in harmony with your true nature, and draws everything that supports your being and becoming in full harmony with all that exists, physically and non-physically coblended and harmonized into full realisation of being and becoming evermore freely and joyously here and now, effortlessly along the path of least resistance of all true nature and effortless allowed realisation. So this is also why you feel negative emotion when you focus your consciousness through perspective that causes self limitation or self contradiction. Why this is done, is usually again, due to innocence that has not yet been fully capable of being fully realised or allowed to be and become along the path of least resistance. So it's sort of a holding back, or stopping the flow of true being and becoming, temporarily, for a reason of a great powerful realisation of a great and powerful desire, hence the buddha can step out of that, and simply appreciate it from without. To help people understand, that it's basically like a time travelling device. Going into the future, like the aspect of the moon, indicating time, natural order and balance, to understand that this construct also exists for the purpose of greater allowed freedom. It is just that this freedom is not ready to come back to full realisation yet, because that will only happen when more people step out of the wheel, and therefor be capable of assisting whatever limitation construct into full allowed realisation aswell. But it may not even happen in one lifetime. Nor does it have to, in order for oneself to allow oneself to understand and know that the intention is still the same, it is a good willed intention, well meaning, but not fully allowed to come to full realisation. As the reason is again, due to incomprehensible innocence. In the same way, you don't become afraid of a gun, and then give it to a child. And then panic. And ask the child to have mercy on you. In the same way as a gun, this limitation construct can be used in many negative ways, resulting in many self contradictory experiences. Even tho the intention might have been good, they have not been inspired by a fully realised being. And that can be seen by the aspect of death, as an illusionary non-physical manifestation of a negative believe construct. That induces consisten fear, or sort of pinches you off from your own true nature, lessens your consciousness, or ability to experience true knowing, or allow your natural coming to full realisation evermore, as every here and now moment is a new here and now moment evermore, and so death is simply a resistant, energetically resistant, self contradictory thought pattern, that is in contradiction to your full nature of fully allowed realisation of each here and now new moment of being and becoming evermore in full allowed realisation of evermore greater allowed realisations of your natural freedom and joy evermore. effortlessly, joyously, freely, etc. Also, the buddha is small, and doesn't care about it either. Buddha knows, these limitation constructs are usually perceived to be very epic and great and grand, when in reality, it is actually a complete falacy. A simple misunderstanding. That is allowed to expand for oneself due to your free will, to contradict your own true nature of being. It's not different from a child seeing nightmares, and becoming afraid. To simply understand that it's not real, and be playful about it, to reflect upon it, in order to come to a newly realised perspective about it, for the purpose of self allowed realisation, evermore. Of more clarity, and pure knowing and understanding. And simply enjoying that. You can overcome this seemingly great immense power, as simply an idea, that you paint or write on a paper. And realising thus, it's not real. Just an idea, in contrast to all the nature that exists around you, such a thing is simply an exploration of ones own consciousness. And what you are capable of coming to realise and even allow this realisation to bring to you a newly realised desire, for a newly birthed desire, of a greater more fully realised freedom, that is more fully in harmony and alignment with your true nature of being and becoming evermore. But ofcourse you're free to explore this in anyway you so wish. As you can find much value in it or joy, no matter what the conditions of your life are. And so to enjoy it is also why it exists. So not to be too serious, but more flexible, and more playful about it, for the purpose of your own evermore discovery of all the ways you can come to know all the ways that existance has of coming to know itself from all the different points of view that existance has of itself. As allowing evermore greater allowed realisation, effortlessly, naturally, along the path of least resistance evermore. However one goes about it, it's all good, nothing ever gets lost. Everything is known evermore, and your being and becoming is thus evermore perfectly in perfect alignment and accord with the greater nature of all being and becoming evermore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites